• Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Indeed, from Allah we come from, and indeed, to Him is our return.)
    May Allah grant him Jannah, ameen! 🏻
    Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Indeed, from Allah we come from, and indeed, to Him is our return.) 🥲💔 May Allah grant him Jannah, ameen! 🤲🏻
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  • Two African American legends, brothers Muhammad Ali and Malik El-Shabazz (aka Malcolm X), with their little ones.

    These two men have changed the lives of many worldwide. They also played a significant role in the American civil rights movement.

    May Allah subhana wa'taala forgive them and grant them paradise (jannah al firdous), ameen.
    Two African American legends, brothers Muhammad Ali and Malik El-Shabazz (aka Malcolm X), with their little ones. These two men have changed the lives of many worldwide. They also played a significant role in the American civil rights movement. May Allah subhana wa'taala forgive them and grant them paradise (jannah al firdous), ameen.
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  • •Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun!!

    •Farewell to one of the guardians of the Muslim world.
    •May Allah grant you the highest position in Jannah.!🏻🥹
    •Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun!!🖤 •Farewell to one of the guardians of the Muslim world.😭 •May Allah grant you the highest position in Jannah.!🤲🏻🥹
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  • Muhammad Ali, may Allah swt grant him Jannah. Ameen

    Please support our masjid urgently!

    Muhammad Ali, may Allah swt grant him Jannah. Ameen Please support our masjid urgently! https://gofund.me/4a42d442 [SHARE]
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  • May you be the happiest bride in Jannah
    May you be the happiest bride in Jannah
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  • May Allah reunite this Mother With her Child in Jannah
    May Allah reunite this Mother With her Child in Jannah 🎉❤️😍
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  • Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon.
    To Allah, we belong, and to Him, we shall return.

    Sister Shuhada' Sadaqat, previously known as Sinéad O'Conner, who converted to Islam in 2018, has sadly passed at the age of 56.

    Announcing her conversion, she said, "This is to announce that I am proud to have become a Muslim. This is the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey. All scripture studies lead to Islam. Which makes all other scriptures redundant."

    May Allah subhana wa'taala have mercy on her, forgive her sins, make her grave a garden of paradise, and bless her with jannah al firdous, ameen!
    Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon. To Allah, we belong, and to Him, we shall return. Sister Shuhada' Sadaqat, previously known as Sinéad O'Conner, who converted to Islam in 2018, has sadly passed at the age of 56. Announcing her conversion, she said, "This is to announce that I am proud to have become a Muslim. This is the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey. All scripture studies lead to Islam. Which makes all other scriptures redundant." May Allah subhana wa'taala have mercy on her, forgive her sins, make her grave a garden of paradise, and bless her with jannah al firdous, ameen!
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  • May Allah bless you with someone who you can grow old with, and reunite with them in Jannah.
    May Allah bless you with someone who you can grow old with, and reunite with them in Jannah.
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  • Love is the net where hearts are caught like fish.

    Farewell great champion
    Rest in perfect peace in jannah
    Love is the net where hearts are caught like fish. Farewell great champion Rest in perfect peace in jannah
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  • You never know which one of your deeds take you to Jannah on the day of Judgement.
    A young man saves a little sparrow 𓅪 from imminent death by giving it water .
    You never know which one of your deeds take you to Jannah on the day of Judgement. A young man saves a little sparrow 𓅪 from imminent death by giving it water 💧.
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