• The Great Mosque of Samarra, also known as the Samarra Mosque, is one of the most significant examples of early Islamic architecture. Located in Samarra, Iraq, it was constructed in the 9th century during the Abbasid Caliphate. The most distinctive feature of the Great Mosque of Samarra is its spiral minaret, known as the Malwiya Tower. The mosque covered an area of 38,000 square meters (about 9.4 acres), making it one of the largest mosques in the world at the time of its construction. It has a rectangular floor plan, measuring approximately 239 by 156 meters. The mosque was surrounded by a thick outer wall with 44 semi-circular towers along its perimeter. The mosque and the archaeological city of Samarra have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to their historical and architectural significance.
    The Great Mosque of Samarra, also known as the Samarra Mosque, is one of the most significant examples of early Islamic architecture. Located in Samarra, Iraq, it was constructed in the 9th century during the Abbasid Caliphate. The most distinctive feature of the Great Mosque of Samarra is its spiral minaret, known as the Malwiya Tower. The mosque covered an area of 38,000 square meters (about 9.4 acres), making it one of the largest mosques in the world at the time of its construction. It has a rectangular floor plan, measuring approximately 239 by 156 meters. The mosque was surrounded by a thick outer wall with 44 semi-circular towers along its perimeter. The mosque and the archaeological city of Samarra have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to their historical and architectural significance.
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  • Osmanlı'dan sonra kurulan devletler...


    2.Bulgaristan (545 yıl)
    3.Yunanistan (400 yıl)
    4.Sirbistan (539 yıl)
    5.Karadag (539 yıl)
    6.Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl)
    7.Hirvatistan (539 yıl)
    8.Makedonya (539 yıl)
    9.Slovenya (250 yıl)
    10.Romanya (490 yıl)
    11.Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Uyvar
    12.Macaristan (160 yıl)
    13. Moldova (490 yıl)
    14.Ukrayna (308 yıl)
    15.Azerbaycan (25 yıl)
    16.Gurcistan (400 yıl)
    17.Ermenistan (20 yıl)
    18.Guney Kıbrıs (293 yıl)
    19.Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl)
    20.Rusya ‘nin güney toprakları (291 yıl)
    21.Polonya (25 yıl)-himaye- Osmanlı adı: Lehistan
    22.Italya ‘nin güneydoğu kiyıları (20 yıl)
    23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl)
    24.Belarus (25 yıl) -himaye-
    25.Litvanya (25 yıl)-himaye-
    26.Letonya (25 yıl) -himaye-
    27.Kosova (539 yıl)
    28.Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Banat Asya


    29.Irak (402 yıl)
    30.Suriye (402 yıl)
    31.İs*ail (402 yıl)
    32.Filistin (402 yıl)
    33.Urdun (402 yıl)
    34.Suudi Arabistan (399 yıl)
    35.Yemen (401 yıl)
    36.Umman (400 yıl)
    37.Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl)
    38.Katar (400 yıl)
    39.Bahreyn (400 yıl)
    40.Kuveyt (381 yıl)
    41.Iranın bati toprakları (30 yıl)
    42.Lübnan (402 yıl)


    43.Mısır (397 yıl)
    44.Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Trablusgarp
    45.Tunus (308 yıl)
    46.Cezayir (313 yıl)
    47.Sudan (397 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Nubye
    48.Eritre (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habes
    49.Cibuti (350 yıl)
    50.Somali (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Zeyla
    51.Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl)
    52.Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl)
    53.Cad’in kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Resade
    54.Nijer’in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Kavar
    55.Mozambik ‘ in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl)
    56.Fas (50 yıl) -himaye-
    57.Bati Sahra (50 yıl) -himaye-
    58.Moritanya (50 yıl) -himaye-
    59.Mali (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Gat kazası
    60.Senegal (300 yıl)
    61.Gambiya (300 yıl)
    62.Gine Bissau (300 yıl)
    63.Gine (300 yıl)
    64.Etiyopya’ nın bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habeş

    #osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler:

    Hindistan Müslümanları -Pakistan-
    66. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları -Bangladeş-
    67. Singapur
    68. Malezya
    69. Endonezya
    70. Türkistan Hanlıkları
    71. Nijerya
    72. Kamerun
    Denizlerde ise:

    Akdeniz’in tamamında 1 asır boyunca
    Akdeniz’in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar
    Karadeniz’in tamamına 4 asır kadar
    Ege’nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar….

    States established after the Ottoman Empire

    in #europe

    2.Bulgaria (545 years)
    3.Greece (400 years)
    4.Serbia (539 years)
    5. Montenegro (539 years)
    6.Bosnia-Herzegovina (539 years)
    7.Croatia (539 years)
    8.Macedonia (539 years)
    9.Slovenia (250 years)
    10.Romania (490 years)
    11.Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name: Uyvar
    12.Hungary (160 years)
    13. Moldova (490 years)
    14.Ukraine (308 years)
    15.Azerbaijan (25 years)
    16.Georgia (400 years)
    17.Armenia (20 years)
    18.South Cyprus (293 years)
    19.Northern Cyprus (293 years)
    20.Southern lands of Russia (291 years)
    21.Poland (25 years) - protectorate - Ottoman name: Poland
    22.Southeastern coast of Italy (20 years)
    23.Albania (435 years)
    24.Belarus (25 years) -protection-
    25.Lithuania (25 years)-protectorate-
    26.Latvia (25 years) -protection-
    27.Kosovo (539 years)
    28.Vojvodina (166 years) Ottoman name: Banat Asya


    29.Iraq (402 years)
    30.Syria (402 years)
    31.Israel (402 years)
    32.Palestine (402 years)
    33.Urdun (402 years)
    34.Saudi Arabia (399 years)
    35.Yemen (401 years)
    36.Oman (400 years)
    37.United Arab Emirates (400 years)
    38.Qatar (400 years)
    39.Bahrain (400 years)
    40.Kuwait (381 years)
    41.Western lands of Iran (30 years)
    42.Lebanon (402 years)

    in #africa

    43.Egypt (397 years)
    44.Libya (394 years) Ottoman name: Tripoli
    45.Tunisia (308 years)
    46.Algeria (313 years)
    47.Sudan (397 years) Ottoman name: Nubye
    48.Eritrea (350 years) Ottoman name: Habes
    49.Djibouti (350 years)
    50.Somalia (350 years) Ottoman name: Zeyla
    51.Kenyan coast (350 years)
    52.Tanzania coasts (250 years)
    Northern regions of 53rd Street (313 years) Ottoman name: Resade
    54.Part of Niger (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar
    55. Northern lands of Mozambique (150 years)
    56.Morocco (50 years) -protection-
    57.Western Sahara (50 years) -protection-
    58.Mauritania (50 years) -protection-
    59.Mali (300 years) Ottoman name: Gat district
    60.Senegal (300 years)
    61.Gambia (300 years)
    62.Guinea Bissau (300 years)
    63.Guinea (300 years)
    64.Part of Ethiopia (350 years) Ottoman name: Abyssinia

    Places that are de facto affiliated with the Caliphate, although they are not officially within the #ottoman Land borders:

    #muslims of India -Pakistan-
    66. Muslims of East India -Bangladesh-
    67. Singapore
    68. Malaysia
    69. Indonesia
    70. Turkestan Khanates
    71. Nigeria
    72. Cameroon

    In the #seas:

    throughout the Mediterranean for a century.
    For about 3 centuries in a part of the Mediterranean
    The entire Black Sea region for about 4 centuries.
    The entire Aegean for about 4 or so centuries…
    Osmanlı'dan sonra kurulan devletler... Avrupa'da 1.Türkiye 2.Bulgaristan (545 yıl) 3.Yunanistan (400 yıl) 4.Sirbistan (539 yıl) 5.Karadag (539 yıl) 6.Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl) 7.Hirvatistan (539 yıl) 8.Makedonya (539 yıl) 9.Slovenya (250 yıl) 10.Romanya (490 yıl) 11.Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Uyvar 12.Macaristan (160 yıl) 13. Moldova (490 yıl) 14.Ukrayna (308 yıl) 15.Azerbaycan (25 yıl) 16.Gurcistan (400 yıl) 17.Ermenistan (20 yıl) 18.Guney Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 19.Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 20.Rusya ‘nin güney toprakları (291 yıl) 21.Polonya (25 yıl)-himaye- Osmanlı adı: Lehistan 22.Italya ‘nin güneydoğu kiyıları (20 yıl) 23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl) 24.Belarus (25 yıl) -himaye- 25.Litvanya (25 yıl)-himaye- 26.Letonya (25 yıl) -himaye- 27.Kosova (539 yıl) 28.Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Banat Asya Asya 29.Irak (402 yıl) 30.Suriye (402 yıl) 31.İs*ail (402 yıl) 32.Filistin (402 yıl) 33.Urdun (402 yıl) 34.Suudi Arabistan (399 yıl) 35.Yemen (401 yıl) 36.Umman (400 yıl) 37.Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl) 38.Katar (400 yıl) 39.Bahreyn (400 yıl) 40.Kuveyt (381 yıl) 41.Iranın bati toprakları (30 yıl) 42.Lübnan (402 yıl) Afrika'da 43.Mısır (397 yıl) 44.Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Trablusgarp 45.Tunus (308 yıl) 46.Cezayir (313 yıl) 47.Sudan (397 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Nubye 48.Eritre (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habes 49.Cibuti (350 yıl) 50.Somali (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Zeyla 51.Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl) 52.Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl) 53.Cad’in kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Resade 54.Nijer’in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Kavar 55.Mozambik ‘ in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl) 56.Fas (50 yıl) -himaye- 57.Bati Sahra (50 yıl) -himaye- 58.Moritanya (50 yıl) -himaye- 59.Mali (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Gat kazası 60.Senegal (300 yıl) 61.Gambiya (300 yıl) 62.Gine Bissau (300 yıl) 63.Gine (300 yıl) 64.Etiyopya’ nın bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habeş #osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler: Hindistan Müslümanları -Pakistan- 66. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları -Bangladeş- 67. Singapur 68. Malezya 69. Endonezya 70. Türkistan Hanlıkları 71. Nijerya 72. Kamerun Denizlerde ise: Akdeniz’in tamamında 1 asır boyunca Akdeniz’in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar Karadeniz’in tamamına 4 asır kadar Ege’nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar…. States established after the Ottoman Empire in #europe 1.Turkey 2.Bulgaria (545 years) 3.Greece (400 years) 4.Serbia (539 years) 5. Montenegro (539 years) 6.Bosnia-Herzegovina (539 years) 7.Croatia (539 years) 8.Macedonia (539 years) 9.Slovenia (250 years) 10.Romania (490 years) 11.Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name: Uyvar 12.Hungary (160 years) 13. Moldova (490 years) 14.Ukraine (308 years) 15.Azerbaijan (25 years) 16.Georgia (400 years) 17.Armenia (20 years) 18.South Cyprus (293 years) 19.Northern Cyprus (293 years) 20.Southern lands of Russia (291 years) 21.Poland (25 years) - protectorate - Ottoman name: Poland 22.Southeastern coast of Italy (20 years) 23.Albania (435 years) 24.Belarus (25 years) -protection- 25.Lithuania (25 years)-protectorate- 26.Latvia (25 years) -protection- 27.Kosovo (539 years) 28.Vojvodina (166 years) Ottoman name: Banat Asya #asia 29.Iraq (402 years) 30.Syria (402 years) 31.Israel (402 years) 32.Palestine (402 years) 33.Urdun (402 years) 34.Saudi Arabia (399 years) 35.Yemen (401 years) 36.Oman (400 years) 37.United Arab Emirates (400 years) 38.Qatar (400 years) 39.Bahrain (400 years) 40.Kuwait (381 years) 41.Western lands of Iran (30 years) 42.Lebanon (402 years) in #africa 43.Egypt (397 years) 44.Libya (394 years) Ottoman name: Tripoli 45.Tunisia (308 years) 46.Algeria (313 years) 47.Sudan (397 years) Ottoman name: Nubye 48.Eritrea (350 years) Ottoman name: Habes 49.Djibouti (350 years) 50.Somalia (350 years) Ottoman name: Zeyla 51.Kenyan coast (350 years) 52.Tanzania coasts (250 years) Northern regions of 53rd Street (313 years) Ottoman name: Resade 54.Part of Niger (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar 55. Northern lands of Mozambique (150 years) 56.Morocco (50 years) -protection- 57.Western Sahara (50 years) -protection- 58.Mauritania (50 years) -protection- 59.Mali (300 years) Ottoman name: Gat district 60.Senegal (300 years) 61.Gambia (300 years) 62.Guinea Bissau (300 years) 63.Guinea (300 years) 64.Part of Ethiopia (350 years) Ottoman name: Abyssinia Places that are de facto affiliated with the Caliphate, although they are not officially within the #ottoman Land borders: #muslims of India -Pakistan- 66. Muslims of East India -Bangladesh- 67. Singapore 68. Malaysia 69. Indonesia 70. Turkestan Khanates 71. Nigeria 72. Cameroon In the #seas: throughout the Mediterranean for a century. For about 3 centuries in a part of the Mediterranean The entire Black Sea region for about 4 centuries. The entire Aegean for about 4 or so centuries…
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  • جامع سامراء الكبير الذي يعود للفترة العباسية 848-851 م

    Great Mosque of Samarra
    Location: Samarra, Iraq
    Year: 848-851

    The Great Mosque of Samarra is a mosque from the 9th century CE located in Samarra, Iraq. The mosque was commissioned in 848 and completed in 851 by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mutawakkil. At the time of construction, it was the world's largest mosque and could gather up to 80,000 faithful. It is known for its 52 metres (171 ft) high minaret encircled by a spiral ramp, the Malwiya Tower. The mosque is located within the 15,058-hectare (37,210-acre) Samarra Archaeological City UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed in 2007. The structure is composed by a large rectangle of almost 38,000 square metres with the 3:2 proportions typical of many mosques, enclosed in bastions walls 2.65m thick with forty-four semi-circular towers.

    أماكن العراق - IRAQ Places
    جامع سامراء الكبير الذي يعود للفترة العباسية 848-851 م _____________ Great Mosque of Samarra Location: Samarra, Iraq Year: 848-851 ⠀ The Great Mosque of Samarra is a mosque from the 9th century CE located in Samarra, Iraq. The mosque was commissioned in 848 and completed in 851 by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mutawakkil. At the time of construction, it was the world's largest mosque and could gather up to 80,000 faithful. It is known for its 52 metres (171 ft) high minaret encircled by a spiral ramp, the Malwiya Tower. The mosque is located within the 15,058-hectare (37,210-acre) Samarra Archaeological City UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed in 2007. The structure is composed by a large rectangle of almost 38,000 square metres with the 3:2 proportions typical of many mosques, enclosed in bastions walls 2.65m thick with forty-four semi-circular towers. ———————————————————— ⠀ أماكن العراق - IRAQ Places
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Al-Azhar University was founded in 970 or 972 by the Fatimid Caliphate, is the chief center of Arabic literature and Islamic learning worldwide.

    By the mid-19th century, al-Azhar was considered the capital of Sunni legal expertise, a main center of power in the Islamic world, and a rival to Damascus, Mekkah, and Baghdad.

    Below is a rare late-19th-century photo of Al Azhar University in Cairo, where students and teachers are seen engaged in study and discussion.
    Al-Azhar University was founded in 970 or 972 by the Fatimid Caliphate, is the chief center of Arabic literature and Islamic learning worldwide. By the mid-19th century, al-Azhar was considered the capital of Sunni legal expertise, a main center of power in the Islamic world, and a rival to Damascus, Mekkah, and Baghdad. Below is a rare late-19th-century photo of Al Azhar University in Cairo, where students and teachers are seen engaged in study and discussion.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • 34th Ottoman Sultan and 113th We commemorate the Caliph of Islam, The Great Hakan #AbdulhamidHan with mercy and gratitude.

    1842 - 191∞

    #Turkey #OttomanEmpire
    34th Ottoman Sultan and 113th We commemorate the Caliph of Islam, The Great Hakan #AbdulhamidHan with mercy and gratitude. 🇹🇷1842 - 191∞🇹🇷 #Turkey #OttomanEmpire
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Sinop Ayandon şimdiki Türkeli ilceşi Hamamlı köyü yakınlarındaki tahıl ambarı, 1906-1913 civarı

    * Fotoğraf ünlü İngiliz diplomat ve gezgin Mark Skykes ait olabilir.

    *The Caliphs' Last Heritage, a short history of the Turkish Empire kitabı.
    Sinop Ayandon şimdiki Türkeli ilceşi Hamamlı köyü yakınlarındaki tahıl ambarı, 1906-1913 civarı * Fotoğraf ünlü İngiliz diplomat ve gezgin Mark Skykes ait olabilir. *The Caliphs' Last Heritage, a short history of the Turkish Empire kitabı.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Ottoman soldiers stationed at Al Aqsa mosque. Ottoman Caliphate leaves a legacy of 402 years of peaceful rule in the Pal*stine heartland.

    When will the nation of Mohammed ﷺ rise?
    Ottoman soldiers stationed at Al Aqsa mosque. Ottoman Caliphate leaves a legacy of 402 years of peaceful rule in the Pal*stine heartland. When will the nation of Mohammed ﷺ rise?
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Osmanli'da Bayram Alayi ♥️
    Eid Procession in the Ottoman Caliphate
    Osmanli'da Bayram Alayi ☪️♥️ Eid Procession in the Ottoman Caliphate
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Ottoman soldiers stationed at Al Aqsa mosque. Ottoman Caliphate leaves a legacy of 402 years of peaceful rule in Palestine.

    Today, besieged Al-Aqsa and oppressed Muslims of Palestine call upon the Islamic world to liberate them from oppression!

    When will this Mohammeden nation arise?

    #Alquds #Palestine #tarih #AlAqsa
    Ottoman soldiers stationed at Al Aqsa mosque. Ottoman Caliphate leaves a legacy of 402 years of peaceful rule in Palestine. Today, besieged Al-Aqsa and oppressed Muslims of Palestine call upon the Islamic world to liberate them from oppression! When will this Mohammeden nation arise? #Alquds #Palestine #tarih #AlAqsa
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • 𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟲, 𝟭𝟱𝟲𝟲: 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝟭!

    On this day, Ottoman Caliph Suleyman, who had set out from Constantinople to command an expedition to Hungary, died before an Ottoman victory at the siege of Szigetvár in Hungary at the age of 71. Caliph Suleyman was known as Kanuni (lawgiver) in the East while West gave him the title of Magnificent. Suleyman was an extremely able administrator and military commander who conquered Tabriz, Belgrade, Rhodes, and Hungarian areas. He was very much respected and feared by contemporaries.

    𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗰𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗵 𝗞𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗻𝗶 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗺𝗮𝗻

    "Suleyman was one of the greatest Ottoman rulers. He would define Ottoman Civilization, he brought the state to its territorial zenith, and presided over a great cultural flourishing and codification of laws which made Ottoman Civilization co-terminous with Sunni Islam. "

    Quote by: Professor Kenneth W Harl (Phd historian from Yale university USA )

    𝗨𝗦 𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗵 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗺𝗮𝗻

    Below is the official portrait of Ottoman Sultan-Caliph Suleyman 1 which hangs inside the chamber of US Capitol (senate). Suleyman is one of the 23 historical figures upon whose reforms American laws have been based.

    Official link of US Capitol website:


    #kanuni #istanbul #usa #american #law
    #reformer #rhodes #hungary #tabriz
    𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟲, 𝟭𝟱𝟲𝟲: 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝟭! On this day, Ottoman Caliph Suleyman, who had set out from Constantinople to command an expedition to Hungary, died before an Ottoman victory at the siege of Szigetvár in Hungary at the age of 71. Caliph Suleyman was known as Kanuni (lawgiver) in the East while West gave him the title of Magnificent. Suleyman was an extremely able administrator and military commander who conquered Tabriz, Belgrade, Rhodes, and Hungarian areas. He was very much respected and feared by contemporaries. 𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗰𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗵 𝗞𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗻𝗶 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗺𝗮𝗻 👇 "Suleyman was one of the greatest Ottoman rulers. He would define Ottoman Civilization, he brought the state to its territorial zenith, and presided over a great cultural flourishing and codification of laws which made Ottoman Civilization co-terminous with Sunni Islam. " Quote by: Professor Kenneth W Harl (Phd historian from Yale university USA 🇺🇸) 𝗨𝗦 𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗵 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗺𝗮𝗻 Below is the official portrait of Ottoman Sultan-Caliph Suleyman 1 which hangs inside the chamber of US Capitol (senate). Suleyman is one of the 23 historical figures upon whose reforms American 🇺🇸 laws have been based. Official link of US Capitol website: https://www.aoc.gov/explore-capitol-campus/art/suleiman-relief-portrait #kanuni #istanbul #usa #american #law #reformer #rhodes #hungary #tabriz
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