• The Elite Soldiers Of The Ottoman Empire, Janissaries!

    The Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire emerged as one of the most powerful military forces in the world. They were highly-trained fighters.

    They played a significant role in the conquest of Constantinople. Nothing seemed capable of stopping the Janissaries’ career of conquest.

    An Italian traveler named Paolo Giovio once described these ferocious warriors:

    “Their discipline under arms is due to their justice and severity, which surpasses that of the ancient Romans. They surpass our soldiers for three reasons;

    1) They obey their commanders without question.

    2) They seem to care nothing at all for their lives in battle.

    3) They go for a long time without bread and water."

    Janissaries were very devout Muslims. Their primary purpose in life was Jihad only and fighting against the enemies of Islam.

    Here is my complete review video on the first season of "Rise of Empires: Ottoman" series

    #RiseofEmpiresOttoman #riseOfEmpires #ottomanempire #ottoman #kurulusosmanurdu #KuruluşOsman #IslamicHistory #Janissary #Netflix
    The Elite Soldiers Of The Ottoman Empire, Janissaries! The Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire emerged as one of the most powerful military forces in the world. They were highly-trained fighters. They played a significant role in the conquest of Constantinople. Nothing seemed capable of stopping the Janissaries’ career of conquest. An Italian traveler named Paolo Giovio once described these ferocious warriors: “Their discipline under arms is due to their justice and severity, which surpasses that of the ancient Romans. They surpass our soldiers for three reasons; 1) They obey their commanders without question. 2) They seem to care nothing at all for their lives in battle. 3) They go for a long time without bread and water." Janissaries were very devout Muslims. Their primary purpose in life was Jihad only and fighting against the enemies of Islam. Here is my complete review video on the first season of "Rise of Empires: Ottoman" series 👇 https://youtu.be/t0WaHs8-lh8 . . . . #RiseofEmpiresOttoman #riseOfEmpires #ottomanempire #ottoman #kurulusosmanurdu #KuruluşOsman #IslamicHistory #Janissary #Netflix
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  • Selam News İstanbul Türkiye

    Regaip Kandili’nin sizlere, milletimize, İslam âlemine ve tüm insanlığa hayırlar getirmesini diliyorum.

    Regaib kelimesi bolluk, bereket, fazilet anlamına gelir. Bu gece Allah’ın lütuflarının bol bol verildiği bir gecedir ve üç ayların ilk kandil gecesidir.

    Bereket Mevsiminin Habercisi "Regaib Kandili" mübârek olsun.

    I wish Regaip Kandili to bring blessings to you, our nation, the Islamic world and all humanity.

    The word Regaib means abundance, fertility, virtue. This night is a night where God's blessings are given abundantly and it is the first oil lamp night of three months.

    Blessed be the "Regaib Kandili", the Herald of the Season of Fertility.

    #istanbul #Turkey #Türkiye #world
    #Islamic #salaam #Selam #SelamNews #Muslim #Muslims #people
    #regaibKandili #üçaylar
    ☪️ Selam News 🌍 İstanbul Türkiye 🌐 🇹🇷 Regaip Kandili’nin sizlere, milletimize, İslam âlemine ve tüm insanlığa hayırlar getirmesini diliyorum. Regaib kelimesi bolluk, bereket, fazilet anlamına gelir. Bu gece Allah’ın lütuflarının bol bol verildiği bir gecedir ve üç ayların ilk kandil gecesidir. Bereket Mevsiminin Habercisi "Regaib Kandili" mübârek olsun. 🌙 I wish Regaip Kandili to bring blessings to you, our nation, the Islamic world and all humanity. The word Regaib means abundance, fertility, virtue. This night is a night where God's blessings are given abundantly and it is the first oil lamp night of three months. Blessed be the "Regaib Kandili", the Herald of the Season of Fertility. 🌙 #HzMuhammed⚘(sav) #istanbul #Turkey #Türkiye #world #Islamic #salaam #Selam #SelamNews #Muslim #Muslims #people #regaibKandili #üçaylar
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  • I wish Regaip Kandili to bring blessings to you, our nation, the Islamic world and all humanity.

    The word Regaib means abundance, fertility, virtue. This night is a night where God's blessings are given abundantly and it is the first oil lamp night of three months.

    Blessed be the "Regaib Kandili", the Herald of the Season of Fertility.
    I wish Regaip Kandili to bring blessings to you, our nation, the Islamic world and all humanity. The word Regaib means abundance, fertility, virtue. This night is a night where God's blessings are given abundantly and it is the first oil lamp night of three months. Blessed be the "Regaib Kandili", the Herald of the Season of Fertility. 🌙
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones