Kuran'daki Bakara Suresi'nin 22'nci ayetinden esinlenilerek tasarlanan Kırşehir Hamidiye Camii Azerbaycanlı 3 ressama çizdirilen resimlerle şimdiye kadar hiç görülmemiş bir şekilde dizayn edildi. Kırşehir’le özdeşleşen üzüm asması ve kavak ağaçlarıyla süslenen caminin halıları da sürülmüş tarlalardan
esinlenerek yapılan ve aynı zamanda halıları çimleri andıran bu camii tamamen doğadan esinlenen tasarımıyla görenleri kendine hayran bırakıyor.
Kirsehir Hamidiye Mosque, inspired by the 22nd verse of Surat al-Baqara in the Qur'an, has so far been drawn by 3 Azerbaijani painters.
Designed in a way that has never been seen before. The carpets of the mosque, which is decorated with grape vines and poplar trees, which are identified with Kırşehir, are also from plowed fields.
This mosque, which was built with inspiration and at the same time resembles grass, fascinates those who see it with its design inspired by nature.
esinlenerek yapılan ve aynı zamanda halıları çimleri andıran bu camii tamamen doğadan esinlenen tasarımıyla görenleri kendine hayran bırakıyor.
Kirsehir Hamidiye Mosque, inspired by the 22nd verse of Surat al-Baqara in the Qur'an, has so far been drawn by 3 Azerbaijani painters.
Designed in a way that has never been seen before. The carpets of the mosque, which is decorated with grape vines and poplar trees, which are identified with Kırşehir, are also from plowed fields.
This mosque, which was built with inspiration and at the same time resembles grass, fascinates those who see it with its design inspired by nature.
Kuran'daki Bakara Suresi'nin 22'nci ayetinden esinlenilerek tasarlanan Kırşehir Hamidiye Camii Azerbaycanlı 3 ressama çizdirilen resimlerle şimdiye kadar hiç görülmemiş bir şekilde dizayn edildi. Kırşehir’le özdeşleşen üzüm asması ve kavak ağaçlarıyla süslenen caminin halıları da sürülmüş tarlalardan
esinlenerek yapılan ve aynı zamanda halıları çimleri andıran bu camii tamamen doğadan esinlenen tasarımıyla görenleri kendine hayran bırakıyor.
Kirsehir Hamidiye Mosque, inspired by the 22nd verse of Surat al-Baqara in the Qur'an, has so far been drawn by 3 Azerbaijani painters.
Designed in a way that has never been seen before. The carpets of the mosque, which is decorated with grape vines and poplar trees, which are identified with Kırşehir, are also from plowed fields.
This mosque, which was built with inspiration and at the same time resembles grass, fascinates those who see it with its design inspired by nature.
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