• The Prophet (saw) said, 'The acts most beloved to Allah, exalted be He, are those which are done regularly, even if they are small'. [Bukhari]⁠

    May Allah swt accept all your good actions, your worship, your charity, and your good intentions in this blessed month of Muharram

    #jummah #hadith #muslim #islam #muharram #ashura #imamhussain
    The Prophet (saw) said, 'The acts most beloved to Allah, exalted be He, are those which are done regularly, even if they are small'. [Bukhari]⁠ May Allah swt accept all your good actions, your worship, your charity, and your good intentions in this blessed month of Muharram 🤲 #jummah #hadith #muslim #islam #muharram #ashura #imamhussain
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  • #Hadith: Whoever spends the night of Laylat al-Qadr
    하나님의 사도(무함마드, 하나님께서 그에게 자비와 평화를 베푸시길)께서 말씀하셨습니다 :

    “신앙심과 보상에 대한 희망으로 라일라툴 까드르(권능의 밤, Laylatul Qadr)에 예배를 드린다면 그가 예전에 저질렀던 죄들이 용서될 것이라” (이븐 마자가 전함)

    عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ، أَنَّهُ قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : " مِنْ قَامَ لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا ، غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ " .البخاري ومسلم

    The prophet may peace and blessings be upon him said :“Whoever spends the night of Laylat al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, will be forgiven his previous sins.” Al-Bukhari and Muslim
    #Hadith: Whoever spends the night of Laylat al-Qadr 하나님의 사도(무함마드, 하나님께서 그에게 자비와 평화를 베푸시길)께서 말씀하셨습니다 : “신앙심과 보상에 대한 희망으로 라일라툴 까드르(권능의 밤, Laylatul Qadr)에 예배를 드린다면 그가 예전에 저질렀던 죄들이 용서될 것이라” (이븐 마자가 전함) عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ، أَنَّهُ قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : " مِنْ قَامَ لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا ، غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ " .البخاري ومسلم The prophet may peace and blessings be upon him said :“Whoever spends the night of Laylat al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, will be forgiven his previous sins.” Al-Bukhari and Muslim
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    (The Prime Light)

    The Light.

    The One who guides.

    Allah is An-Noor

    The One who illuminates and reveals the divine light of all the worlds.

    His light illuminates the heart and provides clarity and guidance.

    Anyone who turns their back to the true light will be left in the darkness.

    *Mentions From The Quran & Hadith*

    From the root n-w-r which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to give light, to illuminate, to fill with light to clarify, to reveal, to make visible to blossom, to be in bloom (revealed) to be flaming, blazing and apparent to the senses to enlighten, give counsel, and give advice.

    *So, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Light which We have sent down. And Allah, of what you do, (is) All-Aware*.
    (Quran 64:8)

    *Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things*.
    (Quran 24:35)

    RAMADAN DAY 1️⃣2️⃣ 🌺النُّورُ🌺 AN-NOOR (The Prime Light) 1️⃣The Light. 2️⃣The One who guides. 3️⃣Allah is An-Noor 4️⃣ The One who illuminates and reveals the divine light of all the worlds. 5️⃣His light illuminates the heart and provides clarity and guidance. 6️⃣Anyone who turns their back to the true light will be left in the darkness. 💥 *Mentions From The Quran & Hadith*📜🔍 From the root n-w-r which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to give light, to illuminate, to fill with light to clarify, to reveal, to make visible to blossom, to be in bloom (revealed) to be flaming, blazing and apparent to the senses to enlighten, give counsel, and give advice. 📜🔎 *So, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Light which We have sent down. And Allah, of what you do, (is) All-Aware*. (Quran 64:8) 📜🔎 *Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things*. (Quran 24:35) 🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲🌺🤲
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  • #Hadith: A door to heaven
    하나님의 사도(무함마드, 하나님께서 그에게 자비와 평화를 베푸시길)께서 말씀하셨습니다.
    "천국에 리얀이라고 하는 문이 있는데, 부활의 날 단식했던 자만이 그 문으로 들어갑니다. 그 밖의 사람은 어느 누구도 그 문으로 들어갈 수 없습니다. 단식해오던 자들이 어디에 있느냐는 질문이 있을 때 그들은 일어날 것이며 그 밖의 사람은 어느 누구도 그 문으로 들어갈 수 없습니다. 그들이 그 문으로 들어가고 나면 문이 닫히며 그들 이외는 어느 누구도 그 문으로 들어갈 수 없습니다."

    عن سهل بن سعد الساعدي أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال » :إن في الجنة بابا يقال له الريان يدخل منه الصائمون، ينادى يوم القيامة أين الصائمون؟ فيقومون -أي فيدخل الصائمون- فإذا دخلوه أغلق و لم يدخل منه أحد « البخاري

    The prophet may peace and blessings be upon him said “There is a door to heaven called Al-Rayyan through which only fasting people are admitted. It will be asked; where are the fasting people? They stand up. No one is admitted through that door except them. When they have entered, the door will be closed and no one else can get through it.” (Related by Al-Bukhari)

    Photo taken by brother Lee Dong Cho
    #Hadith: A door to heaven 하나님의 사도(무함마드, 하나님께서 그에게 자비와 평화를 베푸시길)께서 말씀하셨습니다. "천국에 리얀이라고 하는 문이 있는데, 부활의 날 단식했던 자만이 그 문으로 들어갑니다. 그 밖의 사람은 어느 누구도 그 문으로 들어갈 수 없습니다. 단식해오던 자들이 어디에 있느냐는 질문이 있을 때 그들은 일어날 것이며 그 밖의 사람은 어느 누구도 그 문으로 들어갈 수 없습니다. 그들이 그 문으로 들어가고 나면 문이 닫히며 그들 이외는 어느 누구도 그 문으로 들어갈 수 없습니다." عن سهل بن سعد الساعدي أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال » :إن في الجنة بابا يقال له الريان يدخل منه الصائمون، ينادى يوم القيامة أين الصائمون؟ فيقومون -أي فيدخل الصائمون- فإذا دخلوه أغلق و لم يدخل منه أحد « البخاري The prophet may peace and blessings be upon him said “There is a door to heaven called Al-Rayyan through which only fasting people are admitted. It will be asked; where are the fasting people? They stand up. No one is admitted through that door except them. When they have entered, the door will be closed and no one else can get through it.” (Related by Al-Bukhari) Photo taken by brother Lee Dong Cho
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  • Once Moosa (AS) asked Allah Ta'ala: O Allah! You have granted me the honor and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege to any other person? Allah Ta'ala replied, O!! Moosa during the last period I am going to send an ummat, who will be the Ummat of Mohammed (SAW) with dry lips, parched tongues, emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets, with livers dry and stomachs suffering the pangs of hunger- will call out to me (in dua) they will be much closer to me than you O Moosa! while you speak to me there are 70000 veils between you and me but at the time of iftaar there will not be a single veil between me and the fasting Ummati of Mohammed (SAW) O!! Moosa I have taken upon myself the responsibility that at the time of iftaar I will never refuse the dua of a fasting person!

    Humble Request: Please spread this Hadith as much asi possible to your dear ones.

    Please remember the mahrooms in your du'as as well as the ummah of Nabi SAW.
    Once Moosa (AS) asked Allah Ta'ala: O Allah! You have granted me the honor and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege to any other person? Allah Ta'ala replied, O!! Moosa during the last period I am going to send an ummat, who will be the Ummat of Mohammed (SAW) with dry lips, parched tongues, emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets, with livers dry and stomachs suffering the pangs of hunger- will call out to me (in dua) they will be much closer to me than you O Moosa! while you speak to me there are 70000 veils between you and me but at the time of iftaar there will not be a single veil between me and the fasting Ummati of Mohammed (SAW) O!! Moosa I have taken upon myself the responsibility that at the time of iftaar I will never refuse the dua of a fasting person! Sub'hanallah!! 🍁Humble Request: Please spread this Hadith as much asi possible to your dear ones. Please remember the mahrooms in your du'as as well as the ummah of Nabi SAW.
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  • Salaah this Ramadan

    Fajr - 2 Sunnah + 2 Fard

    Duha - 2 Rakah from sunrise till 15 mins before Dhohr (This is also known as ishraaq or awwabeen).

    Dhohr - 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + (personal no.of nafl)

    Asr - 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard
    Rasool Allah ﷺ used to pray 4 rakah sunnah before Asr.
    "May Allah have mercy on one who prays 4 rakaat before the Asr Prayer."
    - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
    [Tirmidhi no. 395]

    Maghrib - 3 Fard + 2 Sunnah + (personal no.of nafl)

    Awwabeen - 6 Rakah (2 x 3 sets) or 8 rakah or 10. Keep alternating, don't offer fixed number of rakah.
    - Prayer Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ used to offer between Maghrib and Isha. He صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ would just continue praying from maghrib till isha. There are no fixed number of rakah. Some hadith say 6 but it's better to keep alternating.

    Isha - 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 4 Sunnah + (personal no.of nafl)

    Taraweeh - 20 (2 x10)

    Witr - 3 (can be 1 as well - any odd number really)

    Also it's important to remember that Sunnah prayer is divided into 2 parts:
    1. Sunnah mu'kaddah- salaah the prophet صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ never left.

    2. Ger Sunnah mu'kaddah- he read it at times and left sometimes.

    This 4 rakaah sunnah during Asr is ger mu'kaddah which means the prophet صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ would pray it sometimes and leave it at other times.

    Also the 12 rawatib hadith we have 12 sunnahs they are as follows:
    2 Sunnah before 2 Fard of Fajr.
    4 Sunnah before 4 Fard of Dhohr and 2 after it.
    4 Fard of Asr only
    2 Sunnah after 3 Fardh of Maghrib.
    2 Sunnah after 4 Rakaah Fardh of Isha.

    This is 12 rawatib... the rest of the sunnahs and nawafils come under ger mu'kaddah salaah.

    “Whoever perseveres in performing twelve cycles of prayer from the Sunnah, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise. They are four cycles before noon prayer and two after it, two cycles after sunset prayer, two cycles after evening prayer, and two cycles before dawn prayer.”
    - Prophet Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
    [Tirmidhī 414]

    For 4 Sunnah after isha:

    ‘Abdullah ibn Masud رضي الله عنه said:
    ❝Whoever prays four rak‘ahs after ‘Isha’, not separating them with a tasleem, they will be equivalent (in virtue) to four like them on Laylat al-Qadr.❞
    This was narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-Musannaf (2/127). He said: Wakee‘ told us, from ‘Abd al-Jabbaar ibn ‘Abbaas, from Qays ibn Wahb, from Murrah, from ‘Abdullah.
    This isnaad is jayyid and intact.

    Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنه said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
    ❝Whoever prays ‘Isha’ in congregation, and prays four rak‘ahs before he leaves the mosque, it will be equivalent to Laylat al-Qadr.❞

    Narrated by at-Tabaraani in al-Mu‘jam al-Kabeer (13.14/ p. 130) and in al-Mu‘jam al-Awsat (5/245). Musnad Abi Haneefah (p. 223).
    Salaah this Ramadan 📿🤲🕌 🌻 Fajr - 2 Sunnah + 2 Fard 🌸 Duha - 2 Rakah from sunrise till 15 mins before Dhohr (This is also known as ishraaq or awwabeen). 🌻 Dhohr - 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + (personal no.of nafl) 🌻 Asr - 4 Sunnah + 4 Fard Rasool Allah ﷺ used to pray 4 rakah sunnah before Asr. "May Allah have mercy on one who prays 4 rakaat before the Asr Prayer." - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ [Tirmidhi no. 395] 🌻 Maghrib - 3 Fard + 2 Sunnah + (personal no.of nafl) 🌸 Awwabeen - 6 Rakah (2 x 3 sets) or 8 rakah or 10. Keep alternating, don't offer fixed number of rakah. - Prayer Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ used to offer between Maghrib and Isha. 🙂 He صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ would just continue praying from maghrib till isha. There are no fixed number of rakah. Some hadith say 6 but it's better to keep alternating. 🌻 Isha - 4 Fard + 2 Sunnah + 4 Sunnah + (personal no.of nafl) 🌸 Taraweeh - 20 (2 x10) 🌸 Witr - 3 (can be 1 as well - any odd number really) Also it's important to remember that Sunnah prayer is divided into 2 parts: 1. Sunnah mu'kaddah- salaah the prophet صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ never left. 2. Ger Sunnah mu'kaddah- he read it at times and left sometimes. This 4 rakaah sunnah during Asr is ger mu'kaddah which means the prophet صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ would pray it sometimes and leave it at other times. Also the 12 rawatib hadith we have 12 sunnahs they are as follows: 2 Sunnah before 2 Fard of Fajr. 4 Sunnah before 4 Fard of Dhohr and 2 after it. 4 Fard of Asr only 2 Sunnah after 3 Fardh of Maghrib. 2 Sunnah after 4 Rakaah Fardh of Isha. This is 12 rawatib... the rest of the sunnahs and nawafils come under ger mu'kaddah salaah. “Whoever perseveres in performing twelve cycles of prayer from the Sunnah, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise. They are four cycles before noon prayer and two after it, two cycles after sunset prayer, two cycles after evening prayer, and two cycles before dawn prayer.” - Prophet Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ [Tirmidhī 414] For 4 Sunnah after isha: 📚 ‘Abdullah ibn Masud رضي الله عنه said: ❝Whoever prays four rak‘ahs after ‘Isha’, not separating them with a tasleem, they will be equivalent (in virtue) to four like them on Laylat al-Qadr.❞ This was narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-Musannaf (2/127). He said: Wakee‘ told us, from ‘Abd al-Jabbaar ibn ‘Abbaas, from Qays ibn Wahb, from Murrah, from ‘Abdullah. This isnaad is jayyid and intact. 🌟 📚 Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنه said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: ❝Whoever prays ‘Isha’ in congregation, and prays four rak‘ahs before he leaves the mosque, it will be equivalent to Laylat al-Qadr.❞ Narrated by at-Tabaraani in al-Mu‘jam al-Kabeer (13.14/ p. 130) and in al-Mu‘jam al-Awsat (5/245). Musnad Abi Haneefah (p. 223). 🌟
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  • An Ottoman woman reading the Qur'ān, Istanbul, 1800's.

    "Do you not know that [some] women will receive a greater reward than men, and a better hereafter, and that God, Blessed and Exalted, will raise a man up in paradise above his ranking [lit: degrees above his degrees] because of his wife’s being pleased with him and because of her entreaties on his behalf?"

    -- Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ); part of a hadith cited in Al-Thaʿlabī, al-Kashf, v. 2, pp. 172–3 (at Q. 2:228).
    An Ottoman woman reading the Qur'ān, Istanbul, 1800's. "Do you not know that [some] women will receive a greater reward than men, and a better hereafter, and that God, Blessed and Exalted, will raise a man up in paradise above his ranking [lit: degrees above his degrees] because of his wife’s being pleased with him and because of her entreaties on his behalf?" -- Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ); part of a hadith cited in Al-Thaʿlabī, al-Kashf, v. 2, pp. 172–3 (at Q. 2:228).
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  • Friday Sermon: “Our Night of Ascension: Our Way of Divine Mercy and Tranquility”

    Dear Muslims!

    Last week, we had a great disaster as a nation. With the pain of every soul we lost, our hearts turned into a place of fire. Words are insufficient to describe our pain. Praise be to Allah, we are united in our difficult times today, as we did yesterday. It is admirable in every way that the countries showing sensitivity, especially our Alicenap nation, mobilized their material and moral resources from the first moment of the earthquake.

    Dear Believers!

    We believe that as long as we have the same faith and spirit, there is no obstacle that we cannot overcome. As our hearts strike, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome with the help and grace of Allah. As long as we act in unity and solidarity, there is no wound that we cannot heal, no pain that we cannot heal.

    Dear Muslims!

    Tonight, we will realize the night of Miraj, which is a means of divine mercy and tranquility in our sad hearts. Our Almighty Lord comforted our Prophet (pbuh) with the Miraj incident in a very difficult period of his life, known as the year of sadness. Mercy to the worlds He made Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh) witness the unity, greatness and eternity of his personality. This blessed journey is described in the Qur'an as follows: "Exalted is Allah, who took His servant one night from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, so that we might show him some of Our verses. Indeed, He is Hearing, Seeing.”[1]

    Dear Believers!

    On this blessed night, let's open our hands to the sky, our tongues to prayer, our hearts to our Lord, and say:

    رَبِّ اِنّ۪ي لِمَٓا اَنْزَلْتَ اِلَيّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَق۪يرٌ

    “O our Lord! We need every good thing you send us.”[2]

    رَبِّ اشْرَحْ ل۪ي صَدْر۪يۙ وَيَسِّرْ ل۪ٓي اَمْر۪يٌۙ

    “Our Lord! Give comfort to our hearts. Make our job easier.”[3]

    رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَاَنْتَ خَيْرُ الر Kabloاحِم۪ينَ

    "My God! forgive us. Have mercy on us. You are the best of those who show mercy.”[4]

    Dear Muslims!

    On this blessed night when mercy and forgiveness surround us, let our prayers not remain only in our tongues. Let's add our actual prayers to our verbal prayers. Let's continue to be a cure for the helpless and nobody for the orphans in the face of this great disaster we are experiencing. Let's take care of those in need, let's embrace our orphans and orphans. Let's do our best to alleviate the suffering of our brothers, even if just a little bit. Let's reach out and support our earthquake victims who come to our provinces as well as earthquake zones. Let's offer our surplus homes and all our facilities to them for free. Let's warn our earthquake victims at exorbitant prices in this difficult time, and those who abuse our beloved nation. Let's not forget that today is the day of solidarity and assistance. It is a time of kindness and sacrifice. Time is the time to imprint the following hadith of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in our minds and hearts: "As long as a servant helps his brother, Allah helps that servant."[5]

    As I finish my sermon, I wish God's mercy to each of our brothers who passed away, a speedy recovery to our wounded, and strength to our beloved nation. May Allah protect us from all kinds of calamities. Have a blessed night of Miraj.

    [1] Isra, 17/1.
    [2] Kasas, 28/24.
    [3] Taha, 20/25-26.
    [4] Believer, 23/118.
    [5] Abu Dawud, Adab, 60.
    Friday Sermon: “Our Night of Ascension: Our Way of Divine Mercy and Tranquility” Dear Muslims! Last week, we had a great disaster as a nation. With the pain of every soul we lost, our hearts turned into a place of fire. Words are insufficient to describe our pain. Praise be to Allah, we are united in our difficult times today, as we did yesterday. It is admirable in every way that the countries showing sensitivity, especially our Alicenap nation, mobilized their material and moral resources from the first moment of the earthquake. Dear Believers! We believe that as long as we have the same faith and spirit, there is no obstacle that we cannot overcome. As our hearts strike, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome with the help and grace of Allah. As long as we act in unity and solidarity, there is no wound that we cannot heal, no pain that we cannot heal. Dear Muslims! Tonight, we will realize the night of Miraj, which is a means of divine mercy and tranquility in our sad hearts. Our Almighty Lord comforted our Prophet (pbuh) with the Miraj incident in a very difficult period of his life, known as the year of sadness. Mercy to the worlds He made Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh) witness the unity, greatness and eternity of his personality. This blessed journey is described in the Qur'an as follows: "Exalted is Allah, who took His servant one night from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, so that we might show him some of Our verses. Indeed, He is Hearing, Seeing.”[1] Dear Believers! On this blessed night, let's open our hands to the sky, our tongues to prayer, our hearts to our Lord, and say: رَبِّ اِنّ۪ي لِمَٓا اَنْزَلْتَ اِلَيّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَق۪يرٌ “O our Lord! We need every good thing you send us.”[2] رَبِّ اشْرَحْ ل۪ي صَدْر۪يۙ وَيَسِّرْ ل۪ٓي اَمْر۪يٌۙ “Our Lord! Give comfort to our hearts. Make our job easier.”[3] رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَاَنْتَ خَيْرُ الر Kabloاحِم۪ينَ "My God! forgive us. Have mercy on us. You are the best of those who show mercy.”[4] Dear Muslims! On this blessed night when mercy and forgiveness surround us, let our prayers not remain only in our tongues. Let's add our actual prayers to our verbal prayers. Let's continue to be a cure for the helpless and nobody for the orphans in the face of this great disaster we are experiencing. Let's take care of those in need, let's embrace our orphans and orphans. Let's do our best to alleviate the suffering of our brothers, even if just a little bit. Let's reach out and support our earthquake victims who come to our provinces as well as earthquake zones. Let's offer our surplus homes and all our facilities to them for free. Let's warn our earthquake victims at exorbitant prices in this difficult time, and those who abuse our beloved nation. Let's not forget that today is the day of solidarity and assistance. It is a time of kindness and sacrifice. Time is the time to imprint the following hadith of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in our minds and hearts: "As long as a servant helps his brother, Allah helps that servant."[5] As I finish my sermon, I wish God's mercy to each of our brothers who passed away, a speedy recovery to our wounded, and strength to our beloved nation. May Allah protect us from all kinds of calamities. Have a blessed night of Miraj. [1] Isra, 17/1. [2] Kasas, 28/24. [3] Taha, 20/25-26. [4] Believer, 23/118. [5] Abu Dawud, Adab, 60.
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  • Friday Sermon: “The Necessity of Faith: Good Deed and Good Morals”

    Dear Muslims!

    The basic condition of attaining the approval of our Almighty Lord and eternal salvation is belief. Faith is believing wholeheartedly in the existence and oneness of Allah, in His prophets, angels, books, the Hereafter, and that destiny and destiny are from Allah. Faith is also the sincerity of man towards his Lord and the promise of loyalty to him. It is the will to live in safety and peace.

    Dear Believers!

    The indicator of faith and its reflection in life are good deeds. Good deed is to show loyalty to the servitude covenant we have made with faith, to surrender to Allah with our whole being. It is to reflect our faith in our essence, words and behaviors. It is to live in peace with ourselves, our family and our environment. In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has mentioned faith and good deeds together and gave good news to those who beautify their faith with good deeds: "Those who believe and do good deeds should know that we never waste the reward of those who do good deeds."[1]

    Dear Muslims!

    What makes our faith perfect is morality, which is the most basic characteristic of a believer. Good morals are the greatest legacy left by the prophets to their ummah after the revelation. Putting on moral virtues and avoiding bad behavior is an indispensable responsibility for a believer. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) states the following in one of his hadiths:

    Dear Believers!

    We are the ummah of a prophet whom our Lord praised as وَاِنَكَ لَعَلٰى خُلُقٍ عَظ۪يمٍ “You are of course on a high morality”[3] and sent to complete good morals[4]. So, like our Beloved Prophet (pbuh), whose ummah we are honored to be, let us try to reflect our faith in every aspect of our lives and to embrace his high moral values. The reflection of faith in family life is chastity, kindness, love, compassion; avoiding hurting and hurting each other. The reflection of faith in business life is truth and honesty; It is not to give a hand to the one who does not deserve, to give the full reward of the one who deserves it. The reflection of faith in social life is respect and trust. The reflection of faith in education life is to act according to what he knows and to use his knowledge and experience for the benefit of humanity. It is to struggle to raise good generations. In short, the reflection of faith in our lives is to follow Allah's orders meticulously and to look at the creatures He has created with the eye of compassion.

    Dear Muslims!

    Our Almighty Lord gives the good news to the believers who will come to the presence of faith and righteous deeds as follows: Let's make these months, where time flows into Ramadan, a good start. Let us abandon our actions that are inconsistent with our faith. Let's take ourselves to account before we leave this world. Let's crown our faith with good deeds and good morals. Let's not forget that when we are put in the grave, everyone and everything will turn away, and we will be alone with our faith and our deeds.[6]

    I end my sermon with the following prayer of our Prophet (pbuh): "O Allah! I ask you to bestow a firm faith adorned with good morals and deeds that will lead to eternal salvation.”[7]

    [1] Kahf, 18/30.
    [2] Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 15.
    [3] Pen, 68/4.
    [4] Ibn Hanbal, II, 381.
    [5] Taha, 20/75.
    [6] Bukhari, Rikak, 42.
    [7] Ibn Hanbal, II, 321, Nesai, es-Sünü'l-Kübrâ, 9/14.
    Friday Sermon: “The Necessity of Faith: Good Deed and Good Morals” Dear Muslims! The basic condition of attaining the approval of our Almighty Lord and eternal salvation is belief. Faith is believing wholeheartedly in the existence and oneness of Allah, in His prophets, angels, books, the Hereafter, and that destiny and destiny are from Allah. Faith is also the sincerity of man towards his Lord and the promise of loyalty to him. It is the will to live in safety and peace. Dear Believers! The indicator of faith and its reflection in life are good deeds. Good deed is to show loyalty to the servitude covenant we have made with faith, to surrender to Allah with our whole being. It is to reflect our faith in our essence, words and behaviors. It is to live in peace with ourselves, our family and our environment. In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has mentioned faith and good deeds together and gave good news to those who beautify their faith with good deeds: "Those who believe and do good deeds should know that we never waste the reward of those who do good deeds."[1] Dear Muslims! What makes our faith perfect is morality, which is the most basic characteristic of a believer. Good morals are the greatest legacy left by the prophets to their ummah after the revelation. Putting on moral virtues and avoiding bad behavior is an indispensable responsibility for a believer. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) states the following in one of his hadiths: Dear Believers! We are the ummah of a prophet whom our Lord praised as وَاِنَكَ لَعَلٰى خُلُقٍ عَظ۪يمٍ “You are of course on a high morality”[3] and sent to complete good morals[4]. So, like our Beloved Prophet (pbuh), whose ummah we are honored to be, let us try to reflect our faith in every aspect of our lives and to embrace his high moral values. The reflection of faith in family life is chastity, kindness, love, compassion; avoiding hurting and hurting each other. The reflection of faith in business life is truth and honesty; It is not to give a hand to the one who does not deserve, to give the full reward of the one who deserves it. The reflection of faith in social life is respect and trust. The reflection of faith in education life is to act according to what he knows and to use his knowledge and experience for the benefit of humanity. It is to struggle to raise good generations. In short, the reflection of faith in our lives is to follow Allah's orders meticulously and to look at the creatures He has created with the eye of compassion. Dear Muslims! Our Almighty Lord gives the good news to the believers who will come to the presence of faith and righteous deeds as follows: Let's make these months, where time flows into Ramadan, a good start. Let us abandon our actions that are inconsistent with our faith. Let's take ourselves to account before we leave this world. Let's crown our faith with good deeds and good morals. Let's not forget that when we are put in the grave, everyone and everything will turn away, and we will be alone with our faith and our deeds.[6] I end my sermon with the following prayer of our Prophet (pbuh): "O Allah! I ask you to bestow a firm faith adorned with good morals and deeds that will lead to eternal salvation.”[7] [1] Kahf, 18/30. [2] Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 15. [3] Pen, 68/4. [4] Ibn Hanbal, II, 381. [5] Taha, 20/75. [6] Bukhari, Rikak, 42. [7] Ibn Hanbal, II, 321, Nesai, es-Sünü'l-Kübrâ, 9/14.
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  • 하나님을 믿고 최후의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 좋은 말만 하던지 아니면 침묵을 지켜야 합니다. 하나님과 최후의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 이웃에 좋은일을 해야 합니다. 하나님과 최후 의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 손님을 극진히 대접해야 합니다.

    من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ، فليقل خيرا أو ليصمت ، ومن كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ، فليكرم جاره ، ومن كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ، فليكرم ضيفه

    Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.

    선지자 무함마드 언행록 - #하디쓰


    하나님을 믿고 최후의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 좋은 말만 하던지 아니면 침묵을 지켜야 합니다. 하나님과 최후의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 이웃에 좋은일을 해야 합니다. 하나님과 최후 의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 손님을 극진히 대접해야 합니다. من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ، فليقل خيرا أو ليصمت ، ومن كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ، فليكرم جاره ، ومن كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ، فليكرم ضيفه Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest. 선지자 무함마드 언행록 - #하디쓰 #حديث #Hadith
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