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    Some great achievements of #mevlana Rumi: 🔵 Instrumental role in Islamization of Anatolia 🔵 Revival of the Islamic Faith and Sunnah 🔵 Establishing the Sunni Sufi Culture which helped the Turkish Sunni rulers to consolidate their rule in Anatolia and elsewhere 🔵 Commissioning the Jihad (armed struggle) of the Seljuk Sunni rulers against Byzantine 🔵 Composition of the book 'Masnavi e Manavi' (couplets of spiritual meanings) which contains the deepest interpretation of Quran which highlights the incomprehensible high rank and status of Sayyid ul Khalq (Master of All Creation), Sayyidna HabibAllah RasulAllah Muhammad ﷺ #mevlanahaftası #mevlanacelaleddinrumi #Rumi #rumipoetry #rumination #rumiquotes
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