Friday Sermon: “The Necessity of Faith: Good Deed and Good Morals”

Dear Muslims!

The basic condition of attaining the approval of our Almighty Lord and eternal salvation is belief. Faith is believing wholeheartedly in the existence and oneness of Allah, in His prophets, angels, books, the Hereafter, and that destiny and destiny are from Allah. Faith is also the sincerity of man towards his Lord and the promise of loyalty to him. It is the will to live in safety and peace.

Dear Believers!

The indicator of faith and its reflection in life are good deeds. Good deed is to show loyalty to the servitude covenant we have made with faith, to surrender to Allah with our whole being. It is to reflect our faith in our essence, words and behaviors. It is to live in peace with ourselves, our family and our environment. In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has mentioned faith and good deeds together and gave good news to those who beautify their faith with good deeds: "Those who believe and do good deeds should know that we never waste the reward of those who do good deeds."[1]

Dear Muslims!

What makes our faith perfect is morality, which is the most basic characteristic of a believer. Good morals are the greatest legacy left by the prophets to their ummah after the revelation. Putting on moral virtues and avoiding bad behavior is an indispensable responsibility for a believer. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) states the following in one of his hadiths:

Dear Believers!

We are the ummah of a prophet whom our Lord praised as وَاِنَكَ لَعَلٰى خُلُقٍ عَظ۪يمٍ “You are of course on a high morality”[3] and sent to complete good morals[4]. So, like our Beloved Prophet (pbuh), whose ummah we are honored to be, let us try to reflect our faith in every aspect of our lives and to embrace his high moral values. The reflection of faith in family life is chastity, kindness, love, compassion; avoiding hurting and hurting each other. The reflection of faith in business life is truth and honesty; It is not to give a hand to the one who does not deserve, to give the full reward of the one who deserves it. The reflection of faith in social life is respect and trust. The reflection of faith in education life is to act according to what he knows and to use his knowledge and experience for the benefit of humanity. It is to struggle to raise good generations. In short, the reflection of faith in our lives is to follow Allah's orders meticulously and to look at the creatures He has created with the eye of compassion.

Dear Muslims!

Our Almighty Lord gives the good news to the believers who will come to the presence of faith and righteous deeds as follows: Let's make these months, where time flows into Ramadan, a good start. Let us abandon our actions that are inconsistent with our faith. Let's take ourselves to account before we leave this world. Let's crown our faith with good deeds and good morals. Let's not forget that when we are put in the grave, everyone and everything will turn away, and we will be alone with our faith and our deeds.[6]

I end my sermon with the following prayer of our Prophet (pbuh): "O Allah! I ask you to bestow a firm faith adorned with good morals and deeds that will lead to eternal salvation.”[7]

[1] Kahf, 18/30.
[2] Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 15.
[3] Pen, 68/4.
[4] Ibn Hanbal, II, 381.
[5] Taha, 20/75.
[6] Bukhari, Rikak, 42.
[7] Ibn Hanbal, II, 321, Nesai, es-Sünü'l-Kübrâ, 9/14.
Friday Sermon: “The Necessity of Faith: Good Deed and Good Morals” Dear Muslims! The basic condition of attaining the approval of our Almighty Lord and eternal salvation is belief. Faith is believing wholeheartedly in the existence and oneness of Allah, in His prophets, angels, books, the Hereafter, and that destiny and destiny are from Allah. Faith is also the sincerity of man towards his Lord and the promise of loyalty to him. It is the will to live in safety and peace. Dear Believers! The indicator of faith and its reflection in life are good deeds. Good deed is to show loyalty to the servitude covenant we have made with faith, to surrender to Allah with our whole being. It is to reflect our faith in our essence, words and behaviors. It is to live in peace with ourselves, our family and our environment. In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has mentioned faith and good deeds together and gave good news to those who beautify their faith with good deeds: "Those who believe and do good deeds should know that we never waste the reward of those who do good deeds."[1] Dear Muslims! What makes our faith perfect is morality, which is the most basic characteristic of a believer. Good morals are the greatest legacy left by the prophets to their ummah after the revelation. Putting on moral virtues and avoiding bad behavior is an indispensable responsibility for a believer. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) states the following in one of his hadiths: Dear Believers! We are the ummah of a prophet whom our Lord praised as وَاِنَكَ لَعَلٰى خُلُقٍ عَظ۪يمٍ “You are of course on a high morality”[3] and sent to complete good morals[4]. So, like our Beloved Prophet (pbuh), whose ummah we are honored to be, let us try to reflect our faith in every aspect of our lives and to embrace his high moral values. The reflection of faith in family life is chastity, kindness, love, compassion; avoiding hurting and hurting each other. The reflection of faith in business life is truth and honesty; It is not to give a hand to the one who does not deserve, to give the full reward of the one who deserves it. The reflection of faith in social life is respect and trust. The reflection of faith in education life is to act according to what he knows and to use his knowledge and experience for the benefit of humanity. It is to struggle to raise good generations. In short, the reflection of faith in our lives is to follow Allah's orders meticulously and to look at the creatures He has created with the eye of compassion. Dear Muslims! Our Almighty Lord gives the good news to the believers who will come to the presence of faith and righteous deeds as follows: Let's make these months, where time flows into Ramadan, a good start. Let us abandon our actions that are inconsistent with our faith. Let's take ourselves to account before we leave this world. Let's crown our faith with good deeds and good morals. Let's not forget that when we are put in the grave, everyone and everything will turn away, and we will be alone with our faith and our deeds.[6] I end my sermon with the following prayer of our Prophet (pbuh): "O Allah! I ask you to bestow a firm faith adorned with good morals and deeds that will lead to eternal salvation.”[7] [1] Kahf, 18/30. [2] Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 15. [3] Pen, 68/4. [4] Ibn Hanbal, II, 381. [5] Taha, 20/75. [6] Bukhari, Rikak, 42. [7] Ibn Hanbal, II, 321, Nesai, es-Sünü'l-Kübrâ, 9/14.
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