Ashura Dates, Balancing Grief of Hussain's ( رحمه الله) Shahadah and Victory of Musa عليه السلام over Pharoah and few misconceptions that we usually see floating around against Sunnies when it comes to #Ashura.

9th Muharram = 7th August 2022
10th Muharram = 8th August 2022
11th Muharram = 9th August 2022
(Dates specific to the USA, please check with your local Masjid)

Sunnies do not celebrate Muharram because Hussain (رضي الله عنه) died in this month.

Sunnies do not fast Ashura because we celebrate victory of Caliph Yazeed, those spreading these lies need to seriously fear Allah.

We wish happy Muharram and celebrate this month with "ibadah" because Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ termed this month as THE MONTH OF ALLAH and encouraged good deeds especially fasting in this blessed month.

Other important details.

► Firstly we follow the Sunnah and try to fast.
9th Muharram and 10th Muharram
Just 10th Muharram
10th and 11th Muharram
9th-10th-11th Muharram

► Next we do not participate in any type of mourning that is not Islamic. Howling, beating self, cutting self etc. As Muslims we mourn with dignity and grace. The best way to celebrate the legacy of Imam Hussain (رضي الله عنه) is by being righteous, just and to stand firm on the deen he gave away his life for.

That would be true upholding of his legacy and not just in the month of Muharram but every single day and every second of our lives.

► Do not get into Shia and Sunni debates on Ashura. That is the last thing you should be doing. This day is sacred and should be spent in Ibadah and seeking Allah's forgiveness and not in pumping our egos debating who is right and who is wrong.

Everyone has their own brains and intellect to learn what is right and wrong. It's between them and Allah and it applies to both Shias and Sunnies.

► Sit and reflect on the state of your eeman. Are you just a Muharram and Ramadan Muslim or are a true Muslim throughout the year.

Both incidents, that of Prophet Musa (عليه السلام) and Imam Hussain (رضي الله عنه) remind us of how truth always wins if not in this world then in akhira. And how important it is as a Muslim to fight for Haqq even if you have to give your life for it or even if you have to stand against the world's most powerful tyrant Firawn/Pharaoh.

This Ashura promise yourself to be more righteous and promise yourself to follow our pious predecessors everyday and every breath of your lives.

The day of Ashura, the 10th of Muharram. It is a special day for the Muslim world, because we have been commanded to fast on it to commemorate the blessings of Allah upon Musa (Moses) عليه السلام and his followers when they were saved from the Pharaoh. Fasting on that day forgives the sins of the previous year.

The tragedy of the martyrdom of Husayn (r) happens to coincide with this day. This tragedy, which occurred 5 decades after the the death of our beloved Prophet (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ), is a historical one, not a theological one.

Our hearts grieve that such an evil murder was committed, due to political greed and lust for power by the Caliph Yazeed. But our religion of Islam was not made, altered, or modified by the events of that day.

Rather, more than 50 years before this, on the Day of the Farewell Pilgrimage, Allah had revealed in the Quran
❝..Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My Favors upon you, and chosen Islam as your way of life..❞
{Surah Al Ma'idah 5 : Verse 3}


And remember to be pious whilst being empathetic and non judgmental towards others.

❝You might come across a person who is not fasting on #Ashura, so beware that you admire your fasting and belittle his! Him not fasting is permissible and your self-admiration is prohibited. He could be busy or have an excuse greater than the reward of your fasting.❞
- Dr. Omar Al-Muqbil

May Allah accept our Ibadah, forgive our shortcomings and give us clean slates - Allahumma ameen. 🏽

Via The Ideal Muslimah
Ashura Dates, Balancing Grief of Hussain's ( رحمه الله) Shahadah and Victory of Musa عليه السلام over Pharoah and few misconceptions that we usually see floating around against Sunnies when it comes to #Ashura. 📅 DATES: 9th Muharram = 7th August 2022 10th Muharram = 8th August 2022 11th Muharram = 9th August 2022 (Dates specific to the USA, please check with your local Masjid) ► MISCONCEPTIONS AND LIES ❌ Sunnies do not celebrate Muharram because Hussain (رضي الله عنه) died in this month. ❌ Sunnies do not fast Ashura because we celebrate victory of Caliph Yazeed, those spreading these lies need to seriously fear Allah. We wish happy Muharram and celebrate this month with "ibadah" because Rasool Allah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ termed this month as THE MONTH OF ALLAH and encouraged good deeds especially fasting in this blessed month. Other important details. 🌸 HOW DO I BALANCE MY HAPPINESS AND GRIEF? ► Firstly we follow the Sunnah and try to fast. 9th Muharram and 10th Muharram or Just 10th Muharram or 10th and 11th Muharram or 9th-10th-11th Muharram ► Next we do not participate in any type of mourning that is not Islamic. Howling, beating self, cutting self etc. As Muslims we mourn with dignity and grace. The best way to celebrate the legacy of Imam Hussain (رضي الله عنه) is by being righteous, just and to stand firm on the deen he gave away his life for. That would be true upholding of his legacy and not just in the month of Muharram but every single day and every second of our lives. ► Do not get into Shia and Sunni debates on Ashura. That is the last thing you should be doing. This day is sacred and should be spent in Ibadah and seeking Allah's forgiveness and not in pumping our egos debating who is right and who is wrong. Everyone has their own brains and intellect to learn what is right and wrong. It's between them and Allah and it applies to both Shias and Sunnies. ► Sit and reflect on the state of your eeman. Are you just a Muharram and Ramadan Muslim or are a true Muslim throughout the year. Both incidents, that of Prophet Musa (عليه السلام) and Imam Hussain (رضي الله عنه) remind us of how truth always wins if not in this world then in akhira. And how important it is as a Muslim to fight for Haqq even if you have to give your life for it or even if you have to stand against the world's most powerful tyrant Firawn/Pharaoh. This Ashura promise yourself to be more righteous and promise yourself to follow our pious predecessors everyday and every breath of your lives. The day of Ashura, the 10th of Muharram. It is a special day for the Muslim world, because we have been commanded to fast on it to commemorate the blessings of Allah upon Musa (Moses) عليه السلام and his followers when they were saved from the Pharaoh. Fasting on that day forgives the sins of the previous year. The tragedy of the martyrdom of Husayn (r) happens to coincide with this day. This tragedy, which occurred 5 decades after the the death of our beloved Prophet (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ), is a historical one, not a theological one. Our hearts grieve that such an evil murder was committed, due to political greed and lust for power by the Caliph Yazeed. But our religion of Islam was not made, altered, or modified by the events of that day. Rather, more than 50 years before this, on the Day of the Farewell Pilgrimage, Allah had revealed in the Quran 📚 ❝..Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My Favors upon you, and chosen Islam as your way of life..❞ {Surah Al Ma'idah 5 : Verse 3} THE DAY OF ASHURA IS A DAY OF WORSHIP, NOT A DAY OF MOURNING. 📿 And remember to be pious whilst being empathetic and non judgmental towards others. ❝You might come across a person who is not fasting on #Ashura, so beware that you admire your fasting and belittle his! Him not fasting is permissible and your self-admiration is prohibited. He could be busy or have an excuse greater than the reward of your fasting.❞ - Dr. Omar Al-Muqbil May Allah accept our Ibadah, forgive our shortcomings and give us clean slates - Allahumma ameen. 🤲🏽 Via The Ideal Muslimah
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