• Turkish people have gathered at Ayasofya Grand Mosque in Türkiye’s Istanbul to honour Ismail Haniyeh, who was assassinated by Israel in Tehran on July 31.

    The Hamas political chief’s burial was held in Qatar’s Doha earlier in the day.

    Türkiye also declared Friday a day of national mourning.
    Turkish people have gathered at Ayasofya Grand Mosque in Türkiye’s Istanbul to honour Ismail Haniyeh, who was assassinated by Israel in Tehran on July 31. The Hamas political chief’s burial was held in Qatar’s Doha earlier in the day. Türkiye also declared Friday a day of national mourning.
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  • President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is in Astana for the 24th Summit of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, met with Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar.
    President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is in Astana for the 24th Summit of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, met with Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar.
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    Evil Sunrise: 😈🌅 These images were captured in the coastal city of Al Wakrah, Qatar, on the morning of December 26, 2019, when an annular eclipse was in progress. The photographer chose a place with an open horizon where he got a perfect view of the eclipsed sun emerging from the sea. When the sun finally began to rise, it looked like two separate pieces, some sort of red horns piercing the sea. It soon took the form of a crescent, with the ‘Etruscan vase’ inferior mirage effect visible. Due to its shape, the phenomenon was nicknamed the ‘Evil Sunrise.🌅
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    Osmanlı'dan sonra kurulan devletler... Avrupa'da 1.Türkiye 2.Bulgaristan (545 yıl) 3.Yunanistan (400 yıl) 4.Sirbistan (539 yıl) 5.Karadag (539 yıl) 6.Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl) 7.Hirvatistan (539 yıl) 8.Makedonya (539 yıl) 9.Slovenya (250 yıl) 10.Romanya (490 yıl) 11.Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Uyvar 12.Macaristan (160 yıl) 13. Moldova (490 yıl) 14.Ukrayna (308 yıl) 15.Azerbaycan (25 yıl) 16.Gurcistan (400 yıl) 17.Ermenistan (20 yıl) 18.Guney Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 19.Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 20.Rusya ‘nin güney toprakları (291 yıl) 21.Polonya (25 yıl)-himaye- Osmanlı adı: Lehistan 22.Italya ‘nin güneydoğu kiyıları (20 yıl) 23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl) 24.Belarus (25 yıl) -himaye- 25.Litvanya (25 yıl)-himaye- 26.Letonya (25 yıl) -himaye- 27.Kosova (539 yıl) 28.Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Banat Asya Asya 29.Irak (402 yıl) 30.Suriye (402 yıl) 31.İs*ail (402 yıl) 32.Filistin (402 yıl) 33.Urdun (402 yıl) 34.Suudi Arabistan (399 yıl) 35.Yemen (401 yıl) 36.Umman (400 yıl) 37.Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl) 38.Katar (400 yıl) 39.Bahreyn (400 yıl) 40.Kuveyt (381 yıl) 41.Iranın bati toprakları (30 yıl) 42.Lübnan (402 yıl) Afrika'da 43.Mısır (397 yıl) 44.Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Trablusgarp 45.Tunus (308 yıl) 46.Cezayir (313 yıl) 47.Sudan (397 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Nubye 48.Eritre (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habes 49.Cibuti (350 yıl) 50.Somali (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Zeyla 51.Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl) 52.Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl) 53.Cad’in kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Resade 54.Nijer’in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Kavar 55.Mozambik ‘ in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl) 56.Fas (50 yıl) -himaye- 57.Bati Sahra (50 yıl) -himaye- 58.Moritanya (50 yıl) -himaye- 59.Mali (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Gat kazası 60.Senegal (300 yıl) 61.Gambiya (300 yıl) 62.Gine Bissau (300 yıl) 63.Gine (300 yıl) 64.Etiyopya’ nın bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habeş #osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler: Hindistan Müslümanları -Pakistan- 66. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları -Bangladeş- 67. Singapur 68. Malezya 69. Endonezya 70. Türkistan Hanlıkları 71. Nijerya 72. Kamerun Denizlerde ise: Akdeniz’in tamamında 1 asır boyunca Akdeniz’in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar Karadeniz’in tamamına 4 asır kadar Ege’nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar…. States established after the Ottoman Empire in #europe 1.Turkey 2.Bulgaria (545 years) 3.Greece (400 years) 4.Serbia (539 years) 5. Montenegro (539 years) 6.Bosnia-Herzegovina (539 years) 7.Croatia (539 years) 8.Macedonia (539 years) 9.Slovenia (250 years) 10.Romania (490 years) 11.Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name: Uyvar 12.Hungary (160 years) 13. Moldova (490 years) 14.Ukraine (308 years) 15.Azerbaijan (25 years) 16.Georgia (400 years) 17.Armenia (20 years) 18.South Cyprus (293 years) 19.Northern Cyprus (293 years) 20.Southern lands of Russia (291 years) 21.Poland (25 years) - protectorate - Ottoman name: Poland 22.Southeastern coast of Italy (20 years) 23.Albania (435 years) 24.Belarus (25 years) -protection- 25.Lithuania (25 years)-protectorate- 26.Latvia (25 years) -protection- 27.Kosovo (539 years) 28.Vojvodina (166 years) Ottoman name: Banat Asya #asia 29.Iraq (402 years) 30.Syria (402 years) 31.Israel (402 years) 32.Palestine (402 years) 33.Urdun (402 years) 34.Saudi Arabia (399 years) 35.Yemen (401 years) 36.Oman (400 years) 37.United Arab Emirates (400 years) 38.Qatar (400 years) 39.Bahrain (400 years) 40.Kuwait (381 years) 41.Western lands of Iran (30 years) 42.Lebanon (402 years) in #africa 43.Egypt (397 years) 44.Libya (394 years) Ottoman name: Tripoli 45.Tunisia (308 years) 46.Algeria (313 years) 47.Sudan (397 years) Ottoman name: Nubye 48.Eritrea (350 years) Ottoman name: Habes 49.Djibouti (350 years) 50.Somalia (350 years) Ottoman name: Zeyla 51.Kenyan coast (350 years) 52.Tanzania coasts (250 years) Northern regions of 53rd Street (313 years) Ottoman name: Resade 54.Part of Niger (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar 55. Northern lands of Mozambique (150 years) 56.Morocco (50 years) -protection- 57.Western Sahara (50 years) -protection- 58.Mauritania (50 years) -protection- 59.Mali (300 years) Ottoman name: Gat district 60.Senegal (300 years) 61.Gambia (300 years) 62.Guinea Bissau (300 years) 63.Guinea (300 years) 64.Part of Ethiopia (350 years) Ottoman name: Abyssinia Places that are de facto affiliated with the Caliphate, although they are not officially within the #ottoman Land borders: #muslims of India -Pakistan- 66. Muslims of East India -Bangladesh- 67. Singapore 68. Malaysia 69. Indonesia 70. Turkestan Khanates 71. Nigeria 72. Cameroon In the #seas: throughout the Mediterranean for a century. For about 3 centuries in a part of the Mediterranean The entire Black Sea region for about 4 centuries. The entire Aegean for about 4 or so centuries…
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    Muslim population (% of their total population) Maldives 🇲🇻- 100% Mauritania 🇲🇷 - 99.9% Somalia 🇸🇴 - 99.8% Afghanistan 🇦🇫 - 99.7% Iran 🇮🇷 - 99.4% Algeria 🇩🇿 - 99% Morocco 🇲🇦 - 99% Niger 🇳🇪 - 98.3% Tajikistan 🇹🇯 - 97.9% Tunisia 🇹🇳 - 97.8% Palestine 🇵🇸 - 97.5% Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 97.3% Yemen 🇾🇪 - 97.2% Jordan 🇯🇴 - 97.2% Libya 🇱🇾 - 97% Pakistan 🇵🇰 - 96.5% Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 - 96.2% Sudan 🇸🇩 - 96% Iraq 🇮🇶 - 95-98% Bangladesh 🇧🇩 - 91% Egypt 🇪🇬 - 90-94.7% Turkey 🇹🇷 - 89-98% Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 - 88.7% Indonesia 🇮🇩 - 86.7% Syria 🇸🇾 - 86% Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - 80-90% Qatar 🇶🇦 - 77.5% Kuwait 🇰🇼 - 74.6% UAE 🇦🇪 - 72% Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 - 70.2% Lebanon 🇱🇧 - 67.8% Malaysia 🇲🇾 - 63.5% Albania 🇦🇱 - 58.8% Nigeria 🇳🇬 - 47-49% Tanzania 🇹🇿 - 35.2% Source: Data statistica [ Thread]
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    ᴮᵘʳʲ ᵃˡ ᴹᵃⁿᵃ Qatar
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    Ramadan Mubarek qatar #qatar #ramadan2024 #vibes2024
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  • Qatar ♥️ Ramadan Mubarek
    Qatar 🇶🇦🥰♥️ Ramadan Mubarek
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  • Iftar time in Doha,Qatar
    Ramadan day 5
    Iftar time in Doha,Qatar Ramadan day 5 Alhamdulilah 🤲
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