• The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult.

    He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization.

    These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan.

    Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, ).

    #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi
    #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey
    #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish
    #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism
    #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
    The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult. He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization. These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan. Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, 🇺🇸). #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
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  • "The Byzantines tried their best to bribe Seljuk Turks or convince them to convert to Christian Faith but that conversion never came about. The Orthodox Sunni Islam, embraced by the Seljuk Turks in the 10th century, bonded all those Turks together and it was all important, it was the cement to Turkish identity and there is still a close identification of Orthodox Sunni Islam with the overall Turkish identity today. So it's a very very powerful bond that has survived for over a thousand years under Seljuk and Ottoman rule. This bond proved far stronger than the materialism, culturalism, images of imperial grandeur, and the exchanges with Byzantines. So, the Turks largely remain ever loyal to Orthodox Sunni Islam even today"

    ~Professor Kenneth W Harl (Phd historian from Yale university USA ). Taken from Lecture 15 titled "Sunni Islam and Ottoman Civilization".

    #Sunni #turkiye #turkey #Turkish #byzantine
    #osmanbey #sejuk #christian #christianity
    #islamic #islam #identity #cultural #bond
    #yale #usa #history #historylovers #historical
    "The Byzantines tried their best to bribe Seljuk Turks or convince them to convert to Christian Faith but that conversion never came about. The Orthodox Sunni Islam, embraced by the Seljuk Turks in the 10th century, bonded all those Turks together and it was all important, it was the cement to Turkish identity and there is still a close identification of Orthodox Sunni Islam with the overall Turkish identity today. So it's a very very powerful bond that has survived for over a thousand years under Seljuk and Ottoman rule. This bond proved far stronger than the materialism, culturalism, images of imperial grandeur, and the exchanges with Byzantines. So, the Turks largely remain ever loyal to Orthodox Sunni Islam even today" ~Professor Kenneth W Harl (Phd historian from Yale university USA 🇺🇸 ). Taken from Lecture 15 titled "Sunni Islam and Ottoman Civilization". #Sunni #turkiye #turkey #Turkish #byzantine #osmanbey #sejuk #christian #christianity #islamic #islam #identity #cultural #bond #yale #usa #history #historylovers #historical
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult.

    He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization.

    These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan.

    Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, ).

    #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi
    #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey
    #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish
    #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism
    #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
    The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult. He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization. These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan. Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, 🇺🇸). #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
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