• A global icon.

    Silver medallist in the 10m air pistol at Paris 2024, Turkish Olympian Yusuf Dikeç offers some inspiring words on the importance of determination in the world of elite sport.

    His personal story shows how great the rewards can be for long-term dedication. 🫡

    Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi

    #ISSA #MondayMotivation
    A global icon. 🌟 Silver medallist in the 10m air pistol at Paris 2024, Turkish Olympian Yusuf Dikeç offers some inspiring words on the importance of determination in the world of elite sport. ✨ His personal story shows how great the rewards can be for long-term dedication. 🫡 Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi 🇹🇷 #ISSA #MondayMotivation
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  • The Ottoman 16th Century Ali Macar Map (Ali Macar Reis'in Dünya Haritası)

    The Ali Macar Map is a striking example of 16th-century Ottoman cartography, created by the renowned Ottoman navigator Ali Macar Reis. This world map, dated to 1567, reflects the rich seafaring tradition of the Ottoman Empire and offers a unique perspective on global geography during the height of Ottoman naval power.

    The map illustrates:

    The Mediterranean Sea, the heart of the Ottoman maritime empire.
    Portions of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, showing the regions the Ottoman Empire was directly or indirectly involved with.
    An artistic representation of world geography that reflects the knowledge of the time, with some areas detailed and others more speculative, reflecting global exploration.
    Ali Macar Reis’ map exemplifies the Ottoman Empire’s sophisticated understanding of navigation and geography, influenced by both Islamic and European cartographic traditions.

    #AliMacarMap #OttomanEmpire #16thCentury #OttomanCartography #WorldMaps #OttomanNavy #HistoricalMaps #OttomanHistory #AliMacarReis #GlobalExploration
    The Ottoman 16th Century Ali Macar Map (Ali Macar Reis'in Dünya Haritası) The Ali Macar Map is a striking example of 16th-century Ottoman cartography, created by the renowned Ottoman navigator Ali Macar Reis. This world map, dated to 1567, reflects the rich seafaring tradition of the Ottoman Empire and offers a unique perspective on global geography during the height of Ottoman naval power. The map illustrates: The Mediterranean Sea, the heart of the Ottoman maritime empire. Portions of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, showing the regions the Ottoman Empire was directly or indirectly involved with. An artistic representation of world geography that reflects the knowledge of the time, with some areas detailed and others more speculative, reflecting global exploration. Ali Macar Reis’ map exemplifies the Ottoman Empire’s sophisticated understanding of navigation and geography, influenced by both Islamic and European cartographic traditions. #AliMacarMap #OttomanEmpire #16thCentury #OttomanCartography #WorldMaps #OttomanNavy #HistoricalMaps #OttomanHistory #AliMacarReis #GlobalExploration
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  • Did you know that Australia’s Highway 1 is not just the longest national highway in the country, but also one of the longest in the world? Spanning an extraordinary 14,500 kilometers (9,009 miles), this iconic highway forms a loop around the entire continent, connecting all of Australia’s major coastal cities. Traveling along this route, you’ll experience breathtaking views that range from rugged coastlines and pristine beaches to lush rainforests and arid outback landscapes.

    As you journey along Highway 1, you’ll pass through world-famous cities like Sydney, where the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge await; Melbourne, known for its vibrant arts scene and coffee culture; Brisbane, with its riverside parks and lively cultural precincts; Perth, where you can enjoy stunning sunsets over the Indian Ocean; and Adelaide, the gateway to some of the world’s best wine regions.

    Known as the "National Highway" or simply "The One," this vast road network is vital for connecting Australia’s coastal regions and urban centers. But it’s more than just a transportation route—it’s a road that tells the story of Australia’s diverse geography and rich cultural heritage.

    For travelers, Highway 1 is the ultimate road trip, offering a unique way to explore the vast and varied landscapes of Australia. Whether you’re stopping to surf at a secluded beach, hike through a national park, or discover the history and culture of a new city, each segment of Highway 1 offers its own adventure. This highway is a journey in itself, a pathway to discovering the natural beauty and cultural richness that make Australia a truly unique destination.

    Source: Teachers Travelers
    Did you know that Australia’s Highway 1 is not just the longest national highway in the country, but also one of the longest in the world? Spanning an extraordinary 14,500 kilometers (9,009 miles), this iconic highway forms a loop around the entire continent, connecting all of Australia’s major coastal cities. Traveling along this route, you’ll experience breathtaking views that range from rugged coastlines and pristine beaches to lush rainforests and arid outback landscapes. As you journey along Highway 1, you’ll pass through world-famous cities like Sydney, where the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge await; Melbourne, known for its vibrant arts scene and coffee culture; Brisbane, with its riverside parks and lively cultural precincts; Perth, where you can enjoy stunning sunsets over the Indian Ocean; and Adelaide, the gateway to some of the world’s best wine regions. Known as the "National Highway" or simply "The One," this vast road network is vital for connecting Australia’s coastal regions and urban centers. But it’s more than just a transportation route—it’s a road that tells the story of Australia’s diverse geography and rich cultural heritage. For travelers, Highway 1 is the ultimate road trip, offering a unique way to explore the vast and varied landscapes of Australia. Whether you’re stopping to surf at a secluded beach, hike through a national park, or discover the history and culture of a new city, each segment of Highway 1 offers its own adventure. This highway is a journey in itself, a pathway to discovering the natural beauty and cultural richness that make Australia a truly unique destination. Source: Teachers Travelers
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  • Çin'de Ulusal Otoyol 315 olarak da bilinen Qinggan-Gansu çevre yolu, çarpıcı ve sert çölün yüzeyinin Mars’a benzemesi nedeniyle "Mars Yolu" veya "ölüm yolu" olarak anılır.

    Uçsuz bucaksız Gobi Çölü'nden geçen bu rota, Dünya'nın en uzak ve kurak ortamlarından birinde büyüleyici ama bir o kadar da zorlu bir yolculuk sunuyor.

    Gobi Çölü'nün sade, başka dünyaya ait manzarası, onu ekstrem ve istenmeyen bir diyarın simgesi haline getiriyor ve bu ıssız yola cesaret edenlerin hayal gücünü cezbediyor.

    Böyle ıssız uçsuz bucaksız bir çölde araba sürmek sadece cesaret ister..

    Bi de motor sürmeyi düşünün

    The Qinggan-Gansu ring road, also known as National Highway 315 in China, is famously referred to as the "Mars Road" or "road of death" due to its striking and inhospitable desert landscape.

    Traversing the vast Gobi Desert, this route offers a stunning yet challenging journey through one of the most remote and arid environments on Earth. The stark, otherworldly scenery of the Gobi Desert makes it emblematic of an extreme and unwelcoming terrain, capturing the imagination of those who venture along this desolate road.
    Çin'de Ulusal Otoyol 315 olarak da bilinen Qinggan-Gansu çevre yolu, çarpıcı ve sert çölün yüzeyinin Mars’a benzemesi nedeniyle "Mars Yolu" veya "ölüm yolu" olarak anılır. Uçsuz bucaksız Gobi Çölü'nden geçen bu rota, Dünya'nın en uzak ve kurak ortamlarından birinde büyüleyici ama bir o kadar da zorlu bir yolculuk sunuyor. Gobi Çölü'nün sade, başka dünyaya ait manzarası, onu ekstrem ve istenmeyen bir diyarın simgesi haline getiriyor ve bu ıssız yola cesaret edenlerin hayal gücünü cezbediyor. Böyle ıssız uçsuz bucaksız bir çölde araba sürmek sadece cesaret ister.. Bi de motor sürmeyi düşünün 🏍️🛵 The Qinggan-Gansu ring road, also known as National Highway 315 in China, is famously referred to as the "Mars Road" or "road of death" due to its striking and inhospitable desert landscape. Traversing the vast Gobi Desert, this route offers a stunning yet challenging journey through one of the most remote and arid environments on Earth. The stark, otherworldly scenery of the Gobi Desert makes it emblematic of an extreme and unwelcoming terrain, capturing the imagination of those who venture along this desolate road.
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  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Networking Meeting of the Turkic Tour Companies on Tabarruk Ziyarat

    The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) is pleased to announce the Networking Meeting of the Turkic Tour Companies on the Tabarruk Ziyarat will be held on 7 March at the OTS Secretariat premises in Istanbul. This event offers a unique opportunity for industry professionals to convene, collaborate and address pertinent issues in the field of tourism within the Turkic Region.
    More info: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219

    ANONS: Türk Tur Şirkətlərinin Tabarruk Ziyarat mövzulu Networking Görüşü

    Türk Dövlətləri Təşkilatı (TDT) martın 7-də İstanbuldakı TDT Katibliyinin binasında Türk Dünyası Tur Şirkətləri arasında Tabarruk Ziyarat mövzulu bir əlaqə qurma görüşü təşkil edəcəyini məmnuniyyətlə elan edir. Bu tədbir sənaye mütəxəssislərinin bir araya gəlməsi, əməkdaşlıq etməsi və Türk Dünyasında turizm sahəsində aktual problemlərin həlli üçün unikal imkan yaradır. Ətraflı məlumat: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219

    ХАБАРЛАНДЫРУ: Түркі туристік компанияларының Табаррук-Зиярат бойынша желілік кездесуі

    Түркі мемлекеттері ұйымы (ТМҰ) 7 наурызда Ыстанбұлдағы ТМҰ Хатшылығының ғимаратында Түркі әлемінің туристік компаниялары арасында Табаррук-Зиярат тақырыбында желілік кездесу өтетінін қуана хабарлайды.
    Бұл іс-шара сала мамандарына Түркі әлемінің туризм саласындағы өзекті мәселелерін талқылауға, сектор мамандарының бір жерде тоғысуы мен бірлесіп жұмыс істеулеріне бірегей мүмкіндік береді.
    Толық ақпарат үшін: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219

    Кулактандыруу: Түрк тур компанияларынын Табаррук Зыярат аталышындагы тармактык жолугушуусу.

    Түрк Мамлекеттери Уюму (ТМУ) 7-мартта Стамбулдагы ТМУ катчылыгынын имаратында Табаррук Зыярат аталышындагы Түрк дүйнөсүнүн тур компанияларынын ортосунда байланыш жыйынын уюштура турганын кубаныч менен маалымдайт. Бул иш-чара тармактын адистерине биргелешкен, кызматташууга жана түрк дүйнөсүндөгү туризм тармагындагы актуалдуу маселелерди чечүүгө уникалдуу мүмкүнчүлүк берет.
    Кененирээк маалымат үчүн: https://www.turkicstates.org/tr/haberler/duyuru-turk-tur-sirketlerini-tabarruk-ziyarat-konulu-networking-toplantisi_3219

    DUYURU: Türk Tur Şirketlerinin Tabarruk Ziyarat Konulu Networking Toplantısı
    Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT), 7 Mart tarihinde İstanbul’da TDT Sekretaryası binasında, Türk Dünyası Tur Şirketleri arasında Tabarruk Ziyarat konulu bir bağlantı kurma toplantısı düzenleyeceğini ilan etmekten memnuniyet duyar. Bu etkinlik, sektör profesyonellerinin bir araya gelmesi, işbirliği yapması ve Türk Dünyası’nda turizm alanındaki ilgili konuları ele alması için eşsiz bir fırsat sunmaktadır.
    Daha fazla bilgi: https://www.turkicstates.org/tr/haberler/duyuru-turk-tur-sirketlerinin-tabarruk-ziyarat-konulu-networking-toplantisi_3219

    E‘lon: Turkiy sayyohlik kompaniyalarining "Tabarruk Ziyorat" tarmoq yig'ilishi
    Turkiy davlatlar tashkiloti (TDT) 7 - mart kuni Istanbuldagi TDT Kotibiyati binosida "Tabarruk Ziyarat" deb nomlangan Turkiy sayyohlik kompaniyalari tarmoq yig'ilishi bo'lib o'tishini mamnuniyat bilan e'lon qiladi. Ushbu tadbir sanoat mutaxassislari uchun Turkiy mintaqada turizm sohasidagi dolzarb muammolarni qamrash, hamkorlik qilish va ularni hal qilish uchun noyob imkoniyatlarni taqdim etishiga ishonadi.
    Ko‘proq ma'lumotlar uchun: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219
    ANNOUNCEMENT: Networking Meeting of the Turkic Tour Companies on Tabarruk Ziyarat The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) is pleased to announce the Networking Meeting of the Turkic Tour Companies on the Tabarruk Ziyarat will be held on 7 March at the OTS Secretariat premises in Istanbul. This event offers a unique opportunity for industry professionals to convene, collaborate and address pertinent issues in the field of tourism within the Turkic Region. More info: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219 🇦🇿 🌍 ANONS: Türk Tur Şirkətlərinin Tabarruk Ziyarat mövzulu Networking Görüşü Türk Dövlətləri Təşkilatı (TDT) martın 7-də İstanbuldakı TDT Katibliyinin binasında Türk Dünyası Tur Şirkətləri arasında Tabarruk Ziyarat mövzulu bir əlaqə qurma görüşü təşkil edəcəyini məmnuniyyətlə elan edir. Bu tədbir sənaye mütəxəssislərinin bir araya gəlməsi, əməkdaşlıq etməsi və Türk Dünyasında turizm sahəsində aktual problemlərin həlli üçün unikal imkan yaradır. Ətraflı məlumat: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219 🇰🇿 🌍 ХАБАРЛАНДЫРУ: Түркі туристік компанияларының Табаррук-Зиярат бойынша желілік кездесуі Түркі мемлекеттері ұйымы (ТМҰ) 7 наурызда Ыстанбұлдағы ТМҰ Хатшылығының ғимаратында Түркі әлемінің туристік компаниялары арасында Табаррук-Зиярат тақырыбында желілік кездесу өтетінін қуана хабарлайды. Бұл іс-шара сала мамандарына Түркі әлемінің туризм саласындағы өзекті мәселелерін талқылауға, сектор мамандарының бір жерде тоғысуы мен бірлесіп жұмыс істеулеріне бірегей мүмкіндік береді. Толық ақпарат үшін: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219 🇰🇬 🌍 Кулактандыруу: Түрк тур компанияларынын Табаррук Зыярат аталышындагы тармактык жолугушуусу. Түрк Мамлекеттери Уюму (ТМУ) 7-мартта Стамбулдагы ТМУ катчылыгынын имаратында Табаррук Зыярат аталышындагы Түрк дүйнөсүнүн тур компанияларынын ортосунда байланыш жыйынын уюштура турганын кубаныч менен маалымдайт. Бул иш-чара тармактын адистерине биргелешкен, кызматташууга жана түрк дүйнөсүндөгү туризм тармагындагы актуалдуу маселелерди чечүүгө уникалдуу мүмкүнчүлүк берет. Кененирээк маалымат үчүн: https://www.turkicstates.org/tr/haberler/duyuru-turk-tur-sirketlerini-tabarruk-ziyarat-konulu-networking-toplantisi_3219 🇹🇷 🌍 DUYURU: Türk Tur Şirketlerinin Tabarruk Ziyarat Konulu Networking Toplantısı Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT), 7 Mart tarihinde İstanbul’da TDT Sekretaryası binasında, Türk Dünyası Tur Şirketleri arasında Tabarruk Ziyarat konulu bir bağlantı kurma toplantısı düzenleyeceğini ilan etmekten memnuniyet duyar. Bu etkinlik, sektör profesyonellerinin bir araya gelmesi, işbirliği yapması ve Türk Dünyası’nda turizm alanındaki ilgili konuları ele alması için eşsiz bir fırsat sunmaktadır. Daha fazla bilgi: https://www.turkicstates.org/tr/haberler/duyuru-turk-tur-sirketlerinin-tabarruk-ziyarat-konulu-networking-toplantisi_3219 🇺🇿 E‘lon: Turkiy sayyohlik kompaniyalarining "Tabarruk Ziyorat" tarmoq yig'ilishi Turkiy davlatlar tashkiloti (TDT) 7 - mart kuni Istanbuldagi TDT Kotibiyati binosida "Tabarruk Ziyarat" deb nomlangan Turkiy sayyohlik kompaniyalari tarmoq yig'ilishi bo'lib o'tishini mamnuniyat bilan e'lon qiladi. Ushbu tadbir sanoat mutaxassislari uchun Turkiy mintaqada turizm sohasidagi dolzarb muammolarni qamrash, hamkorlik qilish va ularni hal qilish uchun noyob imkoniyatlarni taqdim etishiga ishonadi. Ko‘proq ma'lumotlar uchun: https://www.turkicstates.org/en/haberler/announcement-networking-meeting-of-the-turkic-tour-companies-on-tabarruk-ziyarat_3219
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  • Göbekli Tepe, Turkey
    Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, dating back to the 10th millennium BC, is one of the world's oldest known temple complexes. Featuring massive stone pillars and intricate carvings, it predates Stonehenge and offers crucial insights into early human civilization and spirituality. A key archaeological site, it's a must-visit for history buffs and archaeologists.

    #GöbekliTepe #AncientCivilizations #ArchaeologicalWonder
    Göbekli Tepe, Turkey Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, dating back to the 10th millennium BC, is one of the world's oldest known temple complexes. Featuring massive stone pillars and intricate carvings, it predates Stonehenge and offers crucial insights into early human civilization and spirituality. A key archaeological site, it's a must-visit for history buffs and archaeologists. #GöbekliTepe #AncientCivilizations #ArchaeologicalWonder
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  • What Car Brand are you rolling with ???

    There are numerous car companies around the world, each with its own history, specialties, and contributions to the automotive industry. Here are some of the major car manufacturers known globally:

    Toyota: Renowned for its reliability and innovation, Toyota is one of the largest automakers globally, producing a wide range of vehicles from sedans to hybrids and SUVs.

    Volkswagen Group: This conglomerate includes various brands like Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, Bentley, and others, offering vehicles catering to different market segments and preferences.

    General Motors (GM): The American multinational corporation includes brands like Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC, and Buick, among others, producing cars, trucks, and SUVs.

    Ford: Another American giant, Ford, manufactures vehicles ranging from trucks and SUVs to iconic models like the Mustang.

    Honda: Known for its engineering prowess and reliability, Honda produces cars, motorcycles, and power equipment worldwide.

    Nissan: This Japanese automaker offers a diverse lineup, including cars, trucks, and electric vehicles, under the Nissan brand and its luxury division, Infiniti.

    Mercedes-Benz: Renowned for luxury vehicles and innovation in safety and technology, Mercedes-Benz is a part of Daimler AG.

    BMW: Recognized for performance and luxury, BMW specializes in producing cars and motorcycles.

    Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA): This group includes brands like Fiat, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram Trucks, and Maserati, among others, catering to various segments of the automotive market.

    Hyundai-Kia: Hyundai and its subsidiary Kia offer a range of vehicles, known for their quality, innovation, and affordability.

    Subaru: Renowned for its all-wheel-drive vehicles and boxer engine design, Subaru has a strong presence in the crossover and SUV market.

    Tesla: A leader in electric vehicles, Tesla has pushed boundaries in innovation, technology, and sustainability in the automotive industry.

    These are just a few among the vast array of car companies globally, each contributing its unique expertise, design philosophies, and technological advancements to the automotive landscape.
    What Car Brand are you rolling with ??? There are numerous car companies around the world, each with its own history, specialties, and contributions to the automotive industry. Here are some of the major car manufacturers known globally: Toyota: Renowned for its reliability and innovation, Toyota is one of the largest automakers globally, producing a wide range of vehicles from sedans to hybrids and SUVs. Volkswagen Group: This conglomerate includes various brands like Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, Bentley, and others, offering vehicles catering to different market segments and preferences. General Motors (GM): The American multinational corporation includes brands like Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC, and Buick, among others, producing cars, trucks, and SUVs. Ford: Another American giant, Ford, manufactures vehicles ranging from trucks and SUVs to iconic models like the Mustang. Honda: Known for its engineering prowess and reliability, Honda produces cars, motorcycles, and power equipment worldwide. Nissan: This Japanese automaker offers a diverse lineup, including cars, trucks, and electric vehicles, under the Nissan brand and its luxury division, Infiniti. Mercedes-Benz: Renowned for luxury vehicles and innovation in safety and technology, Mercedes-Benz is a part of Daimler AG. BMW: Recognized for performance and luxury, BMW specializes in producing cars and motorcycles. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA): This group includes brands like Fiat, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram Trucks, and Maserati, among others, catering to various segments of the automotive market. Hyundai-Kia: Hyundai and its subsidiary Kia offer a range of vehicles, known for their quality, innovation, and affordability. Subaru: Renowned for its all-wheel-drive vehicles and boxer engine design, Subaru has a strong presence in the crossover and SUV market. Tesla: A leader in electric vehicles, Tesla has pushed boundaries in innovation, technology, and sustainability in the automotive industry. These are just a few among the vast array of car companies globally, each contributing its unique expertise, design philosophies, and technological advancements to the automotive landscape.
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  • Masjid-e-Quba - the first mosque of Islam
    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Whoever performs wudu in his house, then comes to Masjid Quba and offers one prayer therein, will have a reward like that for ‘Umrah.” - Sunan Ibn Majah 1412
    Masjid-e-Quba - the first mosque of Islam ☝️ Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Whoever performs wudu in his house, then comes to Masjid Quba and offers one prayer therein, will have a reward like that for ‘Umrah.” - Sunan Ibn Majah 1412
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  • Masjid-e-Quba - the first mosque of Islam.
    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Whoever performs wudu in his house, then comes to Masjid Quba and offers one prayer therein, will have a reward like that for ‘Umrah.” - Sunan Ibn Majah 1412
    Masjid-e-Quba 🕌 - the first mosque of Islam. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Whoever performs wudu in his house, then comes to Masjid Quba and offers one prayer therein, will have a reward like that for ‘Umrah.” - Sunan Ibn Majah 1412
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  • Over the course of many years, numerous legends have added to the fame of Maiden’s Tower — the landmark that has adorned the strait of Istanbul for centuries.

    Perched on a small island approximately 200 metres from the coast, the tower, known as the Kiz Kulesi, offers an incredible 360-degree view of Istanbul — and it will reopen to visitors today after a meticulous two-year restoration.

    Swipe to learn more about the Maiden’s Tower.

    For more: https://www.trtworld.com/turkiye/maidens-tower-star-of-istanbul-strait-reopens-to-visitors-13202051
    Over the course of many years, numerous legends have added to the fame of Maiden’s Tower — the landmark that has adorned the strait of Istanbul for centuries. Perched on a small island approximately 200 metres from the coast, the tower, known as the Kiz Kulesi, offers an incredible 360-degree view of Istanbul — and it will reopen to visitors today after a meticulous two-year restoration. Swipe to learn more about the Maiden’s Tower. For more: https://www.trtworld.com/turkiye/maidens-tower-star-of-istanbul-strait-reopens-to-visitors-13202051
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