• Calculating the radius of the earth over a thousand years ago required a lot of imagination. It was Abu Reyhan Al-Biruni, the 10th century Islamic mathematical genius, who combined trigonometry and algebra to achieve this very numerical feat.

    Biruni’s scholarly legacy has inspired scientists and mathematicians for several centuries, and his name continues to command respect even today.

    Scholars like Biruni were born at a time when much of the world’s scientific and mathematical knowledge was translated into Arabic. By the time he came of age, he was also introduced to concepts developed by scholars from different civilisations and centuries. From the scientific literature of the Babylonians to those of the Romans, to ancient Indian texts on astrology, Biruni learnt from it all. Like other Muslim scholars from the Golden Age of Islam, he was also hungry for knowledge.

    According to the Turkish Professor, Fuat Sezgin, intellectually sound debates occurred between the 27-year-old Biruni and 18-year-old Ibn Sina. The two great minds are known to have discussed ‘The propagation of light and its measurement’ in a great depth. Sezgin, who died in 2018, concluded that the quality of those debates is rare and probably does not exist even today.

    #oneislamproductions #oneislamreminders #islam #allah #islamicknowledge #subhanallah #islamicpost #muslim #beneficial #reminders #albiruni #goldenage #scientists #scholar #genius #universalgenius #explorepage
    Calculating the radius of the earth over a thousand years ago required a lot of imagination. It was Abu Reyhan Al-Biruni, the 10th century Islamic mathematical genius, who combined trigonometry and algebra to achieve this very numerical feat. Biruni’s scholarly legacy has inspired scientists and mathematicians for several centuries, and his name continues to command respect even today. Scholars like Biruni were born at a time when much of the world’s scientific and mathematical knowledge was translated into Arabic. By the time he came of age, he was also introduced to concepts developed by scholars from different civilisations and centuries. From the scientific literature of the Babylonians to those of the Romans, to ancient Indian texts on astrology, Biruni learnt from it all. Like other Muslim scholars from the Golden Age of Islam, he was also hungry for knowledge. According to the Turkish Professor, Fuat Sezgin, intellectually sound debates occurred between the 27-year-old Biruni and 18-year-old Ibn Sina. The two great minds are known to have discussed ‘The propagation of light and its measurement’ in a great depth. Sezgin, who died in 2018, concluded that the quality of those debates is rare and probably does not exist even today. #oneislamproductions #oneislamreminders #islam #allah #islamicknowledge #subhanallah #islamicpost #muslim #beneficial #reminders #albiruni #goldenage #scientists #scholar #genius #universalgenius #explorepage
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  • Subhanallah rainy day in Makkah 🥹
    Subhanallah rainy day in Makkah 🌧️🥹🕋
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
  • 𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐡 𝐈𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐡 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐚𝐣𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐛
    You should block specific times for ibadah and preplan this day.

    Wake up 1 hour before Fajr.
    Offer tahajjud cry to Allah make 5 duas that will change your life repeatedly. Beg like a child.

    Quickly eat some protien rich food for fasting on the day of Arafah.
    “Fasting on the day of Arafah expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.”
    [Sahih Muslim]

    Offer Fajr
    Make dhikr for 30 mins
    Read Quran for 30 mins.

    After sunrise
    Offer 8 rakat Duha Salaah (2 rakat are enough but today is all about pushing your limits and doing the best you can)

    Do your house chores, go to work.

    Offer Dhohr
    Send Salawat/Durood 100 times.
    (Again push yourself this day is important)
    Repent Astaghfirullah - 200 times.
    SubhanAllahi Wabihamdihi - 100 times
    SubhanAllahi wahihamdihi adada khalqhi - 30 times.
    Make dua list - write down duas and names of people in your life who you care and love make dua repeatedly.
    Make dua for yourself - Check my wall for duas for Arafah - it's my pinned post.
    Make sure you are making personal duas that move your heart and makes you cry.

    Sleep for sometime - take a nap.

    Offer Asr.
    Make dua till Iftar - if you are working cooking busy yourself with dhikr.
    Break your fast.

    Get busy with Takbeerat inshaAllah.
    Enjoy Eid! :)
    𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐡 𝐈𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐡 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐚𝐣𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐛 You should block specific times for ibadah and preplan this day. 💫 Wake up 1 hour before Fajr. Offer tahajjud cry to Allah make 5 duas that will change your life repeatedly. Beg like a child. 💫 Quickly eat some protien rich food for fasting on the day of Arafah. 📚 “Fasting on the day of Arafah expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.” [Sahih Muslim] 💫 Offer Fajr Make dhikr for 30 mins Read Quran for 30 mins. 💫 After sunrise Offer 8 rakat Duha Salaah (2 rakat are enough but today is all about pushing your limits and doing the best you can) Do your house chores, go to work. 💫 Offer Dhohr Send Salawat/Durood 100 times. (Again push yourself this day is important) Repent Astaghfirullah - 200 times. SubhanAllahi Wabihamdihi - 100 times SubhanAllahi wahihamdihi adada khalqhi - 30 times. Make dua list - write down duas and names of people in your life who you care and love make dua repeatedly. Make dua for yourself - Check my wall for duas for Arafah - it's my pinned post. Make sure you are making personal duas that move your heart and makes you cry. 💫 Sleep for sometime - take a nap. 💫 Offer Asr. Make dua till Iftar - if you are working cooking busy yourself with dhikr. Break your fast. 💫 Get busy with Takbeerat inshaAllah. Enjoy Eid! :)
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
  • AllahuuAkhbarr Subhanallah
    Allhamdullilah Aameen
    “Always love your Mother, there’s no other “
    AllahuuAkhbarr Subhanallah Allhamdullilah Aameen 👌😇💐💕 “Always love your Mother, there’s no other “❤️
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
  • Subhanallah rainy day in Makkah. 🥹
    Subhanallah rainy day in Makkah. 🌧️🥹🕋
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
  • Woah! The arcade area used to be a road?!!! SubhanAllah...


    When the first modern expansion of the Ḥaram in Makkah was done, you could drive your car right up to the gates of the Masjid and park it! There were so few cars that there wasn't any parking problem!

    Good times, no?!

    FYI: This picture is from 1964.

    Credit @yasir.qadhi
    Woah! The arcade area used to be a road?!!! SubhanAllah... *** When the first modern expansion of the Ḥaram in Makkah was done, you could drive your car right up to the gates of the Masjid and park it! There were so few cars that there wasn't any parking problem! Good times, no?! 😀 FYI: This picture is from 1964. Credit @yasir.qadhi
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر

    Tıbbi ve Psikolojik Tedavi

    Modern bilim, iki elin avuçlarında tüm vücut organları ve tüm hücrelerde bağlantılı bazı noktalar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.

    Bununla ifade etmek istediğimiz; iki elin parmaklarındaki katmanlar(boğumlar) üzerinde tesbih etmek (Subhanallah), tahmid(Elhamdulillah) ve tekbir getirmek(Allahu Ekber)tir.

    Böylelikle sen, (kalp,böbrek,karaciğer,safra kesesi,pankreas,göz ve kulak gibi) tüm vücut organlarına ve vücudundaki tüm hücrelere, Allah'ı tesbih etmeyi, O'na hamd etmeyi, ve Allah'ın kainattaki her şeyden büyük olduğunu telkin etmiş oluyorsun.Bu bir kodlamadır hücrelere ve kendi kendine faydali telkindir.

    Ayrıca sen vücudun tamamına masaj uygulamış ve canlandırmış oluyorsun. Kıyamet günü dil, eller, tüm hücreler ve vücut organları bize şahitlik edecek. Allahu Teala Nur suresinde buyuruyor:

    "O gün; kendi dilleri, elleri ve ayakları yapmış oldukları şeylere tanıklık edecektir."

    Allah'ı zikretmek, beyin dalgalarını düzenler. Kişiyi sakinleştirici ilaçlar olmaksızın psikolojik denge konumuna ulaştırır. Günde iki defa oturarak tesbih çekmek bağımlılığın tedavisi ve ondan korunmak için de cok faydalıdır. Tesbihat etkili ve basit(masrafsiz) bir iyileşme _terapi seçeneğidir.

    Rabbim sana ne kadar şükretsek azdır. nerelerde ne ilimler gizlemişsin



    Medical and Psychological Treatment

    Modern science has revealed that on the palms of both hands there are some connected points in all body organs and all cells.

    What we want to express with this; tasbih (Subhanallah), tahmid (Alhamdulillah) and uttering takbir (Allahu Akbar) on the layers (knuckles) on the fingers of both hands.

    Thus, you instruct all body organs (such as heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, eye and ear) and all cells in your body to glorify Allah, praise Him, and that Allah is greater than everything in the universe. This is a coding, a self-helpful suggestion to the cells.

    You are also massaging and revitalizing the entire body. On the Day of Judgment, tongue, hands, all cells and body organs will bear witness to us. Allah says in Surah Nur:

    "On that day their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness to what they have done."

    The remembrance of Allah regulates the brain waves. It brings the person to a state of psychological balance without sedative drugs. Sitting and praying twice a day is also very useful for the treatment of addiction and protection from it. Tasbihat is an effective and simple (at no cost) healing therapy option.

    Lord, we can't thank you enough. where and what knowledge did you hide

    PARMAKLARLA TESBİH ÇEKMENİN FAYDALARI: Tıbbi ve Psikolojik Tedavi Modern bilim, iki elin avuçlarında tüm vücut organları ve tüm hücrelerde bağlantılı bazı noktalar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bununla ifade etmek istediğimiz; iki elin parmaklarındaki katmanlar(boğumlar) üzerinde tesbih etmek (Subhanallah), tahmid(Elhamdulillah) ve tekbir getirmek(Allahu Ekber)tir. Böylelikle sen, (kalp,böbrek,karaciğer,safra kesesi,pankreas,göz ve kulak gibi) tüm vücut organlarına ve vücudundaki tüm hücrelere, Allah'ı tesbih etmeyi, O'na hamd etmeyi, ve Allah'ın kainattaki her şeyden büyük olduğunu telkin etmiş oluyorsun.Bu bir kodlamadır hücrelere ve kendi kendine faydali telkindir. Ayrıca sen vücudun tamamına masaj uygulamış ve canlandırmış oluyorsun. Kıyamet günü dil, eller, tüm hücreler ve vücut organları bize şahitlik edecek. Allahu Teala Nur suresinde buyuruyor: "O gün; kendi dilleri, elleri ve ayakları yapmış oldukları şeylere tanıklık edecektir." Allah'ı zikretmek, beyin dalgalarını düzenler. Kişiyi sakinleştirici ilaçlar olmaksızın psikolojik denge konumuna ulaştırır. Günde iki defa oturarak tesbih çekmek bağımlılığın tedavisi ve ondan korunmak için de cok faydalıdır. Tesbihat etkili ve basit(masrafsiz) bir iyileşme _terapi seçeneğidir. Rabbim sana ne kadar şükretsek azdır. nerelerde ne ilimler gizlemişsin (İktibasdır) BENEFITS OF PRAISE WITH FINGERS: Medical and Psychological Treatment Modern science has revealed that on the palms of both hands there are some connected points in all body organs and all cells. What we want to express with this; tasbih (Subhanallah), tahmid (Alhamdulillah) and uttering takbir (Allahu Akbar) on the layers (knuckles) on the fingers of both hands. Thus, you instruct all body organs (such as heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, eye and ear) and all cells in your body to glorify Allah, praise Him, and that Allah is greater than everything in the universe. This is a coding, a self-helpful suggestion to the cells. You are also massaging and revitalizing the entire body. On the Day of Judgment, tongue, hands, all cells and body organs will bear witness to us. Allah says in Surah Nur: "On that day their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness to what they have done." The remembrance of Allah regulates the brain waves. It brings the person to a state of psychological balance without sedative drugs. Sitting and praying twice a day is also very useful for the treatment of addiction and protection from it. Tasbihat is an effective and simple (at no cost) healing therapy option. Lord, we can't thank you enough. where and what knowledge did you hide (quote)
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
  • SubhanAllah how lucky is she. Praying alone right in front of the Ka’bah.
    SubhanAllah how lucky is she. Praying alone right in front of the Ka’bah.🕋❤
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
  • Subhanallah
    Subhanallah ❤️💫
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
  • 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬
    Reports indicate at least 136,000 people have been displaced so far due to the floods in Sudan and 1200 schools have been destroyed heavy rainfall reports across the country are predicted for the entire coming week of the country so no sign of things getting better soon.

    Our dua with our brothers and sisters in Sudan .
    #sudanflashfloods2022 #help #SUBHANALLAH
    𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐧 🇸🇩 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 Reports indicate at least 136,000 people have been displaced so far due to the floods in Sudan and 1200 schools have been destroyed heavy rainfall reports across the country are predicted for the entire coming week of the country so no sign of things getting better soon. Our dua with our brothers and sisters in Sudan 🇸🇩. . #sudanflashfloods2022 #help #SUBHANALLAH
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر
الصفحات المعززة