• #Balıklıgöl in Şanlıurfa is also known as the pool of sacred fish or the pool of Abraham.The site is said to be the location where Nemrod threw Abraham into the fire..

    #CityOfProphets #Şanlıurfa
    #HomeOf #Turkey
    #Balıklıgöl in Şanlıurfa is also known as the pool of sacred fish or the pool of Abraham.The site is said to be the location where Nemrod threw Abraham into the fire.. #CityOfProphets #Şanlıurfa #HomeOf #Turkey
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  • Günaydın! This is Balıklıgöl, located in Şanlıurfa Province in southeastern Türkiye Şanlıurfa, one of Türkiye's most mystical cities and a major center for religious tourism, is commonly associated with the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham.
    Günaydın! This is Balıklıgöl, located in Şanlıurfa Province in southeastern Türkiye Şanlıurfa, one of Türkiye's most mystical cities and a major center for religious tourism, is commonly associated with the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham.
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  • The Mosque of Halil Rahman sits at the edge of the Pool of Abraham, a great place to relax and spend a #LongWeekend in the stunning town of Şanlıurfa.
    The Mosque of Halil Rahman sits at the edge of the Pool of Abraham, a great place to relax and spend a #LongWeekend in the stunning town of Şanlıurfa.
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  • #Balıklıgöl in Şanlıurfa is also known as the pool of sacred fish or the pool of Abraham.The site is said to be the location where Nemrod threw Abraham into the fire..

    #CityOfProphets #Şanlıurfa
    #HomeOf #Turkey
    #Balıklıgöl in Şanlıurfa is also known as the pool of sacred fish or the pool of Abraham.The site is said to be the location where Nemrod threw Abraham into the fire.. #CityOfProphets #Şanlıurfa #HomeOf #Turkey
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  • The Mosque of Halil Rahman sits at the edge of the Pool of Abraham, a great place to relax and spend a #LongWeekend in the stunning town of Şanlıurfa.
    The Mosque of Halil Rahman sits at the edge of the Pool of Abraham, a great place to relax and spend a #LongWeekend in the stunning town of Şanlıurfa.
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  • Why do Muslims perform circumbulation around the Ka'bah?

    Why do Muslims perform Tawaf around the Ka’bah? What is the significance of going around this Old House? The answer to this question must start with a look at who we are? Why are we here? And finally, the answer to all the previous questions points toward where we are going from here.

    There are physical laws in this universe that we are continuously discovering. Among them is the law of revolution, which applies both to celestial bodies and to atoms and cells. They all revolve around a center and their revolution is usually counterclockwise.

    Everything in the universe must follow physical laws except human beings who are created with consciousness and with free will. The Earth has no choice but to follow its orbit around the sun, and our solar system has no choice but to follow its orbit around the center of the galaxy. In following these physical laws they are obeying their Creator. Only human beings have a conscious choice. They are aware of their ability to choose and consequently, they can obey or disobey. When we Muslims orbit the Ka’bah, we surrender our will to our Creator and willingly become like the other celestial bodies of the universe orbiting in harmony His Old House. The Ka’bah is the first house ever built for the sole purpose of worshipping God, our Creator. It is thought to have been built originally by Adam. It was later rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael long before the Temple in Jerusalem was built by Salomon.

    People keep coming from the four corners of the earth to surrender themselves to their creator and orbit around the Ka’bah seven times in order to fulfill the essence of Islam (surrendering your will to God’s will).

    So, who are we? We are human beings created by God. We are here to go through a journey that will not last for long and while we are here we face situations that require us to make choices. We are responsible for the choices we make and we will answer for them to our Creator. So our final destination from here is toward the One that created us in the first place and is able to gather us again to a Day of Judgment.

    These assumptions are from the eternal message of God to us found in the Torah given to Moses, the Gospel given to Jesus Christ, and the Qur’an given to Mohammad.
    Why do Muslims perform circumbulation around the Ka'bah? Why do Muslims perform Tawaf around the Ka’bah? What is the significance of going around this Old House? The answer to this question must start with a look at who we are? Why are we here? And finally, the answer to all the previous questions points toward where we are going from here. There are physical laws in this universe that we are continuously discovering. Among them is the law of revolution, which applies both to celestial bodies and to atoms and cells. They all revolve around a center and their revolution is usually counterclockwise. Everything in the universe must follow physical laws except human beings who are created with consciousness and with free will. The Earth has no choice but to follow its orbit around the sun, and our solar system has no choice but to follow its orbit around the center of the galaxy. In following these physical laws they are obeying their Creator. Only human beings have a conscious choice. They are aware of their ability to choose and consequently, they can obey or disobey. When we Muslims orbit the Ka’bah, we surrender our will to our Creator and willingly become like the other celestial bodies of the universe orbiting in harmony His Old House. The Ka’bah is the first house ever built for the sole purpose of worshipping God, our Creator. It is thought to have been built originally by Adam. It was later rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael long before the Temple in Jerusalem was built by Salomon. People keep coming from the four corners of the earth to surrender themselves to their creator and orbit around the Ka’bah seven times in order to fulfill the essence of Islam (surrendering your will to God’s will). So, who are we? We are human beings created by God. We are here to go through a journey that will not last for long and while we are here we face situations that require us to make choices. We are responsible for the choices we make and we will answer for them to our Creator. So our final destination from here is toward the One that created us in the first place and is able to gather us again to a Day of Judgment. These assumptions are from the eternal message of God to us found in the Torah given to Moses, the Gospel given to Jesus Christ, and the Qur’an given to Mohammad.
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  • #Balıklıgöl in Şanlıurfa is also known as the pool of sacred fish or the pool of Abraham.The site is said to be the location where Nemrod threw Abraham into the fire..

    #CityOfProphets #Şanlıurfa
    #HomeOf #Turkey
    #Balıklıgöl in Şanlıurfa is also known as the pool of sacred fish or the pool of Abraham.The site is said to be the location where Nemrod threw Abraham into the fire.. #CityOfProphets #Şanlıurfa #HomeOf #Turkey
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  • One God_ one message

    - Say: He is Allah, the one and only.” Al Quran 112:1) Islam

    - Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” (The bible, Deuteronomy 6:4) Judaism, (The bible, Mark 12:29) Christianity.

    - He is one only without a second.” Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1) Hinduism

    - There exists but one God, who is called the true the creator..... " sri guru granth sahib, vol 1, japuji verse 1 Sikhism

    - He is one, he is without an origin or end.He has no father or mother , wife or son ....." (Dasatir) zoroastrianism (Parsism)

    So Islam is not a new religion. It is in essence, the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ismail, David, Moses and Jesus peace be upon them all.
    One God_ one message - Say: He is Allah, the one and only.” Al Quran 112:1) Islam - Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” (The bible, Deuteronomy 6:4) Judaism, (The bible, Mark 12:29) Christianity. - He is one only without a second.” Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1) Hinduism - There exists but one God, who is called the true the creator..... " sri guru granth sahib, vol 1, japuji verse 1 Sikhism - He is one, he is without an origin or end.He has no father or mother , wife or son ....." (Dasatir) zoroastrianism (Parsism) So Islam is not a new religion. It is in essence, the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ismail, David, Moses and Jesus peace be upon them all.
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  • HARRAN URFA como un Cuento de Hadas
    Con sus 7000 años de historia y su ubicación en la intersección de las rutas comerciales, Harrán es un lugar estratégico. Los asirios, babilonios y omeyas eligen Harran como capital. Se sabe que el nombre Harrán significa "viaje, cruce de carreteras o calor intenso" en sumerio y acadio. Hay quienes que dicen: "La ciudad natal del misterioso dios lunar ‘Sin’ es Harrán", y hay quienes que dicen que este es el lugar al que se hace referencia como "Harrán" en la Torá. Incluso se rumorea que la ciudad es una de las primeras ciudades establecidas después del Diluvio de Noé. Sin embargo, es cierto que el Profeta Abraham que se reconoce como ancestro por tres religiones monoteístas, nació y vivió en estas tierras.

    🏻Los asirios y babilonios consideran el sol, la luna y los planetas como sagrados y consideran a cada uno de ellos como un dios. Estas civilizaciones politeístas otorgan especial importancia al estudio de los objetos y eventos en el cielo. Harrán es uno de los centros prominentes de esta creencia politeísta. De esta forma, la ciudad también avanza en astronomía.

    🏻Hoy, Harrán es un distrito de Şanlıurfa, ubicado en la región de Anatolia Suroriental de Turquía. Las estructuras más interesantes de Harrán son sus casas abovedadas…. Harran es uno de los pocos lugares donde se puede ver la tradición de las casas abovedadas más antiguas del mundo. Hoy en día, se pueden encontrar casas de Harrán similares en Italia, Escocia, Afganistán, Perú y China.

    🏻Harrán es el lugar donde se deificaron los cuerpos celestes y se desarrolló la astronomía. Media la transferencia del enfoque del pensamiento científico en la Edad Antigua a una religión y cultura diferentes. Esta ciudad antigua, donde la fe, la filosofía y la ciencia se entrelazan, invita a los entusiastas a un viaje a las profundidades de la historia. ¡Harran cuenta un cuento de hadas que pertenece a otra tierra!

    Lamentablemente después del terremoto, sufrieron grandes daños
    🧚‍♀️HARRAN URFA como un Cuento de Hadas 🇹🇷😍🧚‍♀️ Con sus 7000 años de historia y su ubicación en la intersección de las rutas comerciales, Harrán es un lugar estratégico. Los asirios, babilonios y omeyas eligen Harran como capital. Se sabe que el nombre Harrán significa "viaje, cruce de carreteras o calor intenso" en sumerio y acadio. Hay quienes que dicen: "La ciudad natal del misterioso dios lunar ‘Sin’ es Harrán", y hay quienes que dicen que este es el lugar al que se hace referencia como "Harrán" en la Torá. Incluso se rumorea que la ciudad es una de las primeras ciudades establecidas después del Diluvio de Noé. Sin embargo, es cierto que el Profeta Abraham que se reconoce como ancestro por tres religiones monoteístas, nació y vivió en estas tierras. 🧚🏻Los asirios y babilonios consideran el sol, la luna y los planetas como sagrados y consideran a cada uno de ellos como un dios. Estas civilizaciones politeístas otorgan especial importancia al estudio de los objetos y eventos en el cielo. Harrán es uno de los centros prominentes de esta creencia politeísta. De esta forma, la ciudad también avanza en astronomía. 🧚🏻Hoy, Harrán es un distrito de Şanlıurfa, ubicado en la región de Anatolia Suroriental de Turquía. Las estructuras más interesantes de Harrán son sus casas abovedadas…. Harran es uno de los pocos lugares donde se puede ver la tradición de las casas abovedadas más antiguas del mundo. Hoy en día, se pueden encontrar casas de Harrán similares en Italia, Escocia, Afganistán, Perú y China. 🧚🏻Harrán es el lugar donde se deificaron los cuerpos celestes y se desarrolló la astronomía. Media la transferencia del enfoque del pensamiento científico en la Edad Antigua a una religión y cultura diferentes. Esta ciudad antigua, donde la fe, la filosofía y la ciencia se entrelazan, invita a los entusiastas a un viaje a las profundidades de la historia. ¡Harran cuenta un cuento de hadas que pertenece a otra tierra! 😕Lamentablemente después del terremoto, sufrieron grandes daños
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    Yeni Mevlid-i Halil Cami : 1988 yılında ibadete açılan bu yeni camii Dergâh Platosu içerisinde, Hz. İbrahim'in doğduğu mağaranın batısında yer almaktadır. Mevlid, “kutlu doğum” demektir. İki minareli bu büyük camii doğusunda yer alan eski camii ile aynı adı taşımaktadır.

    New Mevlid-i Halil Mosque: This new mosque, which was opened for worship in 1988, is located on the west of the cave where Abraham was born. Mevlid means “holy birth”.This mosque that has two large minarets has same name with the old mosque where is located on its east.

    #turkiye #sanliurfa #travelling #balikligöl #history #bazdamağaraları
    #Gobeklitepe #islamdünyasıturizmbaşkentiurfa
    #islamturizmbaskentiurfa #islam

    @gosanliurfa @gomesopotamia @gezsen__sanliurfa
    URFA TÜRKİYE Yeni Mevlid-i Halil Cami : 1988 yılında ibadete açılan bu yeni camii Dergâh Platosu içerisinde, Hz. İbrahim'in doğduğu mağaranın batısında yer almaktadır. Mevlid, “kutlu doğum” demektir. İki minareli bu büyük camii doğusunda yer alan eski camii ile aynı adı taşımaktadır. New Mevlid-i Halil Mosque: This new mosque, which was opened for worship in 1988, is located on the west of the cave where Abraham was born. Mevlid means “holy birth”.This mosque that has two large minarets has same name with the old mosque where is located on its east. #turkiye #sanliurfa #travelling #balikligöl #history #bazdamağaraları #Gobeklitepe #islamdünyasıturizmbaşkentiurfa #islamturizmbaskentiurfa #islam @gosanliurfa @gomesopotamia @gezsen__sanliurfa
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