Happy #worldhijabday2023
Why does this day matter? Because I believe #religiousfreedom is a basic human right and women should not be forced to choose between wearing hijab and going to university or wearing hijab and working. Just as I adamantly believe women should not be forced to wear hijab because God says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion."
Why does this day matter? Because I believe #religiousfreedom is a basic human right and women should not be forced to choose between wearing hijab and going to university or wearing hijab and working. Just as I adamantly believe women should not be forced to wear hijab because God says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion."
Happy #worldhijabday2023
Why does this day matter? Because I believe #religiousfreedom is a basic human right and women should not be forced to choose between wearing hijab and going to university or wearing hijab and working. Just as I adamantly believe women should not be forced to wear hijab because God says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion."