• 12 Mart 1921: İstiklal Marşı kabul edildi...
    İstiklal Marşımızın kabulünün 101. yıl dönümünde, milli şairimiz Mehmet Akif Ersoy başta olmak üzere, istiklal mücadelemizin tüm kahramanlarını rahmet ve minnetle anıyoruz... ‪

    İstiklal Marşı'mızın 571 hece ve 1453 harften oluştuğunu biliyor muydunuz?
    571 Peygamberimiz (S.A.V)'ın doğduğu yıl
    1453 İstanbul'un Fethi

    ‪🇹🇷 ‪🇹🇷 💙❤️ 12 Mart 1921: İstiklal Marşı kabul edildi... İstiklal Marşımızın kabulünün 101. yıl dönümünde, milli şairimiz Mehmet Akif Ersoy başta olmak üzere, istiklal mücadelemizin tüm kahramanlarını rahmet ve minnetle anıyoruz... ‪ 🇹🇷 ‪🇹🇷 💙❤️ İstiklal Marşı'mızın 571 hece ve 1453 harften oluştuğunu biliyor muydunuz? 571 Peygamberimiz (S.A.V)'ın doğduğu yıl 🌹 1453 İstanbul'un Fethi 🌹 ‪🇹🇷 ‪🇹🇷 💙❤️ #MehmetAkifErsoy #12martistiklalmarsi
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  • The Ottoman 16th Century Ali Macar Map (Ali Macar Reis'in Dünya Haritası)

    The Ali Macar Map is a striking example of 16th-century Ottoman cartography, created by the renowned Ottoman navigator Ali Macar Reis. This world map, dated to 1567, reflects the rich seafaring tradition of the Ottoman Empire and offers a unique perspective on global geography during the height of Ottoman naval power.

    The map illustrates:

    The Mediterranean Sea, the heart of the Ottoman maritime empire.
    Portions of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, showing the regions the Ottoman Empire was directly or indirectly involved with.
    An artistic representation of world geography that reflects the knowledge of the time, with some areas detailed and others more speculative, reflecting global exploration.
    Ali Macar Reis’ map exemplifies the Ottoman Empire’s sophisticated understanding of navigation and geography, influenced by both Islamic and European cartographic traditions.

    #AliMacarMap #OttomanEmpire #16thCentury #OttomanCartography #WorldMaps #OttomanNavy #HistoricalMaps #OttomanHistory #AliMacarReis #GlobalExploration
    The Ottoman 16th Century Ali Macar Map (Ali Macar Reis'in Dünya Haritası) The Ali Macar Map is a striking example of 16th-century Ottoman cartography, created by the renowned Ottoman navigator Ali Macar Reis. This world map, dated to 1567, reflects the rich seafaring tradition of the Ottoman Empire and offers a unique perspective on global geography during the height of Ottoman naval power. The map illustrates: The Mediterranean Sea, the heart of the Ottoman maritime empire. Portions of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, showing the regions the Ottoman Empire was directly or indirectly involved with. An artistic representation of world geography that reflects the knowledge of the time, with some areas detailed and others more speculative, reflecting global exploration. Ali Macar Reis’ map exemplifies the Ottoman Empire’s sophisticated understanding of navigation and geography, influenced by both Islamic and European cartographic traditions. #AliMacarMap #OttomanEmpire #16thCentury #OttomanCartography #WorldMaps #OttomanNavy #HistoricalMaps #OttomanHistory #AliMacarReis #GlobalExploration
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  • The most beautiful mountains in the world - Zhangye Danxia in China! Colorful mountains, stretching over 500 square kilometers. The uniqueness of these mountains is that they are large, and they are not affected by their size. Vse csveta byli obrazavany pridroi.
    The flowers that we saw today, appeared immediately. The process of mass formation took place about 24 million years ago.

    Later, under the influence of other sedimentary rocks, new flowers appeared, among them yellow, green and gray. The creation of each layer took thousands of years.
    Together, all these natural phenomena formed an unusual colored mountain, which rather resembles the fantasy of artists, but not real rocks. However, they are real.

    In 2010, the mountains were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
    The most beautiful mountains in the world - Zhangye Danxia in China! Colorful mountains, stretching over 500 square kilometers. The uniqueness of these mountains is that they are large, and they are not affected by their size. Vse csveta byli obrazavany pridroi. The flowers that we saw today, appeared immediately. The process of mass formation took place about 24 million years ago. Later, under the influence of other sedimentary rocks, new flowers appeared, among them yellow, green and gray. The creation of each layer took thousands of years. Together, all these natural phenomena formed an unusual colored mountain, which rather resembles the fantasy of artists, but not real rocks. However, they are real. In 2010, the mountains were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
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  • Protestors in San Sebastian, Spain performed a “die-in” demonstration in a tribute to those who have lost their lives in Gaza on Sunday, March 17. Hundreds of people lay together on the ground to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as Israel’s assault enters its sixth month.

    Along La Concha beach’s esplanade in the Spanish city, many people held anti-war banners and Palestinian flags, with a huge painting inspired by world-renowned artist Pablo Picasso’s anti-war artwork “Guernica.”

    Named after another Spanish city, Guernica, the painting is a response to the 1937 bombing of the town during WWII. Guernica is the site of the first large-scale military air assault against civilians in history, causing widespread destruction.

    Artists and activists from the Gernika-Palestina collective, which organized the gathering, drew a parallel between the situation in Gaza and the historic tragedy in Guernica.

    #spain #sansebastian #antiwar #protest #Picasso #guernica
    Protestors in San Sebastian, Spain performed a “die-in” demonstration in a tribute to those who have lost their lives in Gaza on Sunday, March 17. Hundreds of people lay together on the ground to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as Israel’s assault enters its sixth month. Along La Concha beach’s esplanade in the Spanish city, many people held anti-war banners and Palestinian flags, with a huge painting inspired by world-renowned artist Pablo Picasso’s anti-war artwork “Guernica.” Named after another Spanish city, Guernica, the painting is a response to the 1937 bombing of the town during WWII. Guernica is the site of the first large-scale military air assault against civilians in history, causing widespread destruction. Artists and activists from the Gernika-Palestina collective, which organized the gathering, drew a parallel between the situation in Gaza and the historic tragedy in Guernica. #spain #sansebastian #antiwar #protest #Picasso #guernica
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  • 12 Mart 1921: İstiklal Marşı kabul edildi...
    İstiklal Marşımızın kabulünün 101. yıl dönümünde, milli şairimiz Mehmet Akif Ersoy başta olmak üzere, istiklal mücadelemizin tüm kahramanlarını rahmet ve minnetle anıyoruz... ‪

    İstiklal Marşı'mızın 571 hece ve 1453 harften oluştuğunu biliyor muydunuz?
    571 Peygamberimiz (S.A.V)'ın doğduğu yıl
    1453 İstanbul'un Fethi

    ‪🇹🇷 ‪🇹🇷 💙❤️ 12 Mart 1921: İstiklal Marşı kabul edildi... İstiklal Marşımızın kabulünün 101. yıl dönümünde, milli şairimiz Mehmet Akif Ersoy başta olmak üzere, istiklal mücadelemizin tüm kahramanlarını rahmet ve minnetle anıyoruz... ‪ 🇹🇷 ‪🇹🇷 💙❤️ İstiklal Marşı'mızın 571 hece ve 1453 harften oluştuğunu biliyor muydunuz? 571 Peygamberimiz (S.A.V)'ın doğduğu yıl 🌹 1453 İstanbul'un Fethi 🌹 ‪🇹🇷 ‪🇹🇷 💙❤️ #MehmetAkifErsoy #12martistiklalmarsi
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  • Iconic Palestinian artist Fathi Ghaben — who documented the Palestinian resistance with bold, colourful strokes — passed away at the age of 77 in Gaza on January 25 amid a severe shortage of medicines and oxygen after Israeli authorities denied him permission to leave the besieged enclave for medical treatment he urgently required.

    Reportedly suffering from chest and lung problems, Ghaben's death occurred in the midst of Tel Aviv’s brutal war on Gaza, rendering him yet another victim of Israel's genocidal military campaign against Palestinians.

    But amid the challenging conditions of the occupation and with scarce resources, Ghaben created artworks that will continue to inspire resistance and adorn walls across the occupied Palestinian territories.

    "My paintings are not filled with smiles; they are not loud, flashy or without a deep thought. I draw the national Palestinian issues and the reality of the Palestinian struggle," the artist once said.

    He lived his life in a tent and died in a tent, the Palestinian Minister of Culture Atef Abu Saif said in a poignant tribute to the artist. Yet, his artistic presence transcended tents and even borders.

    Today, Fathi Ghaben's words resonate as a representative voice for all Palestinian artists who have endured the heavy tolls of occupation and used their art as an active tool of resistance.

    Read more: https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/born-in-tent-died-in-tent-in-memory-of-palestinian-artist-fathi-ghaben-17147047
    Iconic Palestinian artist Fathi Ghaben — who documented the Palestinian resistance with bold, colourful strokes — passed away at the age of 77 in Gaza on January 25 amid a severe shortage of medicines and oxygen after Israeli authorities denied him permission to leave the besieged enclave for medical treatment he urgently required. Reportedly suffering from chest and lung problems, Ghaben's death occurred in the midst of Tel Aviv’s brutal war on Gaza, rendering him yet another victim of Israel's genocidal military campaign against Palestinians. But amid the challenging conditions of the occupation and with scarce resources, Ghaben created artworks that will continue to inspire resistance and adorn walls across the occupied Palestinian territories. "My paintings are not filled with smiles; they are not loud, flashy or without a deep thought. I draw the national Palestinian issues and the reality of the Palestinian struggle," the artist once said. He lived his life in a tent and died in a tent, the Palestinian Minister of Culture Atef Abu Saif said in a poignant tribute to the artist. Yet, his artistic presence transcended tents and even borders. Today, Fathi Ghaben's words resonate as a representative voice for all Palestinian artists who have endured the heavy tolls of occupation and used their art as an active tool of resistance. Read more: https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/born-in-tent-died-in-tent-in-memory-of-palestinian-artist-fathi-ghaben-17147047
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  • Türk modası etkisiyle inşa edilen cami; Schwetzingen.

    Yapı, 1766 yılında Bavyera Dükü Karl Theador’un isteği üzerine, sanatta Türk modası anlamına gelen ve çok ilgi gören “Turquerie” akımından etkilenerek saray mimarı Nicolas de Pigage tarafından tasarlanıyor. Cami, Baden-Württemberg eyaletindeki Schwetzingen ilçesinde Schwetzingen Sarayı’nın bahçesinin doğu kısmında Türk Bahçesi (Tüsrkisches Garten) adıyla anılan ayrı bir bölümde yer alıyor.

    Caminin iç mekânı, sütunlar ve nişlerle bölünmüş dairesel bir orta alandan ve sekizgen kat planından oluşuyor. Kubbenin oturduğu tambur, küpten dairesel bir planla yükseliyor. Dışta köşelerin içbükey girintisi, içte ise revak nişlerinin üzerinde birleşen kubbenin kaideleri de iyonik sütunlarla dengeleniyor. Mihrap görünümü verilmiş nişler üzerindeki hilal ve sarık süslemeleri yer alıyor.

    Arapça karakterlerde, neredeyse tüm panellerde ünsüzlerin noktalamasında ve Arap dilinin seslendirilmesinde hatalar olduğu dikkat çekiyor. Yazıları uygulayan sanatçının Arapça konusunda yetkin olmadığı ve yazıyı matbû orjinallerden uyarladığı biliniyor. Yapı şu an herkese açık bir müze olarak kullanılıyor.

    İlk Görsel: Wikipedia
    Fotoğraflar ve inceleme yazısı ✍🏻 : Ayşe Ayşin Korkmaz

    Schwetzingen, built under the influence of Turkish fashion. The building was designed by the palace architect Nicolas de Pigage in 1766 at the request of Duke Karl Theador of Bavaria, influenced by the “Turquerie” movement, which means Turkish fashion in art and attracted much attention. The mosque is located in a separate section called the Turkish Garden (Tüsrkisches Garten) in the eastern part of the garden of Schwetzingen Palace in Schwetzingen district in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

    In Arabic characters, it is noticeable that in almost all panels there are errors in the punctuation of consonants and in the vocalisation of the Arabic language. It is known that the artist who applied the script was not competent in Arabic and adapted the script from the printed originals. The building is currently used as a museum open to the public.

    #arkitekt #camii #almanya #schwetzingen #diniyapılar
    Türk modası etkisiyle inşa edilen cami; Schwetzingen. Yapı, 1766 yılında Bavyera Dükü Karl Theador’un isteği üzerine, sanatta Türk modası anlamına gelen ve çok ilgi gören “Turquerie” akımından etkilenerek saray mimarı Nicolas de Pigage tarafından tasarlanıyor. Cami, Baden-Württemberg eyaletindeki Schwetzingen ilçesinde Schwetzingen Sarayı’nın bahçesinin doğu kısmında Türk Bahçesi (Tüsrkisches Garten) adıyla anılan ayrı bir bölümde yer alıyor. Caminin iç mekânı, sütunlar ve nişlerle bölünmüş dairesel bir orta alandan ve sekizgen kat planından oluşuyor. Kubbenin oturduğu tambur, küpten dairesel bir planla yükseliyor. Dışta köşelerin içbükey girintisi, içte ise revak nişlerinin üzerinde birleşen kubbenin kaideleri de iyonik sütunlarla dengeleniyor. Mihrap görünümü verilmiş nişler üzerindeki hilal ve sarık süslemeleri yer alıyor. Arapça karakterlerde, neredeyse tüm panellerde ünsüzlerin noktalamasında ve Arap dilinin seslendirilmesinde hatalar olduğu dikkat çekiyor. Yazıları uygulayan sanatçının Arapça konusunda yetkin olmadığı ve yazıyı matbû orjinallerden uyarladığı biliniyor. Yapı şu an herkese açık bir müze olarak kullanılıyor. İlk Görsel: Wikipedia Fotoğraflar ve inceleme yazısı ✍🏻 : Ayşe Ayşin Korkmaz Schwetzingen, built under the influence of Turkish fashion. The building was designed by the palace architect Nicolas de Pigage in 1766 at the request of Duke Karl Theador of Bavaria, influenced by the “Turquerie” movement, which means Turkish fashion in art and attracted much attention. The mosque is located in a separate section called the Turkish Garden (Tüsrkisches Garten) in the eastern part of the garden of Schwetzingen Palace in Schwetzingen district in the state of Baden-Württemberg. In Arabic characters, it is noticeable that in almost all panels there are errors in the punctuation of consonants and in the vocalisation of the Arabic language. It is known that the artist who applied the script was not competent in Arabic and adapted the script from the printed originals. The building is currently used as a museum open to the public. #arkitekt #camii #almanya #schwetzingen #diniyapılar
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  • The Minaret of Jam
    It is located in a remote and nearly inaccessible region of the Shahrak District, Ghor Province, next to the Hari River, Afghanistan.

    The word minaret is Arabic [منارة] and it means lighthouse and also means the tower next to a mosque from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer.

    The 65metre (213 ft) high minaret was built around 1190.

    Covered in elaborate brickwork with a blue tile inscription at the top, it is noteworthy for the quality of its architecture and decoration, which represent the culmination of an architectural and artistic tradition in this region.

    •The Minaret of Jam belongs to a group of around 60 minarets and towers built between the 11th and the 13th centuries in Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan.

    •The archaeological site of Jam was successfully nominated as Afghanistan's first World Heritage site in 2002.

    •It was also inscribed in UNESCO's list of World Heritage in Danger.

    •In 2014, the BBC reported that the tower was in imminent danger of collapse.

    Follow me Ancient Scientist to enjoy more and more posts about our world's marvellous History.

    Photos by David Adamec (public domain)
    The Minaret of Jam It is located in a remote and nearly inaccessible region of the Shahrak District, Ghor Province, next to the Hari River, Afghanistan. The word minaret is Arabic [منارة] and it means lighthouse and also means the tower next to a mosque from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. The 65metre (213 ft) high minaret was built around 1190. Covered in elaborate brickwork with a blue tile inscription at the top, it is noteworthy for the quality of its architecture and decoration, which represent the culmination of an architectural and artistic tradition in this region. •The Minaret of Jam belongs to a group of around 60 minarets and towers built between the 11th and the 13th centuries in Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan. •The archaeological site of Jam was successfully nominated as Afghanistan's first World Heritage site in 2002. •It was also inscribed in UNESCO's list of World Heritage in Danger. •In 2014, the BBC reported that the tower was in imminent danger of collapse. 👉 Follow me Ancient Scientist to enjoy more and more posts about our world's marvellous History. . 📸 Photos by David Adamec (public domain)
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  • Palestine’s besieged Gaza was home to 2.2 million civilians prior to Israel’s latest — and unprecedentedly brutal — onslaught, which began on October 7. But after three months of ruthless aerial attacks and a violent ground incursion, the enclave’s population has been reduced as the death toll has topped 22,700.

    This means that one person out of every 100 people has been killed in Israel’s offensive.

    Children, constituting almost half of the population in Gaza — a region recently described by the UN as “the most dangerous place in the world to be a child” — are bearing the brunt of the conflict, alongside women, accounting for nearly 70 percent of the casualties since October 7.

    Israel has come under fire for its indiscriminate attacks, showing no apparent distinction between Hamas fighters and civilians and leaving no neighbourhood in the enclave unscathed.

    Among the growing death toll are doctors, academics, journalists, artists and poets. Palestinian officials say the current numbers do not reflect the true catastrophe unfolding, with fatalities likely to be higher as thousands remain missing or trapped under rubble and thousands of others face starvation and disease.
    Palestine’s besieged Gaza was home to 2.2 million civilians prior to Israel’s latest — and unprecedentedly brutal — onslaught, which began on October 7. But after three months of ruthless aerial attacks and a violent ground incursion, the enclave’s population has been reduced as the death toll has topped 22,700. This means that one person out of every 100 people has been killed in Israel’s offensive. Children, constituting almost half of the population in Gaza — a region recently described by the UN as “the most dangerous place in the world to be a child” — are bearing the brunt of the conflict, alongside women, accounting for nearly 70 percent of the casualties since October 7. Israel has come under fire for its indiscriminate attacks, showing no apparent distinction between Hamas fighters and civilians and leaving no neighbourhood in the enclave unscathed. Among the growing death toll are doctors, academics, journalists, artists and poets. Palestinian officials say the current numbers do not reflect the true catastrophe unfolding, with fatalities likely to be higher as thousands remain missing or trapped under rubble and thousands of others face starvation and disease.
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  • “Christ in the rubble” Gaza Palestine

    Artist: Kelly Latimore Icons
    “Christ in the rubble” Gaza Palestine Artist: Kelly Latimore Icons
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