• Osmanlı'dan sonra kurulan devletler...


    2.Bulgaristan (545 yıl)
    3.Yunanistan (400 yıl)
    4.Sirbistan (539 yıl)
    5.Karadag (539 yıl)
    6.Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl)
    7.Hirvatistan (539 yıl)
    8.Makedonya (539 yıl)
    9.Slovenya (250 yıl)
    10.Romanya (490 yıl)
    11.Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Uyvar
    12.Macaristan (160 yıl)
    13. Moldova (490 yıl)
    14.Ukrayna (308 yıl)
    15.Azerbaycan (25 yıl)
    16.Gurcistan (400 yıl)
    17.Ermenistan (20 yıl)
    18.Guney Kıbrıs (293 yıl)
    19.Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl)
    20.Rusya ‘nin güney toprakları (291 yıl)
    21.Polonya (25 yıl)-himaye- Osmanlı adı: Lehistan
    22.Italya ‘nin güneydoğu kiyıları (20 yıl)
    23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl)
    24.Belarus (25 yıl) -himaye-
    25.Litvanya (25 yıl)-himaye-
    26.Letonya (25 yıl) -himaye-
    27.Kosova (539 yıl)
    28.Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Banat Asya


    29.Irak (402 yıl)
    30.Suriye (402 yıl)
    31.İs*ail (402 yıl)
    32.Filistin (402 yıl)
    33.Urdun (402 yıl)
    34.Suudi Arabistan (399 yıl)
    35.Yemen (401 yıl)
    36.Umman (400 yıl)
    37.Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl)
    38.Katar (400 yıl)
    39.Bahreyn (400 yıl)
    40.Kuveyt (381 yıl)
    41.Iranın bati toprakları (30 yıl)
    42.Lübnan (402 yıl)


    43.Mısır (397 yıl)
    44.Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Trablusgarp
    45.Tunus (308 yıl)
    46.Cezayir (313 yıl)
    47.Sudan (397 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Nubye
    48.Eritre (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habes
    49.Cibuti (350 yıl)
    50.Somali (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Zeyla
    51.Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl)
    52.Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl)
    53.Cad’in kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Resade
    54.Nijer’in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Kavar
    55.Mozambik ‘ in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl)
    56.Fas (50 yıl) -himaye-
    57.Bati Sahra (50 yıl) -himaye-
    58.Moritanya (50 yıl) -himaye-
    59.Mali (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Gat kazası
    60.Senegal (300 yıl)
    61.Gambiya (300 yıl)
    62.Gine Bissau (300 yıl)
    63.Gine (300 yıl)
    64.Etiyopya’ nın bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habeş

    #osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler:

    Hindistan Müslümanları -Pakistan-
    66. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları -Bangladeş-
    67. Singapur
    68. Malezya
    69. Endonezya
    70. Türkistan Hanlıkları
    71. Nijerya
    72. Kamerun
    Denizlerde ise:

    Akdeniz’in tamamında 1 asır boyunca
    Akdeniz’in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar
    Karadeniz’in tamamına 4 asır kadar
    Ege’nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar….

    States established after the Ottoman Empire

    in #europe

    2.Bulgaria (545 years)
    3.Greece (400 years)
    4.Serbia (539 years)
    5. Montenegro (539 years)
    6.Bosnia-Herzegovina (539 years)
    7.Croatia (539 years)
    8.Macedonia (539 years)
    9.Slovenia (250 years)
    10.Romania (490 years)
    11.Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name: Uyvar
    12.Hungary (160 years)
    13. Moldova (490 years)
    14.Ukraine (308 years)
    15.Azerbaijan (25 years)
    16.Georgia (400 years)
    17.Armenia (20 years)
    18.South Cyprus (293 years)
    19.Northern Cyprus (293 years)
    20.Southern lands of Russia (291 years)
    21.Poland (25 years) - protectorate - Ottoman name: Poland
    22.Southeastern coast of Italy (20 years)
    23.Albania (435 years)
    24.Belarus (25 years) -protection-
    25.Lithuania (25 years)-protectorate-
    26.Latvia (25 years) -protection-
    27.Kosovo (539 years)
    28.Vojvodina (166 years) Ottoman name: Banat Asya


    29.Iraq (402 years)
    30.Syria (402 years)
    31.Israel (402 years)
    32.Palestine (402 years)
    33.Urdun (402 years)
    34.Saudi Arabia (399 years)
    35.Yemen (401 years)
    36.Oman (400 years)
    37.United Arab Emirates (400 years)
    38.Qatar (400 years)
    39.Bahrain (400 years)
    40.Kuwait (381 years)
    41.Western lands of Iran (30 years)
    42.Lebanon (402 years)

    in #africa

    43.Egypt (397 years)
    44.Libya (394 years) Ottoman name: Tripoli
    45.Tunisia (308 years)
    46.Algeria (313 years)
    47.Sudan (397 years) Ottoman name: Nubye
    48.Eritrea (350 years) Ottoman name: Habes
    49.Djibouti (350 years)
    50.Somalia (350 years) Ottoman name: Zeyla
    51.Kenyan coast (350 years)
    52.Tanzania coasts (250 years)
    Northern regions of 53rd Street (313 years) Ottoman name: Resade
    54.Part of Niger (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar
    55. Northern lands of Mozambique (150 years)
    56.Morocco (50 years) -protection-
    57.Western Sahara (50 years) -protection-
    58.Mauritania (50 years) -protection-
    59.Mali (300 years) Ottoman name: Gat district
    60.Senegal (300 years)
    61.Gambia (300 years)
    62.Guinea Bissau (300 years)
    63.Guinea (300 years)
    64.Part of Ethiopia (350 years) Ottoman name: Abyssinia

    Places that are de facto affiliated with the Caliphate, although they are not officially within the #ottoman Land borders:

    #muslims of India -Pakistan-
    66. Muslims of East India -Bangladesh-
    67. Singapore
    68. Malaysia
    69. Indonesia
    70. Turkestan Khanates
    71. Nigeria
    72. Cameroon

    In the #seas:

    throughout the Mediterranean for a century.
    For about 3 centuries in a part of the Mediterranean
    The entire Black Sea region for about 4 centuries.
    The entire Aegean for about 4 or so centuries…
    Osmanlı'dan sonra kurulan devletler... Avrupa'da 1.Türkiye 2.Bulgaristan (545 yıl) 3.Yunanistan (400 yıl) 4.Sirbistan (539 yıl) 5.Karadag (539 yıl) 6.Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl) 7.Hirvatistan (539 yıl) 8.Makedonya (539 yıl) 9.Slovenya (250 yıl) 10.Romanya (490 yıl) 11.Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Uyvar 12.Macaristan (160 yıl) 13. Moldova (490 yıl) 14.Ukrayna (308 yıl) 15.Azerbaycan (25 yıl) 16.Gurcistan (400 yıl) 17.Ermenistan (20 yıl) 18.Guney Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 19.Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 20.Rusya ‘nin güney toprakları (291 yıl) 21.Polonya (25 yıl)-himaye- Osmanlı adı: Lehistan 22.Italya ‘nin güneydoğu kiyıları (20 yıl) 23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl) 24.Belarus (25 yıl) -himaye- 25.Litvanya (25 yıl)-himaye- 26.Letonya (25 yıl) -himaye- 27.Kosova (539 yıl) 28.Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Banat Asya Asya 29.Irak (402 yıl) 30.Suriye (402 yıl) 31.İs*ail (402 yıl) 32.Filistin (402 yıl) 33.Urdun (402 yıl) 34.Suudi Arabistan (399 yıl) 35.Yemen (401 yıl) 36.Umman (400 yıl) 37.Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl) 38.Katar (400 yıl) 39.Bahreyn (400 yıl) 40.Kuveyt (381 yıl) 41.Iranın bati toprakları (30 yıl) 42.Lübnan (402 yıl) Afrika'da 43.Mısır (397 yıl) 44.Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Trablusgarp 45.Tunus (308 yıl) 46.Cezayir (313 yıl) 47.Sudan (397 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Nubye 48.Eritre (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habes 49.Cibuti (350 yıl) 50.Somali (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Zeyla 51.Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl) 52.Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl) 53.Cad’in kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Resade 54.Nijer’in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Kavar 55.Mozambik ‘ in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl) 56.Fas (50 yıl) -himaye- 57.Bati Sahra (50 yıl) -himaye- 58.Moritanya (50 yıl) -himaye- 59.Mali (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Gat kazası 60.Senegal (300 yıl) 61.Gambiya (300 yıl) 62.Gine Bissau (300 yıl) 63.Gine (300 yıl) 64.Etiyopya’ nın bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habeş #osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler: Hindistan Müslümanları -Pakistan- 66. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları -Bangladeş- 67. Singapur 68. Malezya 69. Endonezya 70. Türkistan Hanlıkları 71. Nijerya 72. Kamerun Denizlerde ise: Akdeniz’in tamamında 1 asır boyunca Akdeniz’in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar Karadeniz’in tamamına 4 asır kadar Ege’nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar…. States established after the Ottoman Empire in #europe 1.Turkey 2.Bulgaria (545 years) 3.Greece (400 years) 4.Serbia (539 years) 5. Montenegro (539 years) 6.Bosnia-Herzegovina (539 years) 7.Croatia (539 years) 8.Macedonia (539 years) 9.Slovenia (250 years) 10.Romania (490 years) 11.Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name: Uyvar 12.Hungary (160 years) 13. Moldova (490 years) 14.Ukraine (308 years) 15.Azerbaijan (25 years) 16.Georgia (400 years) 17.Armenia (20 years) 18.South Cyprus (293 years) 19.Northern Cyprus (293 years) 20.Southern lands of Russia (291 years) 21.Poland (25 years) - protectorate - Ottoman name: Poland 22.Southeastern coast of Italy (20 years) 23.Albania (435 years) 24.Belarus (25 years) -protection- 25.Lithuania (25 years)-protectorate- 26.Latvia (25 years) -protection- 27.Kosovo (539 years) 28.Vojvodina (166 years) Ottoman name: Banat Asya #asia 29.Iraq (402 years) 30.Syria (402 years) 31.Israel (402 years) 32.Palestine (402 years) 33.Urdun (402 years) 34.Saudi Arabia (399 years) 35.Yemen (401 years) 36.Oman (400 years) 37.United Arab Emirates (400 years) 38.Qatar (400 years) 39.Bahrain (400 years) 40.Kuwait (381 years) 41.Western lands of Iran (30 years) 42.Lebanon (402 years) in #africa 43.Egypt (397 years) 44.Libya (394 years) Ottoman name: Tripoli 45.Tunisia (308 years) 46.Algeria (313 years) 47.Sudan (397 years) Ottoman name: Nubye 48.Eritrea (350 years) Ottoman name: Habes 49.Djibouti (350 years) 50.Somalia (350 years) Ottoman name: Zeyla 51.Kenyan coast (350 years) 52.Tanzania coasts (250 years) Northern regions of 53rd Street (313 years) Ottoman name: Resade 54.Part of Niger (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar 55. Northern lands of Mozambique (150 years) 56.Morocco (50 years) -protection- 57.Western Sahara (50 years) -protection- 58.Mauritania (50 years) -protection- 59.Mali (300 years) Ottoman name: Gat district 60.Senegal (300 years) 61.Gambia (300 years) 62.Guinea Bissau (300 years) 63.Guinea (300 years) 64.Part of Ethiopia (350 years) Ottoman name: Abyssinia Places that are de facto affiliated with the Caliphate, although they are not officially within the #ottoman Land borders: #muslims of India -Pakistan- 66. Muslims of East India -Bangladesh- 67. Singapore 68. Malaysia 69. Indonesia 70. Turkestan Khanates 71. Nigeria 72. Cameroon In the #seas: throughout the Mediterranean for a century. For about 3 centuries in a part of the Mediterranean The entire Black Sea region for about 4 centuries. The entire Aegean for about 4 or so centuries…
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  • Dünyanın en nadir zebrası Tira Kenya'nın Masai Mara kentinde fotoğraflandı!

    Puantiyeli Zebranın albinizmin tam tersi olan melanizm hastası olması muhtemeldir.
    Dünyanın en nadir zebrası Tira Kenya'nın Masai Mara kentinde fotoğraflandı! Puantiyeli Zebranın albinizmin tam tersi olan melanizm hastası olması muhtemeldir.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Assalamu alaikum dear brother and sister 🫶
    Where are you from ?
    Afghanistan 🇦🇽Åland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Turkish Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Caribbean Netherlands Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile 🇨 🇳China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Republic of the Congo DR Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica 🇨🇮Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Croatia Cuba 🇨🇼Curaçao Cyprus Czechia Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini (Swaziland) Ethiopiacl Falkland Islands Faroe Islands F iji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada 🇬 🇵Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Pakistan Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati North Korea South Korea Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Madagascar Malaw Malaysia Sri Lanka Nepal Myanmar Philippines South Africa South Sudan Sudan Papua New Guinea Syria
    Assalamu alaikum dear brother and sister 🥺🫶 Where are you from ? 🇦🇫 Afghanistan 🇦🇽Åland Islands 🇦🇱Albania 🇩🇿Algeria 🇦🇸American Samoa 🇦🇩Andorra 🇦🇴Angola 🇦🇮Anguilla 🇦🇶Antarctica 🇦🇬Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇷Argentina 🇦🇲Armenia 🇦🇼Aruba 🇦🇺Australia 🇦🇹Austria 🇦🇿Azerbaijan 🇧🇸Bahamas 🇧🇭Bahrain 🇧🇩Bangladesh Turkish🇹🇷 🇧🇾Belarus 🇧🇪Belgium 🇧🇿Belize 🇧🇯Benin 🇧🇲Bermuda 🇧🇹Bhutan 🇧🇴Bolivia 🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇼Botswana 🇧🇻Bouvet Island 🇧🇷Brazil 🇮🇴 British Indian Ocean Territory 🇧🇳Brunei 🇧🇬Bulgaria 🇧🇫Burkina Faso 🇧🇮Burundi 🇰🇭Cambodia 🇨🇲Cameroon 🇨🇦Canada 🇨🇻Cape Verde 🇧🇶Caribbean Netherlands 🇰🇾Cayman Islands 🇨🇫Central African Republic 🇹🇩Chad 🇨🇱Chile 🇨 🇳China 🇨🇽Christmas Island 🇨🇨Cocos (Keeling) Islands 🇨🇴Colombia 🇰🇲Comoros 🇨🇬Republic of the Congo 🇨🇩DR Congo 🇨🇰Cook Islands 🇨🇷Costa Rica 🇨🇮Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 🇭🇷Croatia 🇨🇺Cuba 🇨🇼Curaçao 🇨🇾Cyprus 🇨🇿Czechia 🇩🇰Denmark 🇩🇯Djibouti 🇩🇲Dominica 🇩🇴Dominican Republic 🇪🇨Ecuador 🇪🇬Egypt 🇸🇻El Salvador 🏴England 🇬🇶Equatorial Guinea 🇪🇷Eritrea 🇪🇪Estonia 🇸🇿Eswatini (Swaziland) 🇪🇹Ethiopiacl 🇫🇰Falkland Islands 🇫🇴Faroe Islands 🇫🇯F iji 🇫🇮Finland 🇫🇷France 🇬🇫French Guiana 🇵🇫French Polynesia 🇹🇫French Southern and Antarctic Lands 🇬🇦Gabon 🇬🇲Gambia 🇬🇪Georgia 🇩🇪Germany 🇬🇭Ghana 🇬🇮Gibraltar 🇬🇷Greece 🇬🇱Greenland 🇬🇩Grenada 🇬 🇵Guadeloupe 🇬🇺Guam 🇬🇹Guatemala 🇬🇬Guernsey 🇬🇳Guinea 🇬🇼Guinea-Bissau 🇬🇾Guyana 🇭🇹Haiti 🇭🇲Heard Island and McDonald Islands 🇭🇳Honduras 🇭🇰Hong Kong 🇭🇺Hungary 🇮🇸Iceland 🇮🇳India 🇵🇰Pakistan 🇮🇩 Indonesia 🇮🇷Iran 🇮🇶Iraq 🇮🇪Ireland 🇮🇲Isle 🇮🇹Italy 🇯🇲Jamaica 🇯🇵Japan 🇯🇪Jersey 🇯🇴Jordan 🇰🇿Kazakhstan 🇰🇪Kenya 🇰🇮Kiribati 🇰🇵North Korea 🇰🇷South Korea 🇽🇰Kosovo 🇰🇼Kuwait 🇰🇬Kyrgyzstan 🇱🇦Laos 🇱🇻Latvia 🇱🇧Lebanon 🇱🇸Lesotho 🇱🇷Liberia 🇱🇾Libya 🇱🇮Liechtenstein 🇱🇹Lithuania 🇱🇺Luxembourg 🇲🇴Macau 🇲🇬Madagascar 🇲🇼Malaw 🇲🇾Malaysia 🇱🇰Sri Lanka 🇳🇵Nepal 🇲🇲Myanmar 🇵🇭Philippines 🇿🇦South Africa 🇸🇸South Sudan 🇸🇩Sudan 🇵🇬Papua New Guinea 🇸🇾Syria
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
    The Turkana are a Nilotic people native to the Turkana County in northwest Kenya, a semi-arid climate region bordering Lake Turkana in the east, Pokot, Rendille and Samburu people to the south, Uganda to the west, and South Sudan and Ethiopia north. They refer to their land as Turkan.
    TURKANA TRIBE, KENYA ▪️The Turkana are a Nilotic people native to the Turkana County in northwest Kenya, a semi-arid climate region bordering Lake Turkana in the east, Pokot, Rendille and Samburu people to the south, Uganda to the west, and South Sudan and Ethiopia north. They refer to their land as Turkan.
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  • تجاوزنا القارات حتى تبتسم وجوه الأطفال
    فريقنا المتواجد في كينيا ضمن مساعدات رمضان، قام بتوزيع الحلوى والبالون على الأطفال وشاركهم فرحتهم.
    لا تنسى إخوتك #أنت_المنتظر

    We crossed continents to make children smile
    As part of our Holy Ramadan aid efforts, our officials and volunteers in Kenya shared joy with children by offering them candies and balloons.
    Do Not Forget Your brothers, #HopedForOneIsYou
    تجاوزنا القارات حتى تبتسم وجوه الأطفال فريقنا المتواجد في كينيا ضمن مساعدات رمضان، قام بتوزيع الحلوى والبالون على الأطفال وشاركهم فرحتهم. لا تنسى إخوتك #أنت_المنتظر We crossed continents to make children smile As part of our Holy Ramadan aid efforts, our officials and volunteers in Kenya shared joy with children by offering them candies and balloons. Do Not Forget Your brothers, #HopedForOneIsYou
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Kenya is third in the world in terms of tea leaf production in 2022
    Kenya is third in the world in terms of tea leaf production in 2022 🌍💪 🇰🇪
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Kenya'da nesli tükenmekte olan bu zürafalar, timsahlarla dolu sularda güvenli bir yere götürüldü.

    44.000 dönümlük yaban hayatı koruma alanı, selin bulunduğu adayı küçültmeye başlamasıyla tehdit altına girdi.

    Daha da kötüsü, dünyada nesli en çok tehlike altında olan zürafa türü olan Rothschild zürafalarının küçük bir popülasyonu vardı. Sonunda özel olarak tasarlanmış bu sallarla kurtarıldılar.
    Kenya'da nesli tükenmekte olan bu zürafalar, timsahlarla dolu sularda güvenli bir yere götürüldü. 44.000 dönümlük yaban hayatı koruma alanı, selin bulunduğu adayı küçültmeye başlamasıyla tehdit altına girdi. Daha da kötüsü, dünyada nesli en çok tehlike altında olan zürafa türü olan Rothschild zürafalarının küçük bir popülasyonu vardı. Sonunda özel olarak tasarlanmış bu sallarla kurtarıldılar.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Top 10 Most Luxurious Cities/country in the World

    1)- Dubai

    2)- New York City

    3)- Paris City

    4)- Tokyo

    5)- London

    6)- Singapore

    7)- Cape Town

    8)- Hong Kong ( )

    9)- Jakarta City


    11)- Berlin
    Top 10 Most Luxurious Cities/country in the World 🌎 1)- Dubai 🇦🇪 2)- New York City 🇺🇸 3)- Paris City 🇫🇷 4)- Tokyo 🇯🇵 5)- London🇬🇧 6)- Singapore 🇸🇬 7)- Cape Town🇿🇦 8)- Hong Kong 🇭🇰( 🇨🇳 ) 9)- Jakarta City 🇮🇩 10)Kenya🇰🇪🇰🇪 11)- Berlin🇩🇪
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Dünyanın en nadir zebrası,,,TİRA.
    Masai Mara, Kenya'da fotoğraflandı

    Dünyanın en nadir zebrası,,,TİRA. Masai Mara, Kenya'da fotoğraflandı 😮😮😮
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Top 10 African tribes/ethnic groups that are globally known.


    1) Zulu South Africa - The Zulu tribe is popular outside Africa. They've been featured in music, documentaries and movies. Shaka the Zulu was a warrior king whose popularity is well spread. Famous Zulus, Lucky Dube, Nasty C, black Coffee etc.

    2) Igbo Nigeria - The Igbos are undeniably known world wide. Chinua Achebe wrote about the Igbo culture alot. They are known for their history, culture and literature.
    The popularized the kolanut and palm wine through books, movies and music
    Pete Edochie, Nkem owoh, Chinwetalu Ejiofor, Zain Asher, Ckay, Flavour, Chimamanda, phyno, P-square are Igbos who have taken their culture to the world. Igbo are known in Nollywood movies.

    3) Maasai Kenya - The Masai are perhaps one of the most documented tribes in Africa, with alot of documentaries shown about them and books written about their culture.
    They are known for their traditional clothing and hunting skills

    4) Yoruba Nigeria - The Yorubas are globally known for their history, culture, art and literature. Fela, Wole Soyinka, Wizkid, Davido, Tiwa Savage, David Oyelowo, John Boyega, Anthony Joshua etc are a few Yorubas who have taken their culture to the world. The Yoruba culture has been featured in many Hollywood movies.

    5) Hausa Nigeria - The hausas are very popular. Often known as the Igbos of the North, The richest black man in the world Aliko Dangote is Hausa along with his brother from the same state Kano Abdulsamad Rabiu (BUA). Their culture has also been well written about and have featured in a few Hollywood movies including the Amazon prime series were a woman was seen eating Tuwo shinkafa.

    6) Swahili Tanzania - This tribe have phenomenal spread their language in East Africa and a few central African nations.
    In the 70s, their language was part of the African-American black pride movement been pushed forward.

    7) Edo/Bini Nigeria - The Binis are perhaps the culture in Africa with the most famous artworks outside Egypt.
    Binis are known for their history, culture and art/architecture.
    The famous Benin bronze, ivory and brass artworks are known globally. The country Benin republic gets their name from them. Benin art and culture have been featured in Hollywood movies including black panther. Many Nigerian cultures have roots in Benin. The bronze mask of Queen Idia is perhaps the most famous mask in Africa and one of the most famous
    in the world. Popular Eds are Kamaru Usman, Rema, Odion Jude Ighalo, Victor Osimhen, Dave, Sam Loco Efe etc.

    8) Asante Ghana - This tribe are known for their history and culture. Popular American hip hop artist was named after this tribe Asante. Their Kente is perhaps the most popular African attire outside of Africa and were known to be masters of the gold craft.

    9) The Fulani - This nomadic tribes are known for their history and culture. They are predominantly in West Africa and are found in 18 African countries. Most In Nigeria
    Popular Fulanis or people with Fulani ancestry are Muhammadu and Aisha Buhari, Tafawa Balewa, Anthony Anderson, India Arie, Peter John Gomes etc.

    10) Berbers/Amazigh - They are predominantly found in North Africa. They are predominantly found in Morocco and Algeria They known for their use of silver silver. Their culture and history well documented and have a unique language and writing system that traces back to ancient Egypt. Books are currently being written about them including a book titled salt by Haitian-American Pascaline Brodeur.

    Disclaimer: Every African tribe and culture is beautiful, unique and important. No one culture is more important than the other. This only highlights tribes known outside the continent overall, this doesn't mean there aren't other cultures that aren't known.
    Top 10 African tribes/ethnic groups that are globally known. FollowAfrican 1) Zulu 🇿🇦 South Africa - The Zulu tribe is popular outside Africa. They've been featured in music, documentaries and movies. Shaka the Zulu was a warrior king whose popularity is well spread. Famous Zulus, Lucky Dube, Nasty C, black Coffee etc. 2) Igbo 🇳🇬 Nigeria - The Igbos are undeniably known world wide. Chinua Achebe wrote about the Igbo culture alot. They are known for their history, culture and literature. The popularized the kolanut and palm wine through books, movies and music Pete Edochie, Nkem owoh, Chinwetalu Ejiofor, Zain Asher, Ckay, Flavour, Chimamanda, phyno, P-square are Igbos who have taken their culture to the world. Igbo are known in Nollywood movies. 3) Maasai 🇰🇪 Kenya - The Masai are perhaps one of the most documented tribes in Africa, with alot of documentaries shown about them and books written about their culture. They are known for their traditional clothing and hunting skills 4) Yoruba 🇳🇬 Nigeria - The Yorubas are globally known for their history, culture, art and literature. Fela, Wole Soyinka, Wizkid, Davido, Tiwa Savage, David Oyelowo, John Boyega, Anthony Joshua etc are a few Yorubas who have taken their culture to the world. The Yoruba culture has been featured in many Hollywood movies. 5) Hausa 🇳🇬 Nigeria - The hausas are very popular. Often known as the Igbos of the North, The richest black man in the world Aliko Dangote is Hausa along with his brother from the same state Kano Abdulsamad Rabiu (BUA). Their culture has also been well written about and have featured in a few Hollywood movies including the Amazon prime series were a woman was seen eating Tuwo shinkafa. 6) Swahili 🇹🇿 Tanzania - This tribe have phenomenal spread their language in East Africa and a few central African nations. In the 70s, their language was part of the African-American black pride movement been pushed forward. 7) Edo/Bini 🇳🇬 Nigeria - The Binis are perhaps the culture in Africa with the most famous artworks outside Egypt. Binis are known for their history, culture and art/architecture. The famous Benin bronze, ivory and brass artworks are known globally. The country Benin republic gets their name from them. Benin art and culture have been featured in Hollywood movies including black panther. Many Nigerian cultures have roots in Benin. The bronze mask of Queen Idia is perhaps the most famous mask in Africa and one of the most famous in the world. Popular Eds are Kamaru Usman, Rema, Odion Jude Ighalo, Victor Osimhen, Dave, Sam Loco Efe etc. 8) Asante 🇬🇭 Ghana - This tribe are known for their history and culture. Popular American hip hop artist was named after this tribe Asante. Their Kente is perhaps the most popular African attire outside of Africa and were known to be masters of the gold craft. 9) The Fulani - This nomadic tribes are known for their history and culture. They are predominantly in West Africa and are found in 18 African countries. Most In Nigeria 🇳🇬 Popular Fulanis or people with Fulani ancestry are Muhammadu and Aisha Buhari, Tafawa Balewa, Anthony Anderson, India Arie, Peter John Gomes etc. 10) Berbers/Amazigh - They are predominantly found in North Africa. They are predominantly found in Morocco 🇲🇦 and Algeria 🇩🇿 They known for their use of silver silver. Their culture and history well documented and have a unique language and writing system that traces back to ancient Egypt. Books are currently being written about them including a book titled salt by Haitian-American Pascaline Brodeur. Disclaimer: Every African tribe and culture is beautiful, unique and important. No one culture is more important than the other. This only highlights tribes known outside the continent overall, this doesn't mean there aren't other cultures that aren't known.
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