• Ambassador Isiaka Abdulqadir Imam, the #D8 Secretary-General, attended the 39th Session of the #COMCEC Ministerial Session in Istanbul on Monday, 04-Dec. The #D8SG attended the Session upon the invitation from the Government of Türkiye.

    The #D8SG subscribed to the statement of H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, delivered at the opening session, on the expression of solidarity for Palestine and the call for the COMCEC to continue its contribution to Palestine.

    The #D8SG’s participation in the 39th COMCEC Ministerial Meeting was a valuable opportunity to broaden the #D8 network to support its economic cooperation.
    Ambassador Isiaka Abdulqadir Imam, the #D8 Secretary-General, attended the 39th Session of the #COMCEC Ministerial Session in Istanbul on Monday, 04-Dec. The #D8SG attended the Session upon the invitation from the Government of Türkiye. The #D8SG subscribed to the statement of H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, delivered at the opening session, on the expression of solidarity for Palestine and the call for the COMCEC to continue its contribution to Palestine. The #D8SG’s participation in the 39th COMCEC Ministerial Meeting was a valuable opportunity to broaden the #D8 network to support its economic cooperation.
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  • President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the 38th Ministerial Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) at Istanbul Congress Center.
    President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the 38th Ministerial Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) at Istanbul Congress Center.
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  • "İSEDAK", "İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Ekonomik ve Ticari İşbirliği Daimi Komitesi"nin Türkçe kısa adıdır. İngilizce ve Fransızca kısaltması ise"COMCEC"dir. 1981 yılında 3. İslam Zirvesince kararlaştırılan komite, ilk toplantının yapıldığı 1984 yılından beri her sene toplanmaktadır.
    🔴🌙"İSEDAK", "İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Ekonomik ve Ticari İşbirliği Daimi Komitesi"nin Türkçe kısa adıdır. İngilizce ve Fransızca kısaltması ise🌐"COMCEC"dir. 1981 yılında 3. İslam Zirvesince kararlaştırılan komite, ilk toplantının yapıldığı 1984 yılından beri her sene toplanmaktadır.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • 38. #İSEDAK Bakanlar Oturumu’nda 21 üye ülkenin dijitalleşmeden sorumlu temsilcileri, Üst Düzey #DijitalDönüşüm Forumu’nu Türkiye’nin liderliğinde düzenlemeye karar verdi.
    During the 38th #COMCEC Ministerial Session, representatives in charge of digitalisation from 21 OIC countries set the agenda to launch the High Level Digital Transformation Forum under the leadership of Türkiye.
    38. #İSEDAK Bakanlar Oturumu’nda 21 üye ülkenin dijitalleşmeden sorumlu temsilcileri, Üst Düzey #DijitalDönüşüm Forumu’nu Türkiye’nin liderliğinde düzenlemeye karar verdi.🇹🇷 - During the 38th #COMCEC Ministerial Session, representatives in charge of digitalisation from 21 OIC countries set the agenda to launch the High Level Digital Transformation Forum under the leadership of Türkiye.🇹🇷 📍İstanbul
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