• Hundreds of thousands of people gather at Istanbul's Ayasofya Square to mourn the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and support Palestinians in Gaza.
    Hundreds of thousands of people gather at Istanbul's Ayasofya Square to mourn the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and support Palestinians in Gaza.
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    Turkey has blocked access to Instagram after a top government official accuses the social media platform for censorship. The communications authority BTK announced the block on Friday, without giving an explanation for the decision or stating the duration of the ban. The decision comes after Instagram has blocked condolence posts on the assassination of H*m*s leader Ism*il H*niyeh. Source - @aljazeeraenglish #muslim #islam #türkiye
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    🔴 Hamas lideri İsmail Heniyye, İran’ın başkenti Tahran’da İsrail tarafından düzenlenen suikast sonucu öldürüldü. 📌 Heniyye, dün İran Meclisi’nde düzenlenen 9’uncu Cumhurbaşkanı Mesud Pezeşkiyan’ın yemin törenine katılmıştı. 🔴 Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in an assassination by Israel in Tehran, the capital of Iran. 📌 Haniyeh had attended the swearing-in ceremony of the 9th President, Masoud Pezeshkian, in the Iranian Parliament yesterday. #hamas #ismailhaniyeh #gazagenocide
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    BREAKING 🚨 Ismail Haniyeh, Ham*s political leader, was assassinated by Zionist raid in Tehran. This comes less than 48 hours after the Israeli strike in Lebanon targeting a Hezbollah commander. Source - @aljazeeraenglish #muslim #islam
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  • The Labour Party has ended 14 years of Conservative rule in an historic general election in the UK on July 5, winning enough seats to have a majority in parliament, as vote counting continues.

    Labour Leader Keir Starmer will become prime minister and can form a majority government.

    Rishi Sunak conceded the defeat, saying, "I take responsibility for the loss"
    The Labour Party has ended 14 years of Conservative rule in an historic general election in the UK on July 5, winning enough seats to have a majority in parliament, as vote counting continues. Labour Leader Keir Starmer will become prime minister and can form a majority government. Rishi Sunak conceded the defeat, saying, "I take responsibility for the loss"
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  • We proudly present - WorldSBK Misano race one winner and new world championship leader: Toprak Razgatlıoglu 🏼🏼🏼🏼

    BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team /// Rokitofficial /// OUTDO BATTERY /// RAVENOL /// Akrapovic Exhaust System /// PVM Wheels-Brakes /// Edox Swiss Watches /// alphaRacing #UnitedWeWin #m1000rr #WorldSBK #EmiliaRomagnaWorldSBK
    We proudly present - WorldSBK Misano race one winner and new world championship leader: Toprak Razgatlıoglu 🏆👏🏼🙌🏼💪🏼💪🏼 BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team /// Rokitofficial /// OUTDO BATTERY /// RAVENOL /// Akrapovic Exhaust System /// PVM Wheels-Brakes /// Edox Swiss Watches /// alphaRacing #UnitedWeWin #m1000rr #WorldSBK #EmiliaRomagnaWorldSBK
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    The UN General Assembly included the desecration of holy books, including the Quran, in a draft resolution on racism, discrimination and hate crimes, in response to a proposal submitted by Türkiye. Ankara’s Permanent Representative to UNESCO, Ambassador Gulnur Aybet, said that, “under Türkiye’s leadership, we added the UNGA resolution declaring crimes against holy books as violations of international law to the UNESCO decision draft.” “While stating our support for combatting all forms of hate crimes, I emphasised the alarming increase in crimes associated with hatred against Islam in recent years,” the envoy added. “I noted that UNESCO should act in line with UN resolutions in this regard. The draft resolution was accepted with the amendments we proposed. Let’s continue the fight.” Quran desecration acts in Europe have ignited a debate about religious tolerance and freedom of expression, prompting calls for a deeper understanding of religious sensitivities and a reconsideration of the balance between free speech and respect for religious beliefs. In July 2023, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a Morocco-sponsored resolution calling acts of violence against religious symbols, holy books, and places of worship a violation of international law.
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    Upon invitation of H.E. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, National Leader of the Turkmen People and the Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, the 15th meeting of the Council of Elders (CoE) of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) was held on 11-12 March in Ashgabat. 🇦🇿 Türkmən Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri və Türkmənistanın İctimaiyyətlə Əlaqələr İdarəsinin rəhbəri Cənab Qurbanqulu Berdiməhəmmədovun dəvəti ilə martın 11-12-də Aşqabadda Türk Dövlətləri Təşkilatı (TDT) Ağsaqqallar Şurasının 15-ci İclası keçirilib. 🇰🇿Түркі мемлекеттері ұйымының (ТМҰ) Ақсақалдар кеңесінің 15-інші отырысы 11-12 наурызда Түрікмен халқының Ұлттық көшбасшысы, Түрікменстан Ұлттық кеңесі Халық мәслихатының төрағасы Гурбангулы Бердімұхамедовтың шақыруымен Ашхабатта өтті. 🇰🇬 Түрк Мамлекеттери Уюмунун (ТМУ) Аксакалдар кеңешинин (АК) 15-жыйыны Түркмөн элинин улуттук лидери жана Түркмөнстандын коомчулук менен байланыш бөлүмүнүн башчысы Гурбангулы Бердымухамедовдун чакыруусу менен 11-12-мартта Ашхабадда өттү. 🇹🇷Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Aksakallar Konseyi (AK) 15. Toplantısı, Türkmen Halkının Milli Lideri ve Türkmenistan Halk Maslahatı Başkanı Sayın Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedov'un daveti üzerine 11-12 Mart tarihlerinde Aşkabat'ta gerçekleştirildi. 🇺🇿 Turkiy davlatlar tashkiloti (TDT) Oqsoqqollar Kengashining 15-yig'ilishi, Turkman xalqining milliy rahnamosi va Turkmaniston Xalq maslahati rahbari janob Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedovning taklifi bilan 11-12 mart kunlari Turkmaniston poytaxti Ashxbodda bo'lib o'tdi.
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    OIC Secretary-General Calls for Exposing the Crimes of Genocide Committed by the Israeli Occupation and Prosecuting it legally H.E. Mr. #Hissein_Brahim_Taha, the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (#OIC), participated in the Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers, which was held in #Istanbul, the Republic of #Türkiye, on 24 February 2024, under the theme “Media disinformation and attacks committed by the Israeli occupation authorities against journalists and media outlets in the occupied Palestinian territory”, in the presence of H. E. Prof. Fahrettin ALTUN, Director of Communication Department of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye and Ministers of Information and Communication as well as delegates of the OIC Member States. In his speech at the opening session, the Secretary-General affirmed that the horrific massacres witnessed in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially the #Gaza Strip, embody a model of organized terrorism, violence, and a crime of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation without political, religious, humanitarian, or legal deterrence, and call for strengthening efforts and positions to expose these crimes and prosecute the Israeli occupation legally and hold it accountable. At the beginning of his speech, the Secretary-General expressed the OIC’s appreciation to the government and people of the Republic of Türkiye for holding this special session to discuss its theme, noting Türkiye’s pioneering role in supporting the Palestinian people and their legitimate national rights. Hissein Brahim Taha noted the results of the Extraordinary Joint Arab-Islamic Summit to discuss the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, which was held on November 11, 2023, in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and its resolution to establish a media monitoring unit in the General Secretariat, which the General Secretariat launched, to document and expose Israeli crimes and violations. He indicated that this confirms the special importance that the leaders of the Member States attach to the necessity of confronting the brutal Israeli occupation attacks on the Palestinian people and its continuing attacks against journalists and media institutions in the Palestinian territories, which led to the martyrdom of at least 126 #journalists since the beginning of the genocide crime currently taking place in the Gaza Strip, in the context of its policy aimed at confiscating the truth, silencing mouths, covering up its daily crimes, and preventing their delivery to world public opinion. The Secretary-General also called on all parties in charge of the media file in the Member States to enhance support and cooperation to develop the role of the media monitoring unit in the General Secretariat and to partner in sponsoring and organizing media activities to discuss document, and expose Israeli violations and crimes, and providing more necessary support to Palestinian media institutions in terms of infrastructure and equipment, producing and exchanging media programs and expertise with them, and allocating more media space in the media outlets of the Member States to cover all developments related to the Palestinian issue. Hissein Brahim Taha reiterated his emphasis on the support and solidarity of the OIC with the Palestinian people in their quest to restore their inalienable national rights, including their right to return, self-determination, and the embodiment of establishing their independent state on the Palestinian land occupied since 1967, with its capital, Al-Quds Ash-Sharif. The Senior Officials’ meeting preparatory for this extraordinary session was held earlier in the morning to discuss the Draft Agenda, Work Program, Report, and Final Communique to be submitted to the ministerial meeting of the session for approval.
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    Azerbaijani people voted for their worthy candidate. We have once again elected our #leader and Supreme #Commander in #Chief. Congratulations Mr. #President! Azərbaycan xalqı öz layiqli namizədinə səs verdi. Biz bir daha öz liderimizi və Ali Baş Komandanımızı seçdik! Təbriklər cənab #Prezident! 📸Exit polls results of US based Oracle Advisory Group.
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