• Urfa Türkiye
    Balikli Göl otherwise known as Urfa Man is the oldest statue of natural size, well preserved in human history.

    Learn more: https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/gobeklitepe-0012722
    Urfa Türkiye Balikli Göl otherwise known as Urfa Man is the oldest statue of natural size, well preserved in human history. Learn more: https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/gobeklitepe-0012722
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Recently scientists collected data from telescopes all around the world and created an algorithm in which to create a digital picture of a black hole.
    It’s the first time we’ve ever seen a black hole, however it confirms many of Einstein’s predictions.
    Yet symbols found on Gobekli Tepe, a 12000 year old monument share resemblance.

    This ancient site in Turkey is re-writing human history. Göbeklitepe has been carbon-dated to have been constructed 13,500 years ago, 7000+ years earlier than the "supposed" date of the construction of The Great Pyramid Of Giza!

    Resonance Science Foundation • Graham Hancock • Megalithomania • 10000 BC Göbekli tepe • Ancient Origins • Forbidden Archaeology • (post by Jamie Janover)
    #gobeklitepe #göbeklitepe #urfa #şanliurfa #Turkey #Anatolia
    Recently scientists collected data from telescopes all around the world and created an algorithm in which to create a digital picture of a black hole. . It’s the first time we’ve ever seen a black hole, however it confirms many of Einstein’s predictions. . Yet symbols found on Gobekli Tepe, a 12000 year old monument share resemblance. . Coincidence? This ancient site in Turkey is re-writing human history. Göbeklitepe has been carbon-dated to have been constructed 13,500 years ago, 7000+ years earlier than the "supposed" date of the construction of The Great Pyramid Of Giza! Resonance Science Foundation • Graham Hancock • Megalithomania • 10000 BC Göbekli tepe • Ancient Origins • Forbidden Archaeology • (post by Jamie Janover) #gobeklitepe #göbeklitepe #urfa #şanliurfa #Turkey #Anatolia
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri

    Yeni Mevlid-i Halil Cami : 1988 yılında ibadete açılan bu yeni camii Dergâh Platosu içerisinde, Hz. İbrahim'in doğduğu mağaranın batısında yer almaktadır. Mevlid, “kutlu doğum” demektir. İki minareli bu büyük camii doğusunda yer alan eski camii ile aynı adı taşımaktadır.

    New Mevlid-i Halil Mosque: This new mosque, which was opened for worship in 1988, is located on the west of the cave where Abraham was born. Mevlid means “holy birth”.This mosque that has two large minarets has same name with the old mosque where is located on its east.

    #turkiye #sanliurfa #travelling #balikligöl #history #bazdamağaraları
    #Gobeklitepe #islamdünyasıturizmbaşkentiurfa
    #islamturizmbaskentiurfa #islam

    @gosanliurfa @gomesopotamia @gezsen__sanliurfa
    URFA TÜRKİYE Yeni Mevlid-i Halil Cami : 1988 yılında ibadete açılan bu yeni camii Dergâh Platosu içerisinde, Hz. İbrahim'in doğduğu mağaranın batısında yer almaktadır. Mevlid, “kutlu doğum” demektir. İki minareli bu büyük camii doğusunda yer alan eski camii ile aynı adı taşımaktadır. New Mevlid-i Halil Mosque: This new mosque, which was opened for worship in 1988, is located on the west of the cave where Abraham was born. Mevlid means “holy birth”.This mosque that has two large minarets has same name with the old mosque where is located on its east. #turkiye #sanliurfa #travelling #balikligöl #history #bazdamağaraları #Gobeklitepe #islamdünyasıturizmbaşkentiurfa #islamturizmbaskentiurfa #islam @gosanliurfa @gomesopotamia @gezsen__sanliurfa
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Urfa Şanlıurfa Türkiye

    Karahantepe is located 60 km east of Şanlıurfa. With a history of 12,000 years, Şanlıurfa, believed by some to be the ancient city of Ur Kaśdim (Ur of the Chaldeans), proudly exhibits the legacy of all the civilizations that have prospered in the region.

    Şanlıurfa is regarded as a holy site by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. According to the Old Testament, the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim), the "father of the three monotheistic religions," was born in the city of Ur Kaśdim and, together with his family, he migrated to Harran, the "home of patriarchs." In the second millennium BC, the lands of Şanlıurfa were home to a city of a Hurrite state. Some believe that Abraham was born in a cave near the place where the Mevlid Halil Mosque stands now. The site and the cave itself are regarded as sacred.

    It is interesting that there were so many Neolithic places in very close vicinity, such as Göbeklitepe, Karahantepe, and Nevali Çori are located almost in the same area. The Neolithic settlements of Nevali Çori and the mounds of Lidar Höyük, Gre Virike, and Hessek Höyük are proof of the earliest inhabitants of the region dating back to 8500 BC.

    Recent archaeological work suggests that Karahantepe might be even earlier than Göbeklitepe, and this places the site to be the earliest known Neolithic site in the world. Just like in Nevali Çori and Göbeklitepe, Karahantepe also has a similar layout, and “T” shaped obelisks, around 250 of which were unearthed so far. As part of the “Göbeklitepe Culture and Karahantepe Excavations” project, surface surveys were initiated two years ago by İstanbul University in the area, known as “Keçilitepe” by the people of the region. The works are headed by Professor Necmi Karul. The archaeological finds at Karahantepe and all Şanlıurfa area keep changing the world's known history.

    #instagram #turkey #türkiye #göbeklitepe #gobeklitepe #antique #antik #tarih #history #museum #müze #art #old #anatolia #temple #human #archaeology #arkeoloji #insan #history #anadolu #theoldest #ancientaliens #news #people #world #turkish #monolith #relic
    Urfa Şanlıurfa Türkiye Karahantepe is located 60 km east of Şanlıurfa. With a history of 12,000 years, Şanlıurfa, believed by some to be the ancient city of Ur Kaśdim (Ur of the Chaldeans), proudly exhibits the legacy of all the civilizations that have prospered in the region. Şanlıurfa is regarded as a holy site by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. According to the Old Testament, the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim), the "father of the three monotheistic religions," was born in the city of Ur Kaśdim and, together with his family, he migrated to Harran, the "home of patriarchs." In the second millennium BC, the lands of Şanlıurfa were home to a city of a Hurrite state. Some believe that Abraham was born in a cave near the place where the Mevlid Halil Mosque stands now. The site and the cave itself are regarded as sacred. It is interesting that there were so many Neolithic places in very close vicinity, such as Göbeklitepe, Karahantepe, and Nevali Çori are located almost in the same area. The Neolithic settlements of Nevali Çori and the mounds of Lidar Höyük, Gre Virike, and Hessek Höyük are proof of the earliest inhabitants of the region dating back to 8500 BC. Recent archaeological work suggests that Karahantepe might be even earlier than Göbeklitepe, and this places the site to be the earliest known Neolithic site in the world. Just like in Nevali Çori and Göbeklitepe, Karahantepe also has a similar layout, and “T” shaped obelisks, around 250 of which were unearthed so far. As part of the “Göbeklitepe Culture and Karahantepe Excavations” project, surface surveys were initiated two years ago by İstanbul University in the area, known as “Keçilitepe” by the people of the region. The works are headed by Professor Necmi Karul. The archaeological finds at Karahantepe and all Şanlıurfa area keep changing the world's known history. #instagram #turkey #türkiye #göbeklitepe #gobeklitepe #antique #antik #tarih #history #museum #müze #art #old #anatolia #temple #human #archaeology #arkeoloji #insan #history #anadolu #theoldest #ancientaliens #news #people #world #turkish #monolith #relic
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • From Gobeklitepe in Sanliurfa Türkiye
    From Gobeklitepe in Sanliurfa Türkiye
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri

    Şanlıurfa'nın En Eski Camilerindendir. Tarihi kaynaklarda geçen Kızıl Kilise'nin kalıntıları üzerine inşa edilmiştir. Kilisenin avlu duvarları, çan kulesi ve bazı sütun başlıkları günümüze ulaşmış durumdadır.
    Benzer teknik ve plan kullanılmasından dolayı Halep Emevi Camii (M.S. 715) ile aynı tarihte inşa edildiği düşünülmektedir. Avluda yer alan ve minare olarak kullanılan çan kulesi aynı zamanda şehrin ilk saat kulesidir.

    It is one of the oldest mosques in Sanliurfa. It is built on the ruins of the Red Church, which is mentioned in historical sources. The courtyard walls of the church, the bell tower and column headers have survived to the present day.
    Due to similar techniques and plans, it is thought it had been built on the same date as Aleppo Umayyad Mosque (715 BC). The bell tower, which is located in the courtyard and used as a minaret, is also the first clock tower of the city.
    #Sanliurfa #turkiye #Gobeklitepe #karahantepe #balikligöl #harran #halfeti #tarih #kulturportali #history #culture #masterplan #2023 #travelling #travelphotography
    ULU CAMİİ URFA TÜRKİYE Şanlıurfa'nın En Eski Camilerindendir. Tarihi kaynaklarda geçen Kızıl Kilise'nin kalıntıları üzerine inşa edilmiştir. Kilisenin avlu duvarları, çan kulesi ve bazı sütun başlıkları günümüze ulaşmış durumdadır. Benzer teknik ve plan kullanılmasından dolayı Halep Emevi Camii (M.S. 715) ile aynı tarihte inşa edildiği düşünülmektedir. Avluda yer alan ve minare olarak kullanılan çan kulesi aynı zamanda şehrin ilk saat kulesidir. . . . GRAND MOSQUE It is one of the oldest mosques in Sanliurfa. It is built on the ruins of the Red Church, which is mentioned in historical sources. The courtyard walls of the church, the bell tower and column headers have survived to the present day. Due to similar techniques and plans, it is thought it had been built on the same date as Aleppo Umayyad Mosque (715 BC). The bell tower, which is located in the courtyard and used as a minaret, is also the first clock tower of the city. " #Sanliurfa #turkiye #Gobeklitepe #karahantepe #balikligöl #harran #halfeti #tarih #kulturportali #history #culture #masterplan #2023 #travelling #travelphotography
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
    Bazı tarih öncesi kültürler gök cisimlerine taparken, diğerleri hayvanları putlaştırdı. Eski İnsanların nasıl olduğu tam bilinmese de nerede ve ne zaman ibadet ettiği nihayet cevaplanmıştır.
    Her şey, medeniyet anlayışımızı değiştiren 12.000 yıllık tapınak Göbekli Tepe'de başladı. Türkiye'yi ve Şanlıurfa’yı keşfedin.
    Misafirimiz olun!

    Some prehistoric cultures worshipped celestial objects while others idolized animals. The reason why man started to worship at all is still a mystery, but the where and the when have finally been answered. It all began in Göbekli Tepe, the 12,000 year-old temple that altered our understanding of civilization. Discover Turkey and Sanliurfa.
    Be our guest!

    #Göbeklitepe #Gobeklitepe #SANLIURFA #UNESCO #2019TheYearOfGobeklitepe #BC10000 #MÖ10000 #Since12000years #OldestTempleInTheWorld #BeforeTheStonehenge #BeforeThePyramidsOfEgypt #HaraldHAUPTMANN #KlausSCHMIDT #goturkey #visiturfa #urfa
    #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #necmikarul #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #neolitik
    GÖBEKLİTEPE URFA TÜRKİYE Bazı tarih öncesi kültürler gök cisimlerine taparken, diğerleri hayvanları putlaştırdı. Eski İnsanların nasıl olduğu tam bilinmese de nerede ve ne zaman ibadet ettiği nihayet cevaplanmıştır. Her şey, medeniyet anlayışımızı değiştiren 12.000 yıllık tapınak Göbekli Tepe'de başladı. Türkiye'yi ve Şanlıurfa’yı keşfedin. Misafirimiz olun! GÖBEKLİTEPE URFA TURKEY Some prehistoric cultures worshipped celestial objects while others idolized animals. The reason why man started to worship at all is still a mystery, but the where and the when have finally been answered. It all began in Göbekli Tepe, the 12,000 year-old temple that altered our understanding of civilization. Discover Turkey and Sanliurfa. Be our guest! #Göbeklitepe #Gobeklitepe #SANLIURFA #UNESCO #2019TheYearOfGobeklitepe #BC10000 #MÖ10000 #Since12000years #OldestTempleInTheWorld #BeforeTheStonehenge #BeforeThePyramidsOfEgypt #HaraldHAUPTMANN #KlausSCHMIDT #goturkey #visiturfa #urfa #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #necmikarul #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #neolitik
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Urfa Türkiye Balıklıgöl;

    İbrahim peygamber, Nemrut ile mücadeleye ve tek tanrı fikrini savunmaya başlayınca, Nemrut tarafından bugünkü Urfa Kalesi'nin bulunduğu tepeden ateşe atılır. Bu sırada Allah tarafından ateşe "Ey ateş, İbrahim'e karşı serin ve selamet ol" emri verilir. Ziyaretiniz için sizleri bekliyor.

    When the prophet Abraham began to fight against Nemrut and defend the idea of a single god, he was thrown into the fire by Nemrut from the hill where today's Urfa Castle is located. Meanwhile, the fire is commanded by God "Fire, be cool and safe for Abraham". Waiting for your visit.

    #Balıklıgöl #HalilÜrRahman #Hzİbrahim #Abraham #Sanliurfa #Nemrut #Aynzeliha #goturkiye #visiturfa #kulturportali #urfa #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #gobeklitepe #göbeklitepe #neolitik
    Urfa Türkiye Balıklıgöl; İbrahim peygamber, Nemrut ile mücadeleye ve tek tanrı fikrini savunmaya başlayınca, Nemrut tarafından bugünkü Urfa Kalesi'nin bulunduğu tepeden ateşe atılır. Bu sırada Allah tarafından ateşe "Ey ateş, İbrahim'e karşı serin ve selamet ol" emri verilir. Ziyaretiniz için sizleri bekliyor. When the prophet Abraham began to fight against Nemrut and defend the idea of a single god, he was thrown into the fire by Nemrut from the hill where today's Urfa Castle is located. Meanwhile, the fire is commanded by God "Fire, be cool and safe for Abraham". Waiting for your visit. #Balıklıgöl #HalilÜrRahman #Hzİbrahim #Abraham #Sanliurfa #Nemrut #Aynzeliha #goturkiye #visiturfa #kulturportali #urfa #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #gobeklitepe #göbeklitepe #neolitik
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Urfa Türkiye Balıklıgöl;

    İbrahim peygamber, Nemrut ile mücadeleye ve tek tanrı fikrini savunmaya başlayınca, Nemrut tarafından bugünkü Urfa Kalesi'nin bulunduğu tepeden ateşe atılır. Bu sırada Allah tarafından ateşe "Ey ateş, İbrahim'e karşı serin ve selamet ol" emri verilir. Ziyaretiniz için sizleri bekliyor.

    When the prophet Abraham began to fight against Nemrut and defend the idea of a single god, he was thrown into the fire by Nemrut from the hill where today's Urfa Castle is located. Meanwhile, the fire is commanded by God "Fire, be cool and safe for Abraham". Waiting for your visit.

    #Balıklıgöl #HalilÜrRahman #Hzİbrahim #Abraham #Sanliurfa #Nemrut #Aynzeliha #goturkiye #visiturfa #kulturportali #urfa #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #gobeklitepe #göbeklitepe #neolitik
    Urfa Türkiye Balıklıgöl; İbrahim peygamber, Nemrut ile mücadeleye ve tek tanrı fikrini savunmaya başlayınca, Nemrut tarafından bugünkü Urfa Kalesi'nin bulunduğu tepeden ateşe atılır. Bu sırada Allah tarafından ateşe "Ey ateş, İbrahim'e karşı serin ve selamet ol" emri verilir. Ziyaretiniz için sizleri bekliyor. When the prophet Abraham began to fight against Nemrut and defend the idea of a single god, he was thrown into the fire by Nemrut from the hill where today's Urfa Castle is located. Meanwhile, the fire is commanded by God "Fire, be cool and safe for Abraham". Waiting for your visit. #Balıklıgöl #HalilÜrRahman #Hzİbrahim #Abraham #Sanliurfa #Nemrut #Aynzeliha #goturkiye #visiturfa #kulturportali #urfa #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #gobeklitepe #göbeklitepe #neolitik
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
    Bazı tarih öncesi kültürler gök cisimlerine taparken, diğerleri hayvanları putlaştırdı. Eski İnsanların nasıl olduğu tam bilinmese de nerede ve ne zaman ibadet ettiği nihayet cevaplanmıştır.
    Her şey, medeniyet anlayışımızı değiştiren 12.000 yıllık tapınak Göbekli Tepe'de başladı. Türkiye'yi ve Şanlıurfa’yı keşfedin.
    Misafirimiz olun!

    Some prehistoric cultures worshipped celestial objects while others idolized animals. The reason why man started to worship at all is still a mystery, but the where and the when have finally been answered. It all began in Göbekli Tepe, the 12,000 year-old temple that altered our understanding of civilization. Discover Turkey and Sanliurfa.
    Be our guest!

    #Göbeklitepe #Gobeklitepe #SANLIURFA #UNESCO #2019TheYearOfGobeklitepe #BC10000 #MÖ10000 #Since12000years #OldestTempleInTheWorld #BeforeTheStonehenge #BeforeThePyramidsOfEgypt #HaraldHAUPTMANN #KlausSCHMIDT #goturkey #visiturfa #urfa
    #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #necmikarul #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #neolitik
    GÖBEKLİTEPE URFA TÜRKİYE Bazı tarih öncesi kültürler gök cisimlerine taparken, diğerleri hayvanları putlaştırdı. Eski İnsanların nasıl olduğu tam bilinmese de nerede ve ne zaman ibadet ettiği nihayet cevaplanmıştır. Her şey, medeniyet anlayışımızı değiştiren 12.000 yıllık tapınak Göbekli Tepe'de başladı. Türkiye'yi ve Şanlıurfa’yı keşfedin. Misafirimiz olun! GÖBEKLİTEPE URFA TURKEY Some prehistoric cultures worshipped celestial objects while others idolized animals. The reason why man started to worship at all is still a mystery, but the where and the when have finally been answered. It all began in Göbekli Tepe, the 12,000 year-old temple that altered our understanding of civilization. Discover Turkey and Sanliurfa. Be our guest! #Göbeklitepe #Gobeklitepe #SANLIURFA #UNESCO #2019TheYearOfGobeklitepe #BC10000 #MÖ10000 #Since12000years #OldestTempleInTheWorld #BeforeTheStonehenge #BeforeThePyramidsOfEgypt #HaraldHAUPTMANN #KlausSCHMIDT #goturkey #visiturfa #urfa #şanlıurfailkültürveturizm #necmikarul #urfamuzesi #karahantepe #neolitik
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
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