• Yusuf Ma Dexin, a Hui Chinese Hanafi-Maturidi scholar from Yunnan, was known for his expertise in Arabic and Persian languages and profound understanding of Islam. He was also known as Ma Fuchu in Chinese.

    In 1841, Yusuf Ma embarked on the Hajj pilgrimage, his departure from China caused disruptions due to the First Opium War. He accompanied a contingent of Muslim merchants who traveled overland, crossing the Sipsong Panna and then a riverboat journey along the Irrawaddy River. They were allowed to embark on a vessel from Yangon, which took them to the Arabian Peninsula.

    After performing Hajj and visiting holy cities of Makkah and Madina, Yusuf Ma remained in the Middle East for eight years. He studied at al-Azhar University in Cairo and explored the Ottoman Empire, visiting cities like Suez, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Cyprus, and Rhodes. He died in 1874.

    Below is a portrait of Yusuf Ma Dexin, and a Chinese book shows - Shakl Masjid-AlHaram AlKaba.
    #ChineseMuslim #islaminchina #historyofhajj #HajjPilgrims
    Yusuf Ma Dexin, a Hui Chinese Hanafi-Maturidi scholar from Yunnan, was known for his expertise in Arabic and Persian languages and profound understanding of Islam. He was also known as Ma Fuchu in Chinese. In 1841, Yusuf Ma embarked on the Hajj pilgrimage, his departure from China caused disruptions due to the First Opium War. He accompanied a contingent of Muslim merchants who traveled overland, crossing the Sipsong Panna and then a riverboat journey along the Irrawaddy River. They were allowed to embark on a vessel from Yangon, which took them to the Arabian Peninsula. After performing Hajj and visiting holy cities of Makkah and Madina, Yusuf Ma remained in the Middle East for eight years. He studied at al-Azhar University in Cairo and explored the Ottoman Empire, visiting cities like Suez, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Cyprus, and Rhodes. He died in 1874. Below is a portrait of Yusuf Ma Dexin, and a Chinese book shows - Shakl Masjid-AlHaram AlKaba. #ChineseMuslim #islaminchina #historyofhajj #HajjPilgrims
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    It will start with the morning prayer fard on Tuesday Arafah and will end with the afternoon prayer on the fourth day of the Eid. Once after 23 obligatory prayers
    * "اَلّهُ اَكْبَرُ اَلِّهُ اَكْبَرُ لاا اِلهَ اِلاّ اللّه وَاللّهُ اَلْبَرُ اَلّهُ اَكَِْمَََِْ*ِْمََََِِstyle
    *"Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilahe illallahu Vallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi'l-Hamd"*
    is taken in the form of takbir. These are called tashrik takbirs.

    The decree of tashrik takbis is wajib according to the Hanafi school. It is obligatory for both men and women.
    TESTRIK TAKBIRS: It will start with the morning prayer fard on Tuesday Arafah and will end with the afternoon prayer on the fourth day of the Eid. Once after 23 obligatory prayers * "اَلّهُ اَكْبَرُ اَلِّهُ اَكْبَرُ لاا اِلهَ اِلاّ اللّه وَاللّهُ اَلْبَرُ اَلّهُ اَكَِْمَََِْ*ِْمََََِِstyle *"Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilahe illallahu Vallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi'l-Hamd"* is taken in the form of takbir. These are called tashrik takbirs. The decree of tashrik takbis is wajib according to the Hanafi school. It is obligatory for both men and women.
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  • All of these world-renowned heroes were either Ash’aris or Maturidis (Sunnis) in Creed, Followed one of the four Madhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali), and Adhered to a Sufi tariqah (order).
    Every single one of them.

    Among the Sufis who aided Islam with the sword as well as the pen were:

    “Such men as the Naqshbandi Shaykh Shamil al-Daghestani, who fought a prolonged war against the Russians in the Caucasus in the nineteenth century;

    Darqawi Faqir Al-Hajj Muhammad al-Ahrash, who fought the French in Egypt in 1799;

    Qadiri Shaykh ‘Uthman ibn Fodi, who led j*had in Northern Nigeria from 1804 to 1808 to establish Islamic rule;

    Imam Pangeran Diponegoro,
    The Javanese prince and one of Indonesia’s greatest National Heroes.
    He fought j*had against the Dutch from 1825 to 1830 and followed the Shattariya tariqah;

    Qadiri Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza’iri, who led the Algerians against the French from 1832 to 1847;

    Tijani Shaykh al-Hajj ‘Umar Tal, who led Islamic j*had in Guinea, Senegal, and Mali from 1852 to 1864;

    Muridiyyah Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba,
    who struggled against the French colonial rule of Senegal in the late 1800s;

    Sayyid Muhammad ‘Abdullah al-Somali, a Shaykh of the Salihiyya order who led Muslims against the British and Italians in Somalia from 1899 to 1920;

    Qadiri Shaykh Ma’ al-‘Aynayn al-Qalqami, who helped marshal Muslim resistance to the French in northern Mauritania and southern Morocco from 1905 to 1909;

    Senussi Shaykh Omar al-Mukhtar who led the resistance against the Italian colonization of Libya from 1911 to 1931 and also fought against the French colonization of Chad and the British occupation of Egypt;

    Shadhili Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi who despite his old age joined the ranks against the French colonization of Syria in 1920.
    He fought alongside many other ‘ulema of Damascus amongst them one of his shaykhs, Shaykh Al-Sharif al-Yaqoubi, who commanded a division of 500 people.”

    - Reliance of the Traveller -

    Tasawwuf did not prevent them from serving Islam in any way they could.
    All of these world-renowned heroes were either Ash’aris or Maturidis (Sunnis) in Creed, Followed one of the four Madhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali), and Adhered to a Sufi tariqah (order). Every single one of them. Among the Sufis who aided Islam with the sword as well as the pen were: “Such men as the Naqshbandi Shaykh Shamil al-Daghestani, who fought a prolonged war against the Russians in the Caucasus in the nineteenth century; Darqawi Faqir Al-Hajj Muhammad al-Ahrash, who fought the French in Egypt in 1799; Qadiri Shaykh ‘Uthman ibn Fodi, who led j*had in Northern Nigeria from 1804 to 1808 to establish Islamic rule; Imam Pangeran Diponegoro, The Javanese prince and one of Indonesia’s greatest National Heroes. He fought j*had against the Dutch from 1825 to 1830 and followed the Shattariya tariqah; Qadiri Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza’iri, who led the Algerians against the French from 1832 to 1847; Tijani Shaykh al-Hajj ‘Umar Tal, who led Islamic j*had in Guinea, Senegal, and Mali from 1852 to 1864; Muridiyyah Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba, who struggled against the French colonial rule of Senegal in the late 1800s; Sayyid Muhammad ‘Abdullah al-Somali, a Shaykh of the Salihiyya order who led Muslims against the British and Italians in Somalia from 1899 to 1920; Qadiri Shaykh Ma’ al-‘Aynayn al-Qalqami, who helped marshal Muslim resistance to the French in northern Mauritania and southern Morocco from 1905 to 1909; Senussi Shaykh Omar al-Mukhtar who led the resistance against the Italian colonization of Libya from 1911 to 1931 and also fought against the French colonization of Chad and the British occupation of Egypt; Shadhili Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi who despite his old age joined the ranks against the French colonization of Syria in 1920. He fought alongside many other ‘ulema of Damascus amongst them one of his shaykhs, Shaykh Al-Sharif al-Yaqoubi, who commanded a division of 500 people.” - Reliance of the Traveller - Tasawwuf did not prevent them from serving Islam in any way they could.
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  • The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult.

    He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization.

    These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan.

    Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, ).

    #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi
    #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey
    #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish
    #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism
    #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
    The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult. He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization. These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan. Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, 🇺🇸). #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult.

    He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization.

    These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan.

    Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, ).

    #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi
    #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey
    #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish
    #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism
    #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
    The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Afghanistan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Qazi or Chief Jurisconsult. He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Fiqh and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing many Sufistic cultural traditions such as the Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization. These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad individual? We all must smash the propaganda against Mevlana Jelal ud din Rumi who was a true Muhammadan. Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian Yale, 🇺🇸). #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey #propaganda #Jihad #sejuk #osmanlı #turkish #konya #islamic #rumiquotes #Secularism #mevlana #mevlevi #mevlanacelaleddinrumi
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Wang Zi-Ping (d.1973) was a Chinese Muslim and a master of Chinese Martial Arts. He was a follower of the Hanafi jurisprudence. Wang won fights against Russian, American, German, and Japanese martial artists.

    Wang Zi-Ping (d.1973) was a Chinese Muslim and a master of Chinese Martial Arts. He was a follower of the Hanafi jurisprudence. Wang won fights against Russian, American, German, and Japanese martial artists. #TheMuslimArchive
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Yusuf Ma Dexin (d. 1874) was a Hui Chinese Hanafi-Maturidi scholar from Yunnan, known for his fluency and proficiency in both Arabic and Persian, and for his knowledge of Islam.

    He also went by the Chinese name Ma Fuchu. He used the Arabic name Abd al-Qayyum Ruh ad-din Yusuf (عبد القيوم روح الدين يوسف). He was also styled as Mawlana al-Hajj Yusuf Ruh ad-Din Ma Fujuh (مولانا الحاج يوسف روح الدين ما فو جوه).

    Ma performed the Hajj pilgrimage in 1841. After his time in Makkah, he stayed in the Middle East for another eight years; he first went to Cairo, where he studied at Al-Azhar University, then travelled throughout the Ottoman Empire, going to Suez, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Cyprus, and Rhodes.

    He apparently produced the first Qur'an translation in Chinese and wrote many books about Islam in the Arabic and Persian language.

    Yusuf Ma Dexin (d. 1874) was a Hui Chinese Hanafi-Maturidi scholar from Yunnan, known for his fluency and proficiency in both Arabic and Persian, and for his knowledge of Islam. He also went by the Chinese name Ma Fuchu. He used the Arabic name Abd al-Qayyum Ruh ad-din Yusuf (عبد القيوم روح الدين يوسف). He was also styled as Mawlana al-Hajj Yusuf Ruh ad-Din Ma Fujuh (مولانا الحاج يوسف روح الدين ما فو جوه). Ma performed the Hajj pilgrimage in 1841. After his time in Makkah, he stayed in the Middle East for another eight years; he first went to Cairo, where he studied at Al-Azhar University, then travelled throughout the Ottoman Empire, going to Suez, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Cyprus, and Rhodes. He apparently produced the first Qur'an translation in Chinese and wrote many books about Islam in the Arabic and Persian language. #MuslimArchive
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Overview of the creed of the 𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐬 in different countries: This does not mean the majority of Muslims in these countries say, “We are of this ‘Aqīdah”. There are laymen in all! However this categorises the group based on the creed of scholars, national curriculum, events, awqāf, masājid etc:

    India - Maturidi Hanafi
    Saudi - Salafi Ghayr Muqallid
    Syria - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Turkey - Maturidi Hanafi
    Morocco - Ash'ari Maliki
    Nigeria - Ash'ari Maliki
    Bangladesh - Maturidi Hanafi
    Brunei - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Bosnia - Maturidi Hanafi
    Chechnya & Dagestan - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Afghanistan - Maturidi Hanafi
    Azerbaijan - Shia
    Iraq - Shia
    Egypt - Ash'ari Maliki
    Palestine - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Pakistan - Maturidi Hanafi
    Yemen - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Indonesia - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Kurdistan - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Kazakhstan - Maturidi Hanafi
    Somalia - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Sudan - Ash'ari Maliki
    Iran - Shia
    Malaysia - Ash'ari Shafi'i
    Lebanon - 1/4 Ash'ari and 1/4 Shia
    Mauritania - Ash'ari Maliki
    Tunisia - Ash'ari Maliki
    Mali - Ash'ari Maliki
    Albania - Maturidi Hanafi
    Libya - Ash'ari Maliki
    Kosovo - Maturidi Hanafi
    Algeria - Ash'ari Maliki
    Mauritius - Maturidi Hanafi
    Overview of the creed of the 𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐬 in different countries: This does not mean the majority of Muslims in these countries say, “We are of this ‘Aqīdah”. There are laymen in all! However this categorises the group based on the creed of scholars, national curriculum, events, awqāf, masājid etc: 🇮🇳 India - Maturidi Hanafi 🇸🇦 Saudi - Salafi Ghayr Muqallid 🇸🇾 Syria - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇹🇷 Turkey - Maturidi Hanafi 🇲🇦 Morocco - Ash'ari Maliki 🇳🇬 Nigeria - Ash'ari Maliki 🇧🇩 Bangladesh - Maturidi Hanafi 🇧🇳 Brunei - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇧🇦 Bosnia - Maturidi Hanafi 🇷🇺 Chechnya & Dagestan - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇦🇫 Afghanistan - Maturidi Hanafi 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan - Shia 🇮🇶 Iraq - Shia 🇪🇬 Egypt - Ash'ari Maliki 🇵🇸 Palestine - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇵🇰 Pakistan - Maturidi Hanafi 🇾🇪 Yemen - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇲🇨 Indonesia - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🏴 Kurdistan - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan - Maturidi Hanafi 🇸🇴 Somalia - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇸🇩 Sudan - Ash'ari Maliki 🇮🇷 Iran - Shia 🇲🇾 Malaysia - Ash'ari Shafi'i 🇱🇧 Lebanon - 1/4 Ash'ari and 1/4 Shia 🇲🇷 Mauritania - Ash'ari Maliki 🇹🇳 Tunisia - Ash'ari Maliki 🇲🇱 Mali - Ash'ari Maliki 🇦🇱 Albania - Maturidi Hanafi 🇱🇾 Libya - Ash'ari Maliki 🇽🇰 Kosovo - Maturidi Hanafi 🇩🇿 Algeria - Ash'ari Maliki 🇲🇺 Mauritius - Maturidi Hanafi
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni
  • Was Mevlana Rumi really an unorthodox & secular mystic? Refuting the ridiculous Orientalist propaganda against Rumi !

    The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Khorasan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Chief Jurisconsult. He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Jurisprudence and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing Sufistic cultural traditions such as Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization. These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad?

    Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian from Yale, ).

    #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi
    #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey
    Was Mevlana Rumi really an unorthodox & secular mystic? Refuting the ridiculous Orientalist propaganda against Rumi ! The primary history sources mention that Mevlana Rumi-originally from Balkh region of Khorasan-got settled in Konya city of Anatolia (modern Turkey) at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubad 1. After his father's death, Rumi took charge of Medressa in Konya and also served as a Chief Jurisconsult. He adhered to Orthodox Sunni Hanafi Jurisprudence and the Maturidi Creed which he had championed all his life. Rumi also gave maximum support to the Seljuk Sultans by commissioning their Jihad against Christian Byzantine state while he spearheaded the efforts for the Islamization of Anatolia by employing Sufistic cultural traditions such as Whirling Dervish, Sufi Shrines, Sama (Qawali) and Dawah through his religious followers. The reality is that far from being a mere secular mystic poet, Rumi was the architect of a brilliant Islamic Civilization. These facts are established by majority primary sources. Howcome then Mevlana Rumi be a secularist or anti-Jihad? Source: "Islamization of Asia Minor" lecture by Professor Kenneth (Phd historian from Yale, 🇺🇸). #Rumi #Orientalist #mevlanarumi #Hanafi #Maturidi #Islam #seljuk #anatolia #Turkey
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  • 625 years ago today, the Ottomans under the leadership of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid Yildirim defeat the grand scale European Crusade in the Battle of Nicopolis, 1396.

    So let us commemorate this great victory by reading on great legacy of Sultan Bayezid 1 and how he secured a huge victory for Islam.

    The Crusade of Nicopolis took place on 25 September 1396 and resulted in rout of an allied crusader army of Hungarian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Wallachian, French, Burgundian, German, and assorted troops at the hands of an Ottoman military under Sultan Bayezid 1.

    Ottoman Bayezid I was given the title of Yildirim (thunderbolt) for his brilliant speed with which he mobilised his army to attack the enemies. Sultan Yildirim Bayezid I crushed a large scale European crusade at the Battle of Nicopolis (Niğbolu) 1396.

    Sultan Bayezid's prestige rose so much after this heroic victory at Nicopolis, that for this Bayezid 1 was officially given the title of "Sultan" by shadow Abassid Caliph in Egypt despite the opposition of the Mamluks who wanted to retain title of Sultan for themselves.

    The effect of the defeat was so devastating for Christians that Chronicler Jean Froissart would declare : "Since Battle of Roncesvalles when all twelve peers of France were slain, Christendom received not so great a damage."

    The Battle of Nicopolis is also widely regarded as the end of the Second Bulgarian Empire, since hopes for its revival had come to an end with the defeat of the Crusaders. Its last ruler, Ivan Sratsimir of Bulgaria, was captured and killed in Bursa. [2]

    By their victory at Nicopolis, the Ottomans discouraged formation of future European coalitions against them. They maintained their pressure on Constantinople, tightened their control over the Balkans, and became a greater threat to central Europe. [3]

    The Turbe or Tomb of the Great Mujahid and Sunni Sultan Bayezid Yildirim Al Hanafi Al Maturidi at Bursa the first Ottoman Capital. May the Noor of Allah Illumine his grave.

    May God raise the ranks of Sultan Yildirim Beyazid. Sultan Bayezid Han Coķ Yaşa

    Sources used:

    [1] Tuchman 561

    [2] Andreev, Jordan; Lalkov, Milcho (1996). Българските ханове и царе [The Bulgarian Khans and Tsars] (in Bulgarian ) Veliko Tarnovo: Abagar. pp. 297–298.

    [3] "Battle of Nicopolis". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Retrieved

    #ottoman #turkey #Bayezid #Nicopolis
    #Europe #Yildirim #Osmanli #Crusade
    625 years ago today, the Ottomans under the leadership of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid Yildirim defeat the grand scale European Crusade in the Battle of Nicopolis, 1396. So let us commemorate this great victory by reading on great legacy of Sultan Bayezid 1 and how he secured a huge victory for Islam. The Crusade of Nicopolis took place on 25 September 1396 and resulted in rout of an allied crusader army of Hungarian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Wallachian, French, Burgundian, German, and assorted troops at the hands of an Ottoman military under Sultan Bayezid 1. Ottoman Bayezid I was given the title of Yildirim (thunderbolt⚡) for his brilliant speed with which he mobilised his army to attack the enemies. Sultan Yildirim Bayezid I crushed a large scale European crusade at the Battle of Nicopolis (Niğbolu) 1396. Sultan Bayezid's prestige rose so much after this heroic victory at Nicopolis, that for this Bayezid 1 was officially given the title of "Sultan" by shadow Abassid Caliph in Egypt despite the opposition of the Mamluks who wanted to retain title of Sultan for themselves. The effect of the defeat was so devastating for Christians that Chronicler Jean Froissart would declare : "Since Battle of Roncesvalles when all twelve peers of France were slain, Christendom received not so great a damage." [1] The Battle of Nicopolis is also widely regarded as the end of the Second Bulgarian Empire, since hopes for its revival had come to an end with the defeat of the Crusaders. Its last ruler, Ivan Sratsimir of Bulgaria, was captured and killed in Bursa. [2] By their victory at Nicopolis, the Ottomans discouraged formation of future European coalitions against them. They maintained their pressure on Constantinople, tightened their control over the Balkans, and became a greater threat to central Europe. [3] The Turbe or Tomb of the Great Mujahid and Sunni Sultan Bayezid Yildirim Al Hanafi Al Maturidi at Bursa the first Ottoman Capital. May the Noor of Allah Illumine his grave. May God raise the ranks of Sultan Yildirim Beyazid. Sultan Bayezid Han Coķ Yaşa Sources used: [1] Tuchman 561 [2] Andreev, Jordan; Lalkov, Milcho (1996). Българските ханове и царе [The Bulgarian Khans and Tsars] (in Bulgarian ) Veliko Tarnovo: Abagar. pp. 297–298. [3] "Battle of Nicopolis". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Retrieved #ottoman #turkey #Bayezid #Nicopolis #Europe #Yildirim #Osmanli #Crusade
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