• Countries whose people speak Indonesian language

    Indonesian is the most spoken language in Southeast Asia and spoken/understood outside Indonesia.

    It is also 1 of 10 official languages of UNESCO General conference making it more internationally recognized. It is also taught in Australian schools as an elective foreign languages subject.

    If you learn Indonesian, you will also be able to communicate with most people in Malaysia, Brunei, and Timor Leste.

    In Timor Leste, Indonesian is the working language there, many people from Timor Leste speak Indonesian, even those who were born after Timor Leste's independence.

    Indonesia is also considered as one of the easiest languages to learn in the world. It uses Roman alphabet, it has simple grammar, it has no tenses, no tones (like Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese), no grammatical genders, no grammatical cases.

    Many Malaysians say "Indonesian = Malay". If it's so, then "Malay = Indonesian"

    Because if A = B, then B = A.

    Let's just follow their logic.

    ©️ SEA Rising
    📍 Countries whose people speak 🇮🇩 Indonesian language Indonesian is the most spoken language in Southeast Asia and spoken/understood outside Indonesia. It is also 1 of 10 official languages of UNESCO General conference making it more internationally recognized. It is also taught in Australian schools as an elective foreign languages subject. If you learn Indonesian, you will also be able to communicate with most people in 🇲🇾 Malaysia, 🇧🇳 Brunei, and 🇹🇱 Timor Leste. In Timor Leste, Indonesian is the working language there, many people from Timor Leste speak Indonesian, even those who were born after Timor Leste's independence. Indonesia is also considered as one of the easiest languages to learn in the world. It uses Roman alphabet, it has simple grammar, it has no tenses, no tones (like Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese), no grammatical genders, no grammatical cases. Disclaimer: Many Malaysians say "Indonesian = Malay". If it's so, then "Malay = Indonesian" Because if A = B, then B = A. Let's just follow their logic. ©️ SEA Rising
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  • Activists and various organisations worldwide have called for a global strike on December 11 to demand an immediate ceasefire in Palestine’s Gaza, where some 2.2 million people are suffering under Israel’s relentless bombardment and blockade.

    The #ShutItDown4Palestine strike — which has been shared widely on social media — will cover “all aspects of public life” in an effort to stop the “unjust” war on Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, according to a statement by the International Union of Muslim Scholars, which is among the many groups participating in the global protest calling for a #CeasefireNow.

    The coalition noted the success of boycotts and global humanitarian actions in the past, but highlighted the UN Security Council's failure to stop Israel's onslaught. It suggested a review of the Security Council's veto system, proposing that decisions be approved via a simple majority vote rather than a unanimous one.

    Those participating in the strike hope their united stance and collective action will send a message of solidarity to Palestinians and apply pressure on governments around the world to take action towards ending Israel’s ongoing aggression.

    In response to the global call, Lebanon announced the closure of all government offices and institutions on Monday in solidarity with Gaza and the southern Lebanese villages that have also been victims of Israeli attacks.

    Israel’s onslaught on besieged Gaza — now in its 66th day — has killed at least 17,997 Palestinians and wounded more than 49,200, with thousands feared dead under the debris of bombed buildings.
    Activists and various organisations worldwide have called for a global strike on December 11 to demand an immediate ceasefire in Palestine’s Gaza, where some 2.2 million people are suffering under Israel’s relentless bombardment and blockade. The #ShutItDown4Palestine strike — which has been shared widely on social media — will cover “all aspects of public life” in an effort to stop the “unjust” war on Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, according to a statement by the International Union of Muslim Scholars, which is among the many groups participating in the global protest calling for a #CeasefireNow. The coalition noted the success of boycotts and global humanitarian actions in the past, but highlighted the UN Security Council's failure to stop Israel's onslaught. It suggested a review of the Security Council's veto system, proposing that decisions be approved via a simple majority vote rather than a unanimous one. Those participating in the strike hope their united stance and collective action will send a message of solidarity to Palestinians and apply pressure on governments around the world to take action towards ending Israel’s ongoing aggression. In response to the global call, Lebanon announced the closure of all government offices and institutions on Monday in solidarity with Gaza and the southern Lebanese villages that have also been victims of Israeli attacks. Israel’s onslaught on besieged Gaza — now in its 66th day — has killed at least 17,997 Palestinians and wounded more than 49,200, with thousands feared dead under the debris of bombed buildings.
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  • The holy month of Ramadan, with its practices of fasting and worship, encourages a sense of community among Muslims around the world.

    From Cairo to New Delhi, long spreads of food await those observing the holy month, bringing together thousands of worshippers every day to break their fast at sunset in mass iftars. Whether individually or alongside their families, everyone is welcome.

    In keeping with the spirit of #Ramadan, food waste is avoided and a simple meal is favoured — often including dates, water, yoghurt and a dish of meat or chicken.
    The holy month of Ramadan, with its practices of fasting and worship, encourages a sense of community among Muslims around the world. From Cairo to New Delhi, long spreads of food await those observing the holy month, bringing together thousands of worshippers every day to break their fast at sunset in mass iftars. Whether individually or alongside their families, everyone is welcome. In keeping with the spirit of #Ramadan, food waste is avoided and a simple meal is favoured — often including dates, water, yoghurt and a dish of meat or chicken.
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  • Maybe they don't have everything, but the beauty of togetherness makes them happy. "~Happiness is simple as long as we understand it~".
    Maybe they don't have everything, but the beauty of togetherness makes them happy. "~Happiness is simple as long as we understand it~". ❤❤❤
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen
  • Learn Basic Swimming Techniques.
    If you are a novice, it is important to learn a few basic swimming techniques so you can feel safe in the water. If you master these basic techniques first, you will feel more at ease and relaxed when you tackle the popular swimming strokes. This article gives you an overview about those basic techniques.

    1- Getting Comfortable in the Water

    The first step for a novice is to be able to enter the water without being afraid and to be able to control breathing once being in the water.

    2- Learning How To Float

    If you can’t swim, you might believe that in the water you would sink to the ground like a stone. However, this isn’t true. In fact it is very easy to float in the water as long as your lungs are filled with air.

    3- Learning the Flutter Kick

    The flutter kick is a simple yet effective swimming technique where your legs execute kind of a whipping motion. As a beginner you should learn to do this technique in a prone and in a supine position. You’ll be then able to use the flutter kick to tread water and to swim dog paddle. Later on, you’ll use this technique while swimming backstroke and the freestyle stroke.

    4- How to Do the Starfish Float

    The starfish float is a basic swimming technique where you float on your back with arms and legs spread apart.

    5- Learning the Breaststroke Kick

    As a beginner, it is also important to know the breaststroke kick, even though it’s more difficult to learn than the flutter kick. Beginners can use the breaststroke kick to tread water and to swim elementary backstroke. Obviously the breaststroke kick is also used while swimming breaststroke.

    6- Sculling Water

    Sculling water is another basic swimming technique. Basically you float in an upright position with your head above water and with your arms extended sideways at shoulder level.You use quick sweeping movements of your arms at the water surface to stay afloat. This technique is best used in combination with a kicking movement of the feet (see below).

    7- Treading Water

    Treading water allows you to stay afloat in the same spot while keeping your head above water and your body upright. It is a very useful technique when you need to orient yourself in the water or to observe something that happens around you on land.
    Learn Basic Swimming Techniques. If you are a novice, it is important to learn a few basic swimming techniques so you can feel safe in the water. If you master these basic techniques first, you will feel more at ease and relaxed when you tackle the popular swimming strokes. This article gives you an overview about those basic techniques. 1- Getting Comfortable in the Water The first step for a novice is to be able to enter the water without being afraid and to be able to control breathing once being in the water. 2- Learning How To Float If you can’t swim, you might believe that in the water you would sink to the ground like a stone. However, this isn’t true. In fact it is very easy to float in the water as long as your lungs are filled with air. 3- Learning the Flutter Kick The flutter kick is a simple yet effective swimming technique where your legs execute kind of a whipping motion. As a beginner you should learn to do this technique in a prone and in a supine position. You’ll be then able to use the flutter kick to tread water and to swim dog paddle. Later on, you’ll use this technique while swimming backstroke and the freestyle stroke. 4- How to Do the Starfish Float The starfish float is a basic swimming technique where you float on your back with arms and legs spread apart. 5- Learning the Breaststroke Kick As a beginner, it is also important to know the breaststroke kick, even though it’s more difficult to learn than the flutter kick. Beginners can use the breaststroke kick to tread water and to swim elementary backstroke. Obviously the breaststroke kick is also used while swimming breaststroke. 6- Sculling Water Sculling water is another basic swimming technique. Basically you float in an upright position with your head above water and with your arms extended sideways at shoulder level.You use quick sweeping movements of your arms at the water surface to stay afloat. This technique is best used in combination with a kicking movement of the feet (see below). 7- Treading Water Treading water allows you to stay afloat in the same spot while keeping your head above water and your body upright. It is a very useful technique when you need to orient yourself in the water or to observe something that happens around you on land.
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    Tıbbi ve Psikolojik Tedavi

    Modern bilim, iki elin avuçlarında tüm vücut organları ve tüm hücrelerde bağlantılı bazı noktalar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.

    Bununla ifade etmek istediğimiz; iki elin parmaklarındaki katmanlar(boğumlar) üzerinde tesbih etmek (Subhanallah), tahmid(Elhamdulillah) ve tekbir getirmek(Allahu Ekber)tir.

    Böylelikle sen, (kalp,böbrek,karaciğer,safra kesesi,pankreas,göz ve kulak gibi) tüm vücut organlarına ve vücudundaki tüm hücrelere, Allah'ı tesbih etmeyi, O'na hamd etmeyi, ve Allah'ın kainattaki her şeyden büyük olduğunu telkin etmiş oluyorsun.Bu bir kodlamadır hücrelere ve kendi kendine faydali telkindir.

    Ayrıca sen vücudun tamamına masaj uygulamış ve canlandırmış oluyorsun. Kıyamet günü dil, eller, tüm hücreler ve vücut organları bize şahitlik edecek. Allahu Teala Nur suresinde buyuruyor:

    "O gün; kendi dilleri, elleri ve ayakları yapmış oldukları şeylere tanıklık edecektir."

    Allah'ı zikretmek, beyin dalgalarını düzenler. Kişiyi sakinleştirici ilaçlar olmaksızın psikolojik denge konumuna ulaştırır. Günde iki defa oturarak tesbih çekmek bağımlılığın tedavisi ve ondan korunmak için de cok faydalıdır. Tesbihat etkili ve basit(masrafsiz) bir iyileşme _terapi seçeneğidir.

    Rabbim sana ne kadar şükretsek azdır. nerelerde ne ilimler gizlemişsin



    Medical and Psychological Treatment

    Modern science has revealed that on the palms of both hands there are some connected points in all body organs and all cells.

    What we want to express with this; tasbih (Subhanallah), tahmid (Alhamdulillah) and uttering takbir (Allahu Akbar) on the layers (knuckles) on the fingers of both hands.

    Thus, you instruct all body organs (such as heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, eye and ear) and all cells in your body to glorify Allah, praise Him, and that Allah is greater than everything in the universe. This is a coding, a self-helpful suggestion to the cells.

    You are also massaging and revitalizing the entire body. On the Day of Judgment, tongue, hands, all cells and body organs will bear witness to us. Allah says in Surah Nur:

    "On that day their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness to what they have done."

    The remembrance of Allah regulates the brain waves. It brings the person to a state of psychological balance without sedative drugs. Sitting and praying twice a day is also very useful for the treatment of addiction and protection from it. Tasbihat is an effective and simple (at no cost) healing therapy option.

    Lord, we can't thank you enough. where and what knowledge did you hide

    PARMAKLARLA TESBİH ÇEKMENİN FAYDALARI: Tıbbi ve Psikolojik Tedavi Modern bilim, iki elin avuçlarında tüm vücut organları ve tüm hücrelerde bağlantılı bazı noktalar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bununla ifade etmek istediğimiz; iki elin parmaklarındaki katmanlar(boğumlar) üzerinde tesbih etmek (Subhanallah), tahmid(Elhamdulillah) ve tekbir getirmek(Allahu Ekber)tir. Böylelikle sen, (kalp,böbrek,karaciğer,safra kesesi,pankreas,göz ve kulak gibi) tüm vücut organlarına ve vücudundaki tüm hücrelere, Allah'ı tesbih etmeyi, O'na hamd etmeyi, ve Allah'ın kainattaki her şeyden büyük olduğunu telkin etmiş oluyorsun.Bu bir kodlamadır hücrelere ve kendi kendine faydali telkindir. Ayrıca sen vücudun tamamına masaj uygulamış ve canlandırmış oluyorsun. Kıyamet günü dil, eller, tüm hücreler ve vücut organları bize şahitlik edecek. Allahu Teala Nur suresinde buyuruyor: "O gün; kendi dilleri, elleri ve ayakları yapmış oldukları şeylere tanıklık edecektir." Allah'ı zikretmek, beyin dalgalarını düzenler. Kişiyi sakinleştirici ilaçlar olmaksızın psikolojik denge konumuna ulaştırır. Günde iki defa oturarak tesbih çekmek bağımlılığın tedavisi ve ondan korunmak için de cok faydalıdır. Tesbihat etkili ve basit(masrafsiz) bir iyileşme _terapi seçeneğidir. Rabbim sana ne kadar şükretsek azdır. nerelerde ne ilimler gizlemişsin (İktibasdır) BENEFITS OF PRAISE WITH FINGERS: Medical and Psychological Treatment Modern science has revealed that on the palms of both hands there are some connected points in all body organs and all cells. What we want to express with this; tasbih (Subhanallah), tahmid (Alhamdulillah) and uttering takbir (Allahu Akbar) on the layers (knuckles) on the fingers of both hands. Thus, you instruct all body organs (such as heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, eye and ear) and all cells in your body to glorify Allah, praise Him, and that Allah is greater than everything in the universe. This is a coding, a self-helpful suggestion to the cells. You are also massaging and revitalizing the entire body. On the Day of Judgment, tongue, hands, all cells and body organs will bear witness to us. Allah says in Surah Nur: "On that day their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness to what they have done." The remembrance of Allah regulates the brain waves. It brings the person to a state of psychological balance without sedative drugs. Sitting and praying twice a day is also very useful for the treatment of addiction and protection from it. Tasbihat is an effective and simple (at no cost) healing therapy option. Lord, we can't thank you enough. where and what knowledge did you hide (quote)
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  • Respect your Mother, She is your 𝑱𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂𝒉✧

    1) Islam has raised the status of woman from below the earth to so high that Paradise lies at her feet.

    2) How sinful are those youth who speak gently with their friends… While they shout out at their mothers.

    3) Your mother is your mother. No woman can be compared to her.

    4) A Mothers Duaa is like the breeze of Paradise.

    5) “A mother's heart has an incredible capacity to love. She will forgive you no matter what you've done. So protect her heart and treat her well. Your Jannah lies under her feet

    6) Your mother is the only who would forget to make Duaa for herself because she would be too busy making Duaa for you.

    7) A mother she prays for you even when you refuse to pray yourself.

    Be respectful to women, for they are the mothers of mankind. –

    9) Do you know that simple phone call can make them happy. Parents, they didn’t leave you when you were young, so don’t leave them when they are old.

    10) When she is born, she opens the gates to Paradise. When she is married, she has completed her religion. When she is a mother, Paradise lie under her feet.

    Your mother is the highest door of Jannah, make her the happiest woman on earth and spend lots of time with her.
    Oh Allah, grant her Paradise for she is the paradise in my life.

    Respect your Mother, She is your 𝑱𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂𝒉✧ 1) Islam has raised the status of woman from below the earth to so high that Paradise lies at her feet. 2) How sinful are those youth who speak gently with their friends… While they shout out at their mothers. 3) Your mother is your mother. No woman can be compared to her. 4) A Mothers Duaa is like the breeze of Paradise. 5) “A mother's heart has an incredible capacity to love. She will forgive you no matter what you've done. So protect her heart and treat her well. Your Jannah lies under her feet 🖤 6) Your mother is the only who would forget to make Duaa for herself because she would be too busy making Duaa for you. 7) A mother she prays for you even when you refuse to pray yourself. ☺️ Be respectful to women, for they are the mothers of mankind. – 9) Do you know that simple phone call can make them happy. Parents, they didn’t leave you when you were young, so don’t leave them when they are old. 10) When she is born, she opens the gates to Paradise. When she is married, she has completed her religion. When she is a mother, Paradise lie under her feet. Your mother is the highest door of Jannah, make her the happiest woman on earth and spend lots of time with her. Oh Allah, grant her Paradise for she is the paradise in my life.🥺 Ameen.🥺🤲
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  • Unbelievably Ramadan is almost here, we are approximately 105 days away bi'ithmillah. We need to start getting ready before it’s too late. When will it be too late? It’ll be too late on the first day of Ramadan!

    We can’t go from a life of doing just the basics of Islam to suddenly fasting and making extra prayers and reading Quran all day long overnight. If we try to do that, most of us will burn out within the first week.

    So instead of waiting until Ramadan is upon us, take these simple yet productive steps to prepare ourselves for the best month of the year, in shaa'Allah!

    Start Fasting Now!
    There’s no reason to wait until Ramadan to start fasting. You can start right now. There are certain days of the week and certain times of the month when it’s preferred to fast.

    Begin fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. If you can’t do both days, then choose just one of them and stick with it.
    You can also fast on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the month. Of course, we’re talking about the lunar months. Encourage your friends to fast and break fast with you specially all new Muslims in your circle.

    Start Reading Quran Now!
    Many Muslims have the intention of reading the entire Quran during the month of Ramadan. The vast majority of us don’t make it all the way.

    If you’re tired of falling short year after year, then you should get into the habit of reading the Quran now. Don’t wait until Ramadan. If you begin reading a little bit every day now, you’ll be more comfortable with completing a full juz on a daily basis when Ramadan comes.

    Try reading a little bit of the Quran after Salaatul Fajr (the Dawn prayer).
    If you’re not already doing so, read Surat al Kahf (the Chapter of the Cave) every Friday.
    Try reading the Quran at the masjid as well as at home. This way, you’ll be comfortable reading the Book of Allah no matter where you are.

    Start Making Night Prayers Now!
    One of the best things about Ramadan is making the nightly Taraweeh prayers. But I’m sure you’ve noticed how things change throughout the month.

    Usually, when Ramadan starts, there are a lot of people showing up at the Masjid for Taraweeh. By the second week, that numbers has gone down by two thirds. Then it shoots back up again during the last ten days (or the last seven).

    Don’t get caught in the same routine again. If you get into the habit of making Tahajjud prayers now on a regular basis, you’ll be better equipped for these long prayers when Ramadan comes.

    Just a few tips on making Tahajjud:
    Start slowly! Don’t start off making 40 rakat (units) of Tahajjud and wear yourself out after a couple of days. Just do what is easy for you, even if that is only two rakat.
    Take this time to practice your Qiraat (Quran recitation).
    Make dua! Supplication in the middle of the night is especially beloved by Allah.

    Last but not least start Giving Sadaqah Now!
    Of course, good deeds performed during Ramadan are worth much more than those done during the rest of the year. That’s why many Muslims try to increase their good deeds during this month.

    Sadaqah (voluntary charity) is another good deed you can do. But you don’t have to wait until Ramadan. Begin giving Sadaqah immediately and it’ll be even easier to do so during Ramadan.

    In shaa'Allah, these tips will help you prepare for Ramadan. Don’t worry if you can’t do them all. Just do what’s easiest for you and it’ll be easier when the big month comes. Also don't forget to make up your days, time does not pause or stop for no one...

    May Allah subhana wa taa'la grant us all sound minds, unshakable faith and good health to reach the blessed month of Ramadan, ameen. 🏽

    Unbelievably Ramadan is almost here, we are approximately 105 days away bi'ithmillah. We need to start getting ready before it’s too late. When will it be too late? It’ll be too late on the first day of Ramadan! We can’t go from a life of doing just the basics of Islam to suddenly fasting and making extra prayers and reading Quran all day long overnight. If we try to do that, most of us will burn out within the first week. So instead of waiting until Ramadan is upon us, take these simple yet productive steps to prepare ourselves for the best month of the year, in shaa'Allah! Start Fasting Now! There’s no reason to wait until Ramadan to start fasting. You can start right now. There are certain days of the week and certain times of the month when it’s preferred to fast. Begin fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. If you can’t do both days, then choose just one of them and stick with it. You can also fast on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the month. Of course, we’re talking about the lunar months. Encourage your friends to fast and break fast with you specially all new Muslims in your circle. Start Reading Quran Now! Many Muslims have the intention of reading the entire Quran during the month of Ramadan. The vast majority of us don’t make it all the way. If you’re tired of falling short year after year, then you should get into the habit of reading the Quran now. Don’t wait until Ramadan. If you begin reading a little bit every day now, you’ll be more comfortable with completing a full juz on a daily basis when Ramadan comes. Try reading a little bit of the Quran after Salaatul Fajr (the Dawn prayer). If you’re not already doing so, read Surat al Kahf (the Chapter of the Cave) every Friday. Try reading the Quran at the masjid as well as at home. This way, you’ll be comfortable reading the Book of Allah no matter where you are. Start Making Night Prayers Now! One of the best things about Ramadan is making the nightly Taraweeh prayers. But I’m sure you’ve noticed how things change throughout the month. Usually, when Ramadan starts, there are a lot of people showing up at the Masjid for Taraweeh. By the second week, that numbers has gone down by two thirds. Then it shoots back up again during the last ten days (or the last seven). Don’t get caught in the same routine again. If you get into the habit of making Tahajjud prayers now on a regular basis, you’ll be better equipped for these long prayers when Ramadan comes. Just a few tips on making Tahajjud: Start slowly! Don’t start off making 40 rakat (units) of Tahajjud and wear yourself out after a couple of days. Just do what is easy for you, even if that is only two rakat. Take this time to practice your Qiraat (Quran recitation). Make dua! Supplication in the middle of the night is especially beloved by Allah. Last but not least start Giving Sadaqah Now! Of course, good deeds performed during Ramadan are worth much more than those done during the rest of the year. That’s why many Muslims try to increase their good deeds during this month. Sadaqah (voluntary charity) is another good deed you can do. But you don’t have to wait until Ramadan. Begin giving Sadaqah immediately and it’ll be even easier to do so during Ramadan. In shaa'Allah, these tips will help you prepare for Ramadan. Don’t worry if you can’t do them all. Just do what’s easiest for you and it’ll be easier when the big month comes. Also don't forget to make up your days, time does not pause or stop for no one... May Allah subhana wa taa'la grant us all sound minds, unshakable faith and good health to reach the blessed month of Ramadan, ameen. 🤲🏽 #RamadanIsComing
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  • Things Qatar did for World Cup 2022 we can appreciate
    1. Sayings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in every corner promoting the beauty of Islam.
    2. Alcohol will not be sold at the World Cup's eight stadiums in Qatar, Fifa has announced, two days before the tournament starts.
    3. In hotel rooms, there is a barcode that introduces the teachings of Islam, hadiths, and a simple definition of our faith.
    4. They changed mua'zzins of masjids and brought those with beautiful voices. Microphones are put in stadiums for Azan.
    5. Qatar Guest Center to prepare a team of 2,000 people to call for Islam, where it will allocate 10 mobile cars and 10 specialized tents.
    6. Islamic exhibitions by Ministry of Awqaf in different languages for visitors.
    7.Availability of prayer areas and places for ablution in stadiums for the first time in the history of World Cup.
    8. Dr Zakir Naik has arrived in #Qatar ahead of the 2022 #FIFA #World #Cup to give many religious lectures throughout the tournament," Faisal Alhajri, a presenter at the Qatari state-owned sports channel Alkass, wrote on Twitter on Saturday.
    9. Advertisement of Haraam has been banned, Not even raising the rainbow colour which you know the meaning.
    And many more..
    May Allah bless them for this and guide them in their shortcomings.
    I wish the Islamic Countries who obeys the Westerners and goes as far as worshipping the same idols as them in the name of tolerance will get to learn from Qatar.
    Things Qatar did for World Cup 2022 we can appreciate 1. Sayings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in every corner promoting the beauty of Islam. 2. Alcohol will not be sold at the World Cup's eight stadiums in Qatar, Fifa has announced, two days before the tournament starts. 3. In hotel rooms, there is a barcode that introduces the teachings of Islam, hadiths, and a simple definition of our faith. 4. They changed mua'zzins of masjids and brought those with beautiful voices. Microphones are put in stadiums for Azan. 5. Qatar Guest Center to prepare a team of 2,000 people to call for Islam, where it will allocate 10 mobile cars and 10 specialized tents. 6. Islamic exhibitions by Ministry of Awqaf in different languages for visitors. 7.Availability of prayer areas and places for ablution in stadiums for the first time in the history of World Cup. 8. Dr Zakir Naik has arrived in #Qatar ahead of the 2022 #FIFA #World #Cup to give many religious lectures throughout the tournament," Faisal Alhajri, a presenter at the Qatari state-owned sports channel Alkass, wrote on Twitter on Saturday. 9. Advertisement of Haraam has been banned, Not even raising the rainbow colour which you know the meaning. And many more.. May Allah bless them for this and guide them in their shortcomings. I wish the Islamic Countries who obeys the Westerners and goes as far as worshipping the same idols as them in the name of tolerance will get to learn from Qatar.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen
  • Things Qatar did for World Cup 2022 we can appreciate

    1. Sayings of Prophet ﷺ in every corner promoting the beauty of Islam.

    2. In hotel rooms, there is a barcode that introduces the teachings of Islam, hadiths, and a simple definition of our faith.

    3. They changed muezzins of mosques and brought those with beautiful voices. Microphones are put in stadiums for Azan.

    4. Qatar Guest Center to prepare a team of 2,000 people to call for Islam, where it will allocate 10 mobile cars and 10 specialized tents.

    5. Islamic exhibitions by Ministry of Awqaf in different languages for visitors.

    -Availability of prayer areas and places for ablution in stadiums for the first time in the history of World Cup.

    and many more..

    May Allah bless them for this and guide them in their shortcomings.
    Things Qatar did for World Cup 2022 we can appreciate 1. Sayings of Prophet ﷺ in every corner promoting the beauty of Islam. 2. In hotel rooms, there is a barcode that introduces the teachings of Islam, hadiths, and a simple definition of our faith. 3. They changed muezzins of mosques and brought those with beautiful voices. Microphones are put in stadiums for Azan. 4. Qatar Guest Center to prepare a team of 2,000 people to call for Islam, where it will allocate 10 mobile cars and 10 specialized tents. 5. Islamic exhibitions by Ministry of Awqaf in different languages for visitors. -Availability of prayer areas and places for ablution in stadiums for the first time in the history of World Cup. and many more.. May Allah bless them for this and guide them in their shortcomings.
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