They described it as a big surprise to those around them
Three Danish girls convert to Islam
in one day
On a pivotal and exceptional day in their lives
Yulia, her sister and her friend speak the Shahadah
The school director threatened to expel her from the school if he saw her and her classmates praying and refused her request to allocate a place for prayer
Her teacher asked her: Is there a Muslim man in your life?
She said: There is no Muslim man in my life, but he is a certain belief, a sincere desire and the most appropriate choice, and leave you from the bad image that the media paints about Islam, search for Islam to know the value and truth of this religion.
Yulia is 20 years old.
My sister and I converted to Islam in one day, and it was an exceptional day in my life, and it was a great surprise for those around us.
When I made my decision to convert to Islam and pronounced the two testimonies in the month of Ramadan, then I felt a psychological comfort and reassurance that I had not felt before, and I immediately started fasting.
When I read the Noble Qur’an, I found a clear explanation for all my questions, and this is what I want, to be aware of my situation. I got many answers to the questions that were causing me a lot of insomnia and obsessions, and whenever a problem occurred to me, I turned to the Book of Allah “the Noble Qur’an” through it. I find solutions to my problems and feel amazing happiness, and I hope the day I learn the Arabic language so that I can understand the Qur’an directly and be able to assimilate the deep contents of the Islamic religion
After my conversion to Islam and my wearing the hijab, my thoughts completely changed, and I understood that the pleasure of the Creator is the most important in the first place and not the satisfaction or approval of human beings, and I was convinced that my body and my appearance and all of that is a trust from Allah that must be preserved
They told me that you would not continue in this religion, it is a hard and difficult religion, its teachings are cumbersome and its costs are multiple, and they tried all means with me so that I would not prove to Islam, but I had one goal, which is to get closer to Allah and I have a tendency to convince others of Islam, but I am still in the learning stage, and once If I have my tools, I will fulfill my dream and be a source of inspiration for new Muslims and I dream that my future husband will be a Muslim who performs the duties of religion to the fullest, fasts, prays, reads the Qur’an and goes to the mosque.
When I replaced my old pictures with new pictures of me with a hijab, some people thought that I was wearing a fancy dress, commenting that Halloween had not yet come, but I confronted them all with the truth and an Islamic decision and told everyone that I was a "Muslim", so negative comments flooded in, so I treated them with respect that reflects my new personality
I tell everyone
Leave the negative discourse broadcasted by the authorities about Islam, especially on social media. Understand Islam first, then write what you want and do not let the I control your minds.
From the island of Scheland, north of Copenhagen, Denmark
In addition to her studies, she works as a kitchen assistant in a nursing home and for the elderly to help them
Yulia says:
I hope to form a Muslim family whose pillars are based on obedience to Allah
They described it as a big surprise to those around them
Three Danish girls convert to Islam
in one day
On a pivotal and exceptional day in their lives
Yulia, her sister and her friend speak the Shahadah ☝️
The school director threatened to expel her from the school if he saw her and her classmates praying and refused her request to allocate a place for prayer
Her teacher asked her: Is there a Muslim man in your life?
She said: There is no Muslim man in my life, but he is a certain belief, a sincere desire and the most appropriate choice, and leave you from the bad image that the media paints about Islam, search for Islam to know the value and truth of this religion.
Yulia is 20 years old.
My sister and I converted to Islam in one day, and it was an exceptional day in my life, and it was a great surprise for those around us.
When I made my decision to convert to Islam and pronounced the two testimonies in the month of Ramadan, then I felt a psychological comfort and reassurance that I had not felt before, and I immediately started fasting.
When I read the Noble Qur’an, I found a clear explanation for all my questions, and this is what I want, to be aware of my situation. I got many answers to the questions that were causing me a lot of insomnia and obsessions, and whenever a problem occurred to me, I turned to the Book of Allah “the Noble Qur’an” through it. I find solutions to my problems and feel amazing happiness, and I hope the day I learn the Arabic language so that I can understand the Qur’an directly and be able to assimilate the deep contents of the Islamic religion
After my conversion to Islam and my wearing the hijab, my thoughts completely changed, and I understood that the pleasure of the Creator is the most important in the first place and not the satisfaction or approval of human beings, and I was convinced that my body and my appearance and all of that is a trust from Allah that must be preserved
They told me that you would not continue in this religion, it is a hard and difficult religion, its teachings are cumbersome and its costs are multiple, and they tried all means with me so that I would not prove to Islam, but I had one goal, which is to get closer to Allah and I have a tendency to convince others of Islam, but I am still in the learning stage, and once If I have my tools, I will fulfill my dream and be a source of inspiration for new Muslims and I dream that my future husband will be a Muslim who performs the duties of religion to the fullest, fasts, prays, reads the Qur’an and goes to the mosque.
When I replaced my old pictures with new pictures of me with a hijab, some people thought that I was wearing a fancy dress, commenting that Halloween had not yet come, but I confronted them all with the truth and an Islamic decision and told everyone that I was a "Muslim", so negative comments flooded in, so I treated them with respect that reflects my new personality
I tell everyone
Leave the negative discourse broadcasted by the authorities about Islam, especially on social media. Understand Islam first, then write what you want and do not let the I control your minds.
From the island of Scheland, north of Copenhagen, Denmark
In addition to her studies, she works as a kitchen assistant in a nursing home and for the elderly to help them
Yulia says:
I hope to form a Muslim family whose pillars are based on obedience to Allah