• اقرأ أكثر
    Did you know that Australia’s Highway 1 is not just the longest national highway in the country, but also one of the longest in the world? Spanning an extraordinary 14,500 kilometers (9,009 miles), this iconic highway forms a loop around the entire continent, connecting all of Australia’s major coastal cities. Traveling along this route, you’ll experience breathtaking views that range from rugged coastlines and pristine beaches to lush rainforests and arid outback landscapes. As you journey along Highway 1, you’ll pass through world-famous cities like Sydney, where the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge await; Melbourne, known for its vibrant arts scene and coffee culture; Brisbane, with its riverside parks and lively cultural precincts; Perth, where you can enjoy stunning sunsets over the Indian Ocean; and Adelaide, the gateway to some of the world’s best wine regions. Known as the "National Highway" or simply "The One," this vast road network is vital for connecting Australia’s coastal regions and urban centers. But it’s more than just a transportation route—it’s a road that tells the story of Australia’s diverse geography and rich cultural heritage. For travelers, Highway 1 is the ultimate road trip, offering a unique way to explore the vast and varied landscapes of Australia. Whether you’re stopping to surf at a secluded beach, hike through a national park, or discover the history and culture of a new city, each segment of Highway 1 offers its own adventure. This highway is a journey in itself, a pathway to discovering the natural beauty and cultural richness that make Australia a truly unique destination. Source: Teachers Travelers
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    🌍 Top countries with the largest GDP in 2024: 1. 🇺🇲 USA: $28.9 trillion 2. 🇨🇳 China: 18.1 trillion 3. 🇩🇪 Germany: $4.59 trillion 4. 🇯🇵 Japan: $4.11 trillion 5. 🇮🇳 India: $3.93 trillion 6. 🇬🇧 UK: $3.49 trillion 7. 🇫🇷 France: $3.13 trillion 8. 🇧🇷 Brazil: $2.33 trillion 9. 🇮🇹 Italy: $2.32 trillion 10. 🇨🇦 Canada: $2.24 trillion 11. 🇲🇽 Mexico: $2.2 trillion 12. 🇦🇺 Australia: $1.9 trillion 13. 🇰🇷 South Korea: $1.86 trillion
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    Norway, Spain and Ireland have formally recognised the State of Palestine, defying Israel, which had condemned the historic move amid Israel's brutal attacks on Gaza. Britain, Australia, Malta and Slovenia indicated they could follow suit, as 146 of the 193 UN member states already recognise a sovereign Palestine. The three European countries believe their initiative has a strong symbolic impact that is likely to encourage others to recognise a Palestinian state. As Oslo's formal recognition went into effect, Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide hailed the move as "a special day for Norway-Palestine relations." "Norway has been one of the most fervent defenders of a Palestinian state for more than 30 years," he added. Shortly afterwards, Spain followed suit, with government spokeswoman Pilar Alegria confirming the cabinet had formally recognised Palestinian statehood, qualifying it as "a historic day." Later, the Irish government, too, announced its official recognition of a Palestinian state.
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    Nations Ranked According to Having Geographic Most Attractions. 01. Egypt 🇪🇬 02. Greece 🇬🇷 03. Australia 🇦🇺 04. Italy 🇮🇹 = 05. Brazil 🇧🇷 = 06. Spain 🇪🇸 = 07. New Zealand 🇳🇿 08. Thailand 🇹🇭 09. Mexico 🇲🇽 10. China 🇨🇳 11. France 🇫🇷 12. India 🇮🇳 13. Turkey 🇹🇷 14. United States 🇺🇸 15. Japan 🇯🇵 16. Switzerland 🇨🇭 17. Norway 🇳🇴 18. Canada 🇨🇦 19. Argentina 🇦🇷 20. Morocco 🇲🇦 21. South Africa 🇿🇦 22. Ireland 🇮🇪 23. Peru 🇵🇪 24. Source = US News & World Report
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    Assalamu alaikum dear brother and sister 🥺🫶 Where are you from ? 🇦🇫 Afghanistan 🇦🇽Åland Islands 🇦🇱Albania 🇩🇿Algeria 🇦🇸American Samoa 🇦🇩Andorra 🇦🇴Angola 🇦🇮Anguilla 🇦🇶Antarctica 🇦🇬Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇷Argentina 🇦🇲Armenia 🇦🇼Aruba 🇦🇺Australia 🇦🇹Austria 🇦🇿Azerbaijan 🇧🇸Bahamas 🇧🇭Bahrain 🇧🇩Bangladesh Turkish🇹🇷 🇧🇾Belarus 🇧🇪Belgium 🇧🇿Belize 🇧🇯Benin 🇧🇲Bermuda 🇧🇹Bhutan 🇧🇴Bolivia 🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇼Botswana 🇧🇻Bouvet Island 🇧🇷Brazil 🇮🇴 British Indian Ocean Territory 🇧🇳Brunei 🇧🇬Bulgaria 🇧🇫Burkina Faso 🇧🇮Burundi 🇰🇭Cambodia 🇨🇲Cameroon 🇨🇦Canada 🇨🇻Cape Verde 🇧🇶Caribbean Netherlands 🇰🇾Cayman Islands 🇨🇫Central African Republic 🇹🇩Chad 🇨🇱Chile 🇨 🇳China 🇨🇽Christmas Island 🇨🇨Cocos (Keeling) Islands 🇨🇴Colombia 🇰🇲Comoros 🇨🇬Republic of the Congo 🇨🇩DR Congo 🇨🇰Cook Islands 🇨🇷Costa Rica 🇨🇮Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 🇭🇷Croatia 🇨🇺Cuba 🇨🇼Curaçao 🇨🇾Cyprus 🇨🇿Czechia 🇩🇰Denmark 🇩🇯Djibouti 🇩🇲Dominica 🇩🇴Dominican Republic 🇪🇨Ecuador 🇪🇬Egypt 🇸🇻El Salvador 🏴England 🇬🇶Equatorial Guinea 🇪🇷Eritrea 🇪🇪Estonia 🇸🇿Eswatini (Swaziland) 🇪🇹Ethiopiacl 🇫🇰Falkland Islands 🇫🇴Faroe Islands 🇫🇯F iji 🇫🇮Finland 🇫🇷France 🇬🇫French Guiana 🇵🇫French Polynesia 🇹🇫French Southern and Antarctic Lands 🇬🇦Gabon 🇬🇲Gambia 🇬🇪Georgia 🇩🇪Germany 🇬🇭Ghana 🇬🇮Gibraltar 🇬🇷Greece 🇬🇱Greenland 🇬🇩Grenada 🇬 🇵Guadeloupe 🇬🇺Guam 🇬🇹Guatemala 🇬🇬Guernsey 🇬🇳Guinea 🇬🇼Guinea-Bissau 🇬🇾Guyana 🇭🇹Haiti 🇭🇲Heard Island and McDonald Islands 🇭🇳Honduras 🇭🇰Hong Kong 🇭🇺Hungary 🇮🇸Iceland 🇮🇳India 🇵🇰Pakistan 🇮🇩 Indonesia 🇮🇷Iran 🇮🇶Iraq 🇮🇪Ireland 🇮🇲Isle 🇮🇹Italy 🇯🇲Jamaica 🇯🇵Japan 🇯🇪Jersey 🇯🇴Jordan 🇰🇿Kazakhstan 🇰🇪Kenya 🇰🇮Kiribati 🇰🇵North Korea 🇰🇷South Korea 🇽🇰Kosovo 🇰🇼Kuwait 🇰🇬Kyrgyzstan 🇱🇦Laos 🇱🇻Latvia 🇱🇧Lebanon 🇱🇸Lesotho 🇱🇷Liberia 🇱🇾Libya 🇱🇮Liechtenstein 🇱🇹Lithuania 🇱🇺Luxembourg 🇲🇴Macau 🇲🇬Madagascar 🇲🇼Malaw 🇲🇾Malaysia 🇱🇰Sri Lanka 🇳🇵Nepal 🇲🇲Myanmar 🇵🇭Philippines 🇿🇦South Africa 🇸🇸South Sudan 🇸🇩Sudan 🇵🇬Papua New Guinea 🇸🇾Syria
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    From Sweden, America, and Australia New Muslims, they pronounced the two testimonies and entered Islam We ask Allah to grant them steadfastness. Aameen🤲 Alhamdulillah🤲 Allahu Akbar☝ علي عبدالرازق
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    📍 Countries whose people speak 🇮🇩 Indonesian language Indonesian is the most spoken language in Southeast Asia and spoken/understood outside Indonesia. It is also 1 of 10 official languages of UNESCO General conference making it more internationally recognized. It is also taught in Australian schools as an elective foreign languages subject. If you learn Indonesian, you will also be able to communicate with most people in 🇲🇾 Malaysia, 🇧🇳 Brunei, and 🇹🇱 Timor Leste. In Timor Leste, Indonesian is the working language there, many people from Timor Leste speak Indonesian, even those who were born after Timor Leste's independence. Indonesia is also considered as one of the easiest languages to learn in the world. It uses Roman alphabet, it has simple grammar, it has no tenses, no tones (like Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese), no grammatical genders, no grammatical cases. Disclaimer: Many Malaysians say "Indonesian = Malay". If it's so, then "Malay = Indonesian" Because if A = B, then B = A. Let's just follow their logic. ©️ SEA Rising
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  • Japan’s iSpace HAKUTO-R lander captured this stunning photo in orbit around our Moon while a solar eclipse was occurring on Earth. You can see the Moon’s dark shadow passing above Australia as a dark smudge.
    Japan’s iSpace HAKUTO-R lander captured this stunning photo in orbit around our Moon while a solar eclipse was occurring on Earth. You can see the Moon’s dark shadow passing above Australia as a dark smudge.
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    Diyanet Vakfı Bağışlarınızı İhtiyaç Sahiplerine Ulaştırıyor Avustralya Diyanet Vakfı Ramazan Ayında, sizlerin emaneti olan fitre, zekat ve diğer bağışlarınızı ihtiyaç sahibi kardeşlerimize ulaştırıyor. Vakfımız ve Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı iş birliğiyle 10-16 Mart 2024 tarihleri arasında Endonezya’da mağdur kardeşlerimize yardım dağıtımı yapılmaktadır. Bu amaçla Sidney ve Melbourne'den birer gönüllü kardeşimiz Endonezya’ya gönderildi. Türkiye’den gelen görevlerle birlikte gönüllüler ekibi sahada yardım paketlerinin dağıtımına başladı. Diyanet Vakfı sizlerin güveni ve desteğiyle, iyilik yolunda çalışmalarına devam edecektir. Vakfımıza bağışta bulunan ve destekleyen bütün kardeşlerimize teşekkür ederiz. #AvustralyaDiyanetVakfı #DiyanetFoundationofAustralia #adv
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  • اقرأ أكثر
    Sidney’de Ramazan Sevinci Müslümanlar için sevinç kaynağı, rahmet ve bereket mevsimi, yardımlaşma ve dayanışma ayı olan Ramazan’a kavuştuk. Sidney’de camilerimiz ilk teravih namazının kılındığı pazar akşamından itibaren her yaştan cemaatimizle dolup taştı. Ramazan Ayı boyunca camilerimiz bünyesinde, derneklerimiz, hayırsever vatandaşlarımız, sivil kuruluşlar tarafından günlük veya haftalık iftar davetleri organize edilmektedir. Bu iftar buluşmaları, toplumumuzdaki birlik beraberlik duygularını en üst seviyeye taşımaktadır. Ramazan Ayı'nın hayırlı ve bereketli olmasını niyaz eder, anne-babaların teravih namazlarına özellikle çocuklarıyla birlikte gelmelerini istirham ederiz. #AvustralyaDiyanetVakfı #DiyanetFoundationofAustralia #adv #ramazan
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