• Osmanlı'dan sonra kurulan devletler...


    2.Bulgaristan (545 yıl)
    3.Yunanistan (400 yıl)
    4.Sirbistan (539 yıl)
    5.Karadag (539 yıl)
    6.Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl)
    7.Hirvatistan (539 yıl)
    8.Makedonya (539 yıl)
    9.Slovenya (250 yıl)
    10.Romanya (490 yıl)
    11.Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Uyvar
    12.Macaristan (160 yıl)
    13. Moldova (490 yıl)
    14.Ukrayna (308 yıl)
    15.Azerbaycan (25 yıl)
    16.Gurcistan (400 yıl)
    17.Ermenistan (20 yıl)
    18.Guney Kıbrıs (293 yıl)
    19.Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl)
    20.Rusya ‘nin güney toprakları (291 yıl)
    21.Polonya (25 yıl)-himaye- Osmanlı adı: Lehistan
    22.Italya ‘nin güneydoğu kiyıları (20 yıl)
    23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl)
    24.Belarus (25 yıl) -himaye-
    25.Litvanya (25 yıl)-himaye-
    26.Letonya (25 yıl) -himaye-
    27.Kosova (539 yıl)
    28.Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Banat Asya


    29.Irak (402 yıl)
    30.Suriye (402 yıl)
    31.İs*ail (402 yıl)
    32.Filistin (402 yıl)
    33.Urdun (402 yıl)
    34.Suudi Arabistan (399 yıl)
    35.Yemen (401 yıl)
    36.Umman (400 yıl)
    37.Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl)
    38.Katar (400 yıl)
    39.Bahreyn (400 yıl)
    40.Kuveyt (381 yıl)
    41.Iranın bati toprakları (30 yıl)
    42.Lübnan (402 yıl)


    43.Mısır (397 yıl)
    44.Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Trablusgarp
    45.Tunus (308 yıl)
    46.Cezayir (313 yıl)
    47.Sudan (397 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Nubye
    48.Eritre (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habes
    49.Cibuti (350 yıl)
    50.Somali (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Zeyla
    51.Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl)
    52.Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl)
    53.Cad’in kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Resade
    54.Nijer’in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Kavar
    55.Mozambik ‘ in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl)
    56.Fas (50 yıl) -himaye-
    57.Bati Sahra (50 yıl) -himaye-
    58.Moritanya (50 yıl) -himaye-
    59.Mali (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Gat kazası
    60.Senegal (300 yıl)
    61.Gambiya (300 yıl)
    62.Gine Bissau (300 yıl)
    63.Gine (300 yıl)
    64.Etiyopya’ nın bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habeş

    #osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler:

    Hindistan Müslümanları -Pakistan-
    66. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları -Bangladeş-
    67. Singapur
    68. Malezya
    69. Endonezya
    70. Türkistan Hanlıkları
    71. Nijerya
    72. Kamerun
    Denizlerde ise:

    Akdeniz’in tamamında 1 asır boyunca
    Akdeniz’in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar
    Karadeniz’in tamamına 4 asır kadar
    Ege’nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar….

    States established after the Ottoman Empire

    in #europe

    2.Bulgaria (545 years)
    3.Greece (400 years)
    4.Serbia (539 years)
    5. Montenegro (539 years)
    6.Bosnia-Herzegovina (539 years)
    7.Croatia (539 years)
    8.Macedonia (539 years)
    9.Slovenia (250 years)
    10.Romania (490 years)
    11.Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name: Uyvar
    12.Hungary (160 years)
    13. Moldova (490 years)
    14.Ukraine (308 years)
    15.Azerbaijan (25 years)
    16.Georgia (400 years)
    17.Armenia (20 years)
    18.South Cyprus (293 years)
    19.Northern Cyprus (293 years)
    20.Southern lands of Russia (291 years)
    21.Poland (25 years) - protectorate - Ottoman name: Poland
    22.Southeastern coast of Italy (20 years)
    23.Albania (435 years)
    24.Belarus (25 years) -protection-
    25.Lithuania (25 years)-protectorate-
    26.Latvia (25 years) -protection-
    27.Kosovo (539 years)
    28.Vojvodina (166 years) Ottoman name: Banat Asya


    29.Iraq (402 years)
    30.Syria (402 years)
    31.Israel (402 years)
    32.Palestine (402 years)
    33.Urdun (402 years)
    34.Saudi Arabia (399 years)
    35.Yemen (401 years)
    36.Oman (400 years)
    37.United Arab Emirates (400 years)
    38.Qatar (400 years)
    39.Bahrain (400 years)
    40.Kuwait (381 years)
    41.Western lands of Iran (30 years)
    42.Lebanon (402 years)

    in #africa

    43.Egypt (397 years)
    44.Libya (394 years) Ottoman name: Tripoli
    45.Tunisia (308 years)
    46.Algeria (313 years)
    47.Sudan (397 years) Ottoman name: Nubye
    48.Eritrea (350 years) Ottoman name: Habes
    49.Djibouti (350 years)
    50.Somalia (350 years) Ottoman name: Zeyla
    51.Kenyan coast (350 years)
    52.Tanzania coasts (250 years)
    Northern regions of 53rd Street (313 years) Ottoman name: Resade
    54.Part of Niger (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar
    55. Northern lands of Mozambique (150 years)
    56.Morocco (50 years) -protection-
    57.Western Sahara (50 years) -protection-
    58.Mauritania (50 years) -protection-
    59.Mali (300 years) Ottoman name: Gat district
    60.Senegal (300 years)
    61.Gambia (300 years)
    62.Guinea Bissau (300 years)
    63.Guinea (300 years)
    64.Part of Ethiopia (350 years) Ottoman name: Abyssinia

    Places that are de facto affiliated with the Caliphate, although they are not officially within the #ottoman Land borders:

    #muslims of India -Pakistan-
    66. Muslims of East India -Bangladesh-
    67. Singapore
    68. Malaysia
    69. Indonesia
    70. Turkestan Khanates
    71. Nigeria
    72. Cameroon

    In the #seas:

    throughout the Mediterranean for a century.
    For about 3 centuries in a part of the Mediterranean
    The entire Black Sea region for about 4 centuries.
    The entire Aegean for about 4 or so centuries…
    Osmanlı'dan sonra kurulan devletler... Avrupa'da 1.Türkiye 2.Bulgaristan (545 yıl) 3.Yunanistan (400 yıl) 4.Sirbistan (539 yıl) 5.Karadag (539 yıl) 6.Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl) 7.Hirvatistan (539 yıl) 8.Makedonya (539 yıl) 9.Slovenya (250 yıl) 10.Romanya (490 yıl) 11.Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Uyvar 12.Macaristan (160 yıl) 13. Moldova (490 yıl) 14.Ukrayna (308 yıl) 15.Azerbaycan (25 yıl) 16.Gurcistan (400 yıl) 17.Ermenistan (20 yıl) 18.Guney Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 19.Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 20.Rusya ‘nin güney toprakları (291 yıl) 21.Polonya (25 yıl)-himaye- Osmanlı adı: Lehistan 22.Italya ‘nin güneydoğu kiyıları (20 yıl) 23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl) 24.Belarus (25 yıl) -himaye- 25.Litvanya (25 yıl)-himaye- 26.Letonya (25 yıl) -himaye- 27.Kosova (539 yıl) 28.Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Banat Asya Asya 29.Irak (402 yıl) 30.Suriye (402 yıl) 31.İs*ail (402 yıl) 32.Filistin (402 yıl) 33.Urdun (402 yıl) 34.Suudi Arabistan (399 yıl) 35.Yemen (401 yıl) 36.Umman (400 yıl) 37.Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl) 38.Katar (400 yıl) 39.Bahreyn (400 yıl) 40.Kuveyt (381 yıl) 41.Iranın bati toprakları (30 yıl) 42.Lübnan (402 yıl) Afrika'da 43.Mısır (397 yıl) 44.Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adı:Trablusgarp 45.Tunus (308 yıl) 46.Cezayir (313 yıl) 47.Sudan (397 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Nubye 48.Eritre (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habes 49.Cibuti (350 yıl) 50.Somali (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Zeyla 51.Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl) 52.Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl) 53.Cad’in kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Resade 54.Nijer’in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Kavar 55.Mozambik ‘ in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl) 56.Fas (50 yıl) -himaye- 57.Bati Sahra (50 yıl) -himaye- 58.Moritanya (50 yıl) -himaye- 59.Mali (300 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Gat kazası 60.Senegal (300 yıl) 61.Gambiya (300 yıl) 62.Gine Bissau (300 yıl) 63.Gine (300 yıl) 64.Etiyopya’ nın bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adı: Habeş #osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler: Hindistan Müslümanları -Pakistan- 66. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları -Bangladeş- 67. Singapur 68. Malezya 69. Endonezya 70. Türkistan Hanlıkları 71. Nijerya 72. Kamerun Denizlerde ise: Akdeniz’in tamamında 1 asır boyunca Akdeniz’in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar Karadeniz’in tamamına 4 asır kadar Ege’nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar…. States established after the Ottoman Empire in #europe 1.Turkey 2.Bulgaria (545 years) 3.Greece (400 years) 4.Serbia (539 years) 5. Montenegro (539 years) 6.Bosnia-Herzegovina (539 years) 7.Croatia (539 years) 8.Macedonia (539 years) 9.Slovenia (250 years) 10.Romania (490 years) 11.Slovakia (20 years) Ottoman name: Uyvar 12.Hungary (160 years) 13. Moldova (490 years) 14.Ukraine (308 years) 15.Azerbaijan (25 years) 16.Georgia (400 years) 17.Armenia (20 years) 18.South Cyprus (293 years) 19.Northern Cyprus (293 years) 20.Southern lands of Russia (291 years) 21.Poland (25 years) - protectorate - Ottoman name: Poland 22.Southeastern coast of Italy (20 years) 23.Albania (435 years) 24.Belarus (25 years) -protection- 25.Lithuania (25 years)-protectorate- 26.Latvia (25 years) -protection- 27.Kosovo (539 years) 28.Vojvodina (166 years) Ottoman name: Banat Asya #asia 29.Iraq (402 years) 30.Syria (402 years) 31.Israel (402 years) 32.Palestine (402 years) 33.Urdun (402 years) 34.Saudi Arabia (399 years) 35.Yemen (401 years) 36.Oman (400 years) 37.United Arab Emirates (400 years) 38.Qatar (400 years) 39.Bahrain (400 years) 40.Kuwait (381 years) 41.Western lands of Iran (30 years) 42.Lebanon (402 years) in #africa 43.Egypt (397 years) 44.Libya (394 years) Ottoman name: Tripoli 45.Tunisia (308 years) 46.Algeria (313 years) 47.Sudan (397 years) Ottoman name: Nubye 48.Eritrea (350 years) Ottoman name: Habes 49.Djibouti (350 years) 50.Somalia (350 years) Ottoman name: Zeyla 51.Kenyan coast (350 years) 52.Tanzania coasts (250 years) Northern regions of 53rd Street (313 years) Ottoman name: Resade 54.Part of Niger (300 years) Ottoman name: Kavar 55. Northern lands of Mozambique (150 years) 56.Morocco (50 years) -protection- 57.Western Sahara (50 years) -protection- 58.Mauritania (50 years) -protection- 59.Mali (300 years) Ottoman name: Gat district 60.Senegal (300 years) 61.Gambia (300 years) 62.Guinea Bissau (300 years) 63.Guinea (300 years) 64.Part of Ethiopia (350 years) Ottoman name: Abyssinia Places that are de facto affiliated with the Caliphate, although they are not officially within the #ottoman Land borders: #muslims of India -Pakistan- 66. Muslims of East India -Bangladesh- 67. Singapore 68. Malaysia 69. Indonesia 70. Turkestan Khanates 71. Nigeria 72. Cameroon In the #seas: throughout the Mediterranean for a century. For about 3 centuries in a part of the Mediterranean The entire Black Sea region for about 4 centuries. The entire Aegean for about 4 or so centuries…
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  • Muslim population (% of their total population)

    Maldives - 100%
    Mauritania - 99.9%
    Somalia - 99.8%
    Afghanistan - 99.7%
    Iran - 99.4%
    Algeria - 99%
    Morocco - 99%
    Niger - 98.3%
    Tajikistan - 97.9%
    Tunisia - 97.8%
    Palestine - 97.5%
    Azerbaijan - 97.3%
    Yemen - 97.2%
    Jordan - 97.2%
    Libya - 97%
    Pakistan - 96.5%
    Saudi Arabia - 96.2%
    Sudan - 96%
    Iraq - 95-98%
    Bangladesh - 91%
    Egypt - 90-94.7%
    Turkey - 89-98%
    Uzbekistan - 88.7%
    Indonesia - 86.7%
    Syria - 86%
    Kyrgyzstan - 80-90%
    Qatar - 77.5%
    Kuwait - 74.6%
    UAE - 72%
    Kazakhstan - 70.2%
    Lebanon - 67.8%
    Malaysia - 63.5%
    Albania - 58.8%
    Nigeria - 47-49%
    Tanzania - 35.2%

    Source: Data statistica [ Thread]
    Muslim population (% of their total population) Maldives 🇲🇻- 100% Mauritania 🇲🇷 - 99.9% Somalia 🇸🇴 - 99.8% Afghanistan 🇦🇫 - 99.7% Iran 🇮🇷 - 99.4% Algeria 🇩🇿 - 99% Morocco 🇲🇦 - 99% Niger 🇳🇪 - 98.3% Tajikistan 🇹🇯 - 97.9% Tunisia 🇹🇳 - 97.8% Palestine 🇵🇸 - 97.5% Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 97.3% Yemen 🇾🇪 - 97.2% Jordan 🇯🇴 - 97.2% Libya 🇱🇾 - 97% Pakistan 🇵🇰 - 96.5% Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 - 96.2% Sudan 🇸🇩 - 96% Iraq 🇮🇶 - 95-98% Bangladesh 🇧🇩 - 91% Egypt 🇪🇬 - 90-94.7% Turkey 🇹🇷 - 89-98% Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 - 88.7% Indonesia 🇮🇩 - 86.7% Syria 🇸🇾 - 86% Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - 80-90% Qatar 🇶🇦 - 77.5% Kuwait 🇰🇼 - 74.6% UAE 🇦🇪 - 72% Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 - 70.2% Lebanon 🇱🇧 - 67.8% Malaysia 🇲🇾 - 63.5% Albania 🇦🇱 - 58.8% Nigeria 🇳🇬 - 47-49% Tanzania 🇹🇿 - 35.2% Source: Data statistica [ Thread]
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  • All of these world-renowned heroes were either Ash’aris or Maturidis (Sunnis) in Creed, Followed one of the four Madhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali), and Adhered to a Sufi tariqah (order).
    Every single one of them.

    Among the Sufis who aided Islam with the sword as well as the pen were:

    “Such men as the Naqshbandi Shaykh Shamil al-Daghestani, who fought a prolonged war against the Russians in the Caucasus in the nineteenth century;

    Darqawi Faqir Al-Hajj Muhammad al-Ahrash, who fought the French in Egypt in 1799;

    Qadiri Shaykh ‘Uthman ibn Fodi, who led j*had in Northern Nigeria from 1804 to 1808 to establish Islamic rule;

    Imam Pangeran Diponegoro,
    The Javanese prince and one of Indonesia’s greatest National Heroes.
    He fought j*had against the Dutch from 1825 to 1830 and followed the Shattariya tariqah;

    Qadiri Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza’iri, who led the Algerians against the French from 1832 to 1847;

    Tijani Shaykh al-Hajj ‘Umar Tal, who led Islamic j*had in Guinea, Senegal, and Mali from 1852 to 1864;

    Muridiyyah Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba,
    who struggled against the French colonial rule of Senegal in the late 1800s;

    Sayyid Muhammad ‘Abdullah al-Somali, a Shaykh of the Salihiyya order who led Muslims against the British and Italians in Somalia from 1899 to 1920;

    Qadiri Shaykh Ma’ al-‘Aynayn al-Qalqami, who helped marshal Muslim resistance to the French in northern Mauritania and southern Morocco from 1905 to 1909;

    Senussi Shaykh Omar al-Mukhtar who led the resistance against the Italian colonization of Libya from 1911 to 1931 and also fought against the French colonization of Chad and the British occupation of Egypt;

    Shadhili Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi who despite his old age joined the ranks against the French colonization of Syria in 1920.
    He fought alongside many other ‘ulema of Damascus amongst them one of his shaykhs, Shaykh Al-Sharif al-Yaqoubi, who commanded a division of 500 people.”

    - Reliance of the Traveller -

    Tasawwuf did not prevent them from serving Islam in any way they could.
    All of these world-renowned heroes were either Ash’aris or Maturidis (Sunnis) in Creed, Followed one of the four Madhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali), and Adhered to a Sufi tariqah (order). Every single one of them. Among the Sufis who aided Islam with the sword as well as the pen were: “Such men as the Naqshbandi Shaykh Shamil al-Daghestani, who fought a prolonged war against the Russians in the Caucasus in the nineteenth century; Darqawi Faqir Al-Hajj Muhammad al-Ahrash, who fought the French in Egypt in 1799; Qadiri Shaykh ‘Uthman ibn Fodi, who led j*had in Northern Nigeria from 1804 to 1808 to establish Islamic rule; Imam Pangeran Diponegoro, The Javanese prince and one of Indonesia’s greatest National Heroes. He fought j*had against the Dutch from 1825 to 1830 and followed the Shattariya tariqah; Qadiri Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza’iri, who led the Algerians against the French from 1832 to 1847; Tijani Shaykh al-Hajj ‘Umar Tal, who led Islamic j*had in Guinea, Senegal, and Mali from 1852 to 1864; Muridiyyah Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba, who struggled against the French colonial rule of Senegal in the late 1800s; Sayyid Muhammad ‘Abdullah al-Somali, a Shaykh of the Salihiyya order who led Muslims against the British and Italians in Somalia from 1899 to 1920; Qadiri Shaykh Ma’ al-‘Aynayn al-Qalqami, who helped marshal Muslim resistance to the French in northern Mauritania and southern Morocco from 1905 to 1909; Senussi Shaykh Omar al-Mukhtar who led the resistance against the Italian colonization of Libya from 1911 to 1931 and also fought against the French colonization of Chad and the British occupation of Egypt; Shadhili Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi who despite his old age joined the ranks against the French colonization of Syria in 1920. He fought alongside many other ‘ulema of Damascus amongst them one of his shaykhs, Shaykh Al-Sharif al-Yaqoubi, who commanded a division of 500 people.” - Reliance of the Traveller - Tasawwuf did not prevent them from serving Islam in any way they could.
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  • The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation held, at its headquarters in Jeddah, the opening ceremony of the fifty-first session of the Permanent Finance Committee on 29/1/ 2023.
    His Excellency the Secretary-General, Mr. #Hissein_Brahim_Taha, delivered a statement, in which he affirmed that since assuming his post, and based on the confidence placed in him by Member States, he accorded great attention to the administrative and financial dossier.
    He added that the organization launched many committees and initiatives to modernize the administrative and financial systems and enhance good governance and other procedures in accordance with regulations.
    He wished that Member States would continue their support to complete the process of comprehensive reforms of the General Secretariat.
    He extended his sincere thanks to the Islamic Republic of #Pakistan for its successful steering of the fiftieth session of the PFC. He also expressed his sincere wishes of success to the Islamic Republic of #Mauritania, the new PFC Chair.
    The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation held, at its headquarters in Jeddah, the opening ceremony of the fifty-first session of the Permanent Finance Committee on 29/1/ 2023. His Excellency the Secretary-General, Mr. #Hissein_Brahim_Taha, delivered a statement, in which he affirmed that since assuming his post, and based on the confidence placed in him by Member States, he accorded great attention to the administrative and financial dossier. He added that the organization launched many committees and initiatives to modernize the administrative and financial systems and enhance good governance and other procedures in accordance with regulations. He wished that Member States would continue their support to complete the process of comprehensive reforms of the General Secretariat. He extended his sincere thanks to the Islamic Republic of #Pakistan for its successful steering of the fiftieth session of the PFC. He also expressed his sincere wishes of success to the Islamic Republic of #Mauritania, the new PFC Chair.
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  • Overview of the creed of the 𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐬 in different countries: This does not mean the majority of Muslims in these countries say, “We are of this ‘Aqīdah”. There are laymen in all! However this categorises the group based on the creed of scholars, national curriculum, events, awqāf, masājid etc:

    India - Maturidi Hanafi
    Saudi - Salafi Ghayr Muqallid
    Syria - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Turkey - Maturidi Hanafi
    Morocco - Ash'ari Maliki
    Nigeria - Ash'ari Maliki
    Bangladesh - Maturidi Hanafi
    Brunei - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Bosnia - Maturidi Hanafi
    Chechnya & Dagestan - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Afghanistan - Maturidi Hanafi
    Azerbaijan - Shia
    Iraq - Shia
    Egypt - Ash'ari Maliki
    Palestine - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Pakistan - Maturidi Hanafi
    Yemen - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Indonesia - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Kurdistan - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Kazakhstan - Maturidi Hanafi
    Somalia - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Sudan - Ash'ari Maliki
    Iran - Shia
    Malaysia - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Lebanon - 1/4 Ash'ari and 1/4 Shia
    Mauritania - Ash'ari Maliki
    Tunisia - Ash'ari Maliki
    Mali - Ash'ari Maliki
    Albania - Maturidi Hanafi
    Libya - Ash'ari Maliki
    Kosovo - Maturidi Hanafi
    Algeria - Ash'ari Maliki
    Mauritius - Maturidi Hanafi
    Overview of the creed of the 𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐬 in different countries: This does not mean the majority of Muslims in these countries say, “We are of this ‘Aqīdah”. There are laymen in all! However this categorises the group based on the creed of scholars, national curriculum, events, awqāf, masājid etc: 🇮🇳 India - Maturidi Hanafi 🇸🇦 Saudi - Salafi Ghayr Muqallid 🇸🇾 Syria - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇹🇷 Turkey - Maturidi Hanafi 🇲🇦 Morocco - Ash'ari Maliki 🇳🇬 Nigeria - Ash'ari Maliki 🇧🇩 Bangladesh - Maturidi Hanafi 🇧🇳 Brunei - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇧🇦 Bosnia - Maturidi Hanafi 🇷🇺 Chechnya & Dagestan - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇦🇫 Afghanistan - Maturidi Hanafi 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan - Shia 🇮🇶 Iraq - Shia 🇪🇬 Egypt - Ash'ari Maliki 🇵🇸 Palestine - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇵🇰 Pakistan - Maturidi Hanafi 🇾🇪 Yemen - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇲🇨 Indonesia - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🏴 Kurdistan - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan - Maturidi Hanafi 🇸🇴 Somalia - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇸🇩 Sudan - Ash'ari Maliki 🇮🇷 Iran - Shia 🇲🇾 Malaysia - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇱🇧 Lebanon - 1/4 Ash'ari and 1/4 Shia 🇲🇷 Mauritania - Ash'ari Maliki 🇹🇳 Tunisia - Ash'ari Maliki 🇲🇱 Mali - Ash'ari Maliki 🇦🇱 Albania - Maturidi Hanafi 🇱🇾 Libya - Ash'ari Maliki 🇽🇰 Kosovo - Maturidi Hanafi 🇩🇿 Algeria - Ash'ari Maliki 🇲🇺 Mauritius - Maturidi Hanafi
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  • #Mauritania..Rescuing a child trapped by floods for more than 20 hours over a dam
    The child, Ahmed Ould Ahmedou, was stuck in a dam in the city of Bou Amdeed in the center of the country on Saturday morning, before he was surprised by torrential torrents coming from a nearby hill.
    His father,stood among the citizens on the side of the dam, as the grieving father stood idly by as he could not reach his child, but he kept encouraging him to hold on to the end, repeating some touching words: “Do not slack, Allah will save you , do not slack, my son.”
    #Mauritania..Rescuing a child trapped by floods for more than 20 hours over a dam The child, Ahmed Ould Ahmedou, was stuck in a dam in the city of Bou Amdeed in the center of the country on Saturday morning, before he was surprised by torrential torrents coming from a nearby hill. His father,stood among the citizens on the side of the dam, as the grieving father stood idly by as he could not reach his child, but he kept encouraging him to hold on to the end, repeating some touching words: “Do not slack, Allah will save you , do not slack, my son.”
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