• Happy Islamic New Year. May peace and blessings of Allah be with you this year and always! #Hijri
    Happy Islamic New Year. May peace and blessings of Allah be with you this year and always! #Hijri
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  • Saudi Arabia has said that pilgrims can expect an average high temperature of 44°C (or 111 degrees Fahrenheit) in Mecca during the Hajj pilgrimage this month.

    "The expected climate for Hajj this year will witness an increase in average temperatures of one and a half to two degrees above normal in Mecca and Medina," National Meteorology Centre chief Ayman Ghulam said during a press conference on June 4.

    He noted that the forecast indicates "relative humidity of 25 percent, rain rates close to zero, and an average maximum temperature of 44 degrees."

    The Hajj, which begins on June 14, is one of Islam's five pillars and must be performed at least once by all Muslims who have the means to do so.

    Last year, more than 1.8 million Muslims took part in the Hajj, during which over 2,000 people suffered heat stress as temperatures soared to 48°C (or 118 degrees Fahrenheit), according to official Saudi figures.

    However, the actual number of heat stress cases — including heatstroke, exhaustion, cramps, and rashes — was likely much higher, as many sufferers were not admitted to hospitals or clinics.

    This year's Hajj is expected to be the last official summer Hajj in Saudi Arabia as the annual pilgrimage starts almost a fortnight earlier each year following Islamic Hijri lunar calendar, which lasts 354 days.
    Saudi Arabia has said that pilgrims can expect an average high temperature of 44°C (or 111 degrees Fahrenheit) in Mecca during the Hajj pilgrimage this month. "The expected climate for Hajj this year will witness an increase in average temperatures of one and a half to two degrees above normal in Mecca and Medina," National Meteorology Centre chief Ayman Ghulam said during a press conference on June 4. He noted that the forecast indicates "relative humidity of 25 percent, rain rates close to zero, and an average maximum temperature of 44 degrees." The Hajj, which begins on June 14, is one of Islam's five pillars and must be performed at least once by all Muslims who have the means to do so. Last year, more than 1.8 million Muslims took part in the Hajj, during which over 2,000 people suffered heat stress as temperatures soared to 48°C (or 118 degrees Fahrenheit), according to official Saudi figures. However, the actual number of heat stress cases — including heatstroke, exhaustion, cramps, and rashes — was likely much higher, as many sufferers were not admitted to hospitals or clinics. This year's Hajj is expected to be the last official summer Hajj in Saudi Arabia as the annual pilgrimage starts almost a fortnight earlier each year following Islamic Hijri lunar calendar, which lasts 354 days.
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  • Muftiats of the Turkic States for the first time jointly decided on the day of the beginning of Ramadan

    “Fatwa Coordination Group” established under the Council of Heads of Muslim Religious Boards of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) has jointly agreed that first day of Ramadan in 2024 AD / 1445 AH falls on Monday, March 11, 2024.

    Taking this opportunity, we extend our congratulations to everyone reaching this holy month. May the spirit of Ramadan bring peace, prosperity and abundance to the whole Turkic-Islamic World and humanity.

    Türk Dövlətlərinin Müftilikləri ilk dəfə Ramazan ayının ilk gününü birgə müəyyən ediblər

    Türk Dövlətləri Təşkilatının (TDT) Müsəlman Dini Sədrlər Şurası nəzdində yaradılan “Fətva Koordinasiya Qrupu” ortaq qərara gəlib ki, Miladi 2024/Hicri 1445-ci ili Ramazan ayının ilk günü 11 mart 2024 bazar ertəsi gününə təsadüf edir.

    Bu münasibətlə sizlərin Ramazan ayını təbrik edir, bu müqəddəs günlərin Türk-İslam dünyasına və insanlığa sülh, firavanlıq və bərəkət gətirməsini arzu edirik.

    Түркі елдерінің мүфтияттары бас қосып, алғашқы рет бірлесе Рамазан айының басталатын күнін бекітті.

    Түркі мемлекеттері Ұйымының (ТМҰ) мұсылмандары Діни басқармасы төрағаларының Кеңесі жанынан құрылған «Пәтуа Үйлестіру тобы» биыл, 2024 жылдың 11 наурыз айының дүйсенбі күнін (һижра күнтізбесі бойынша 1445 жыл) Рамазан айының бірінші күні деп бекітті.

    Осыған орай, Сіздерді мүбәрак Рамазан айының келуімен құттықтаймыз! Рақым айында Түркі-Ислам әлемі мен күллі мұсылман қауымына береке-бірлік, ынтымақ пен ырыс дарысын!

    Түрк мамлекеттеринин муфтияттары биринчи жолу Рамазан айынын башталышын биргелешип аныкташты.

    Түрк Мамлекеттери Уюму (ТМУ) Мусулмандардын Диний Кеңешинин төрагаларынын Кеңешинин алкагында түзүлгөн «Фетва координациялык тобу» 1445-хижрий/2024-миладий жылында Рамазан айынын биринчи күнүн 11-март дүйшөмбүгө туура келгени боюнча орток чечимге келди.

    Ушуга байланыштуу сиздерди Рамазан айы менен куттуктайбыз жана бул ыйык күндөрдүн Түрк-Ислам дүйнөсүнө жана адамзатка тынчтык, бакубатчылык жана молчулук алып келүүсүнө тилектешпиз!

    Türk Devletlerinin Müftülükleri ilk kez Ramazan ayının başlangıç gününü ortaklaşa belirledi

    Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Müslüman Dini Kurul Başkanları Konseyi bünyesinde oluşturulan "Fetva Koordinasyon Grubu", Hicri 1445 / Miladi 2024 yılı Ramazan ayının ilk gününün 11 Mart 2024 Pazartesi gününe denk geldiği konusunda ortak bir karara varmıştır.

    Bu vesileyle, Ramazan ayınızı tebrik ediyor, bu mübarek günlerin Türk-İslam alemine ve insanlığa barış, refah ve bereket getirmesini temenni ediyoruz.

    Turkiy davlatlar muftiyliklari ilk marotaba Ramazon oyining boshlanish kunini o'zaro belgilab olishdi.

    Turk davlatlar tashkiloti (TDT) Musulmonlar diniy boshqarmasi raislari Kengashi qoshida tashkil etilgan “Fatvo muvofiqlashtirish guruhi” Hijriy 1445/Milodiy 2024 yil Ramazon oyining birinchi kuni 2024-yil 11-mart dushanba kuniga toʻgʻri kelishi haqida umumiy qarorga kelishdi.

    Shu munosabat bilan sizlarni Ramazon oyi bilan tabriklab, ushbu muborak kunlar turk-islom olamiga, insoniyatga tinchlik, farovonlik va to'kinlik olib kelishini tilab qolamiz.
    Muftiats of the Turkic States for the first time jointly decided on the day of the beginning of Ramadan “Fatwa Coordination Group” established under the Council of Heads of Muslim Religious Boards of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) has jointly agreed that first day of Ramadan in 2024 AD / 1445 AH falls on Monday, March 11, 2024. Taking this opportunity, we extend our congratulations to everyone reaching this holy month. May the spirit of Ramadan bring peace, prosperity and abundance to the whole Turkic-Islamic World and humanity. 🇦🇿Türk Dövlətlərinin Müftilikləri ilk dəfə Ramazan ayının ilk gününü birgə müəyyən ediblər Türk Dövlətləri Təşkilatının (TDT) Müsəlman Dini Sədrlər Şurası nəzdində yaradılan “Fətva Koordinasiya Qrupu” ortaq qərara gəlib ki, Miladi 2024/Hicri 1445-ci ili Ramazan ayının ilk günü 11 mart 2024 bazar ertəsi gününə təsadüf edir. Bu münasibətlə sizlərin Ramazan ayını təbrik edir, bu müqəddəs günlərin Türk-İslam dünyasına və insanlığa sülh, firavanlıq və bərəkət gətirməsini arzu edirik. 🇰🇿 Түркі елдерінің мүфтияттары бас қосып, алғашқы рет бірлесе Рамазан айының басталатын күнін бекітті. Түркі мемлекеттері Ұйымының (ТМҰ) мұсылмандары Діни басқармасы төрағаларының Кеңесі жанынан құрылған «Пәтуа Үйлестіру тобы» биыл, 2024 жылдың 11 наурыз айының дүйсенбі күнін (һижра күнтізбесі бойынша 1445 жыл) Рамазан айының бірінші күні деп бекітті. Осыған орай, Сіздерді мүбәрак Рамазан айының келуімен құттықтаймыз! Рақым айында Түркі-Ислам әлемі мен күллі мұсылман қауымына береке-бірлік, ынтымақ пен ырыс дарысын! 🇰🇬 Түрк мамлекеттеринин муфтияттары биринчи жолу Рамазан айынын башталышын биргелешип аныкташты. Түрк Мамлекеттери Уюму (ТМУ) Мусулмандардын Диний Кеңешинин төрагаларынын Кеңешинин алкагында түзүлгөн «Фетва координациялык тобу» 1445-хижрий/2024-миладий жылында Рамазан айынын биринчи күнүн 11-март дүйшөмбүгө туура келгени боюнча орток чечимге келди. Ушуга байланыштуу сиздерди Рамазан айы менен куттуктайбыз жана бул ыйык күндөрдүн Түрк-Ислам дүйнөсүнө жана адамзатка тынчтык, бакубатчылык жана молчулук алып келүүсүнө тилектешпиз! 🇹🇷 Türk Devletlerinin Müftülükleri ilk kez Ramazan ayının başlangıç gününü ortaklaşa belirledi Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Müslüman Dini Kurul Başkanları Konseyi bünyesinde oluşturulan "Fetva Koordinasyon Grubu", Hicri 1445 / Miladi 2024 yılı Ramazan ayının ilk gününün 11 Mart 2024 Pazartesi gününe denk geldiği konusunda ortak bir karara varmıştır. Bu vesileyle, Ramazan ayınızı tebrik ediyor, bu mübarek günlerin Türk-İslam alemine ve insanlığa barış, refah ve bereket getirmesini temenni ediyoruz. 🇺🇿 Turkiy davlatlar muftiyliklari ilk marotaba Ramazon oyining boshlanish kunini o'zaro belgilab olishdi. Turk davlatlar tashkiloti (TDT) Musulmonlar diniy boshqarmasi raislari Kengashi qoshida tashkil etilgan “Fatvo muvofiqlashtirish guruhi” Hijriy 1445/Milodiy 2024 yil Ramazon oyining birinchi kuni 2024-yil 11-mart dushanba kuniga toʻgʻri kelishi haqida umumiy qarorga kelishdi. Shu munosabat bilan sizlarni Ramazon oyi bilan tabriklab, ushbu muborak kunlar turk-islom olamiga, insoniyatga tinchlik, farovonlik va to'kinlik olib kelishini tilab qolamiz.
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  • 𝙊𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙈𝙖𝙬𝙡𝙞𝙙 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙖𝙣 𝙈𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙙

    Ottoman chronicler Muṣṭafă Selānīki (d1600) reports under the date of Rabi' al-Awwal 996 Hijri (1588CE) that Sultan Murad III issued the following decree on Mawlid:

    "Tuesday the twelfth of this month is the night when his Excellence RasulAllah Mohammed ﷺ , leader of all the living beings, source and pride of all existence - peace be upon him- was born, honoured with his visit and enlightened the courtyard of this world. It behoves us to honour him and show our reverence, so let all minarets be illuminated, and let mevlids be recited in mosques, and the nation of sinners cry and wail and ask for his intercession, and let them occupy themselves with the recitation of blessings, praises, and benedictions.

    Source: The House of Osman and Prophet Mohammed ﷺ . Research paper by Gottfried Hagen.

    #Mawlid #miladunnabi #MawlidunNabi #Milaad #MiladUnNabiMubarak #Mustafa
    𝙊𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙈𝙖𝙬𝙡𝙞𝙙 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙖𝙣 𝙈𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙙 👇 Ottoman chronicler Muṣṭafă Selānīki (d1600) reports under the date of Rabi' al-Awwal 996 Hijri (1588CE) that Sultan Murad III issued the following decree on Mawlid: "Tuesday the twelfth of this month is the night when his Excellence RasulAllah Mohammed ﷺ , leader of all the living beings, source and pride of all existence - peace be upon him- was born, honoured with his visit and enlightened the courtyard of this world. It behoves us to honour him and show our reverence, so let all minarets be illuminated, and let mevlids be recited in mosques, and the nation of sinners cry and wail and ask for his intercession, and let them occupy themselves with the recitation of blessings, praises, and benedictions. Source: The House of Osman and Prophet Mohammed ﷺ . Research paper by Gottfried Hagen. #Mawlid #miladunnabi #MawlidunNabi #Milaad #MiladUnNabiMubarak #Mustafa
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  • For the first time in the history of #SaudiArabia
    Targeting one billion pilgrims, #Umrah performers, worshipers and visitors during the new Hijri year 1445
    For the first time in the history of #SaudiArabia Targeting one billion pilgrims, #Umrah performers, worshipers and visitors during the new Hijri year 1445 🕋❤️
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  • Burj khalifa wishing Happy New Islamic Year to everyone across the Globe. Happy New Hijri Year.
    #Hijri #Islamicnewyear #burjkhalifa #Dubai
    Burj khalifa wishing Happy New Islamic Year to everyone across the Globe. Happy New Hijri Year. #Hijri #Islamicnewyear #burjkhalifa #Dubai
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  • On July 20, 2023, Muharram in Nepal, the first month of the Islamic calendar, began, marking the start of the Hijri year 1445. The Al-Hijri New Year, also known as Islamic New Year, commemorates the arrival of Prophet Mohammed in Madinah after emigrating from Makkah. It is one of four sanctified months in the Muslim faith, during which war is prohibited unless for self-defense, and performing various forms of worship is encouraged.
    On July 20, 2023, Muharram in Nepal, the first month of the Islamic calendar, began, marking the start of the Hijri year 1445. The Al-Hijri New Year, also known as Islamic New Year, commemorates the arrival of Prophet Mohammed in Madinah after emigrating from Makkah. It is one of four sanctified months in the Muslim faith, during which war is prohibited unless for self-defense, and performing various forms of worship is encouraged.
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  • Happy Islamic New Year

    1 MUHARRAM 1445

    Ya Allah!

    Help me to achieve my goals.

    We have started the new Islamic year with Bismillar
    In Sha Allah we shall end it with Alhamdulillah.

    #islamicwritings #hijriyah
    Happy Islamic New Year 1 MUHARRAM 1445 Ya Allah! Help me to achieve my goals. Amen! We have started the new Islamic year with Bismillar In Sha Allah we shall end it with Alhamdulillah. #islamicwritings #hijriyah
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  • Happy Islamic New Year

    1 MUHARRAM 1445

    Ya Allah!

    Help me to achieve my goals.


    #islamicwritings #hijriyah
    Happy Islamic New Year 1 MUHARRAM 1445 Ya Allah! Help me to achieve my goals. Amen! #islamicwritings #hijriyah
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  • Umat muslim akan merayakan Idul Adha 1444 Hijriah kurang dari sebulan lagi. Dalam kalender masehi , perayaan Idul Adha tahun ini diperingati pada hari Kamis tanggal 29 Juni 2023. Hari raya Idul Adha termasuk dalam 16 hari libur nasional 2023 yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah .

    Istiqlal - Masjid Nasional RI
    Rendra Zakaria, M Ilham Yahya

    © Indonesia 2045 || Cityscape, Wonderful Indonesia - #IndonesiaEmas2045
    ☪️ Umat muslim akan merayakan Idul Adha 1444 Hijriah kurang dari sebulan lagi. Dalam kalender masehi 📌, perayaan Idul Adha tahun ini diperingati pada hari Kamis tanggal 29 Juni 2023. Hari raya Idul Adha termasuk dalam 16 hari libur nasional 2023 yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah 👨‍⚖️. □ 🕌 Istiqlal - Masjid Nasional RI □ 📷 Rendra Zakaria, M Ilham Yahya © Indonesia 2045 || Cityscape, Wonderful Indonesia - #IndonesiaEmas2045
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