#OnThisDay in 1658, Sultān Muḥī al-Dīn Muḥammad Aurangzeb became the Mughal Emperor!

Under his rule, his territory and land expanded to 4 million square miles, and ruled over an estimated 158 million people. He even surprised China into the world's largest economy.

The great orthodox Muslim leader Aurangzeb 'Ālamgīr was the last prominent Mughal emperor and ruled over the entire Indian subcontinent including present-day; Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Bengal as well as northern and southern India. His main goal and focus was to make Islām a dominant force in his reign.

He was said to be both the richest and most powerful leader of his day as he showed tactical and strategic military skill, great powers of dissimulation, and ruthless determination. He also commissioned the compilation of Fatāwā 'Ālamgīrī on Ḥanafī Fiqh. The emperor was also a disciple of Khwājah Muḥammad Ma'sūm Fārūqī Sirhindī on the Naqshbandī Mujaddidī Sūfī path.

May Allāh Subḥānahu wa Ta'āla elevate his rank!
#OnThisDay in 1658, Sultān Muḥī al-Dīn Muḥammad Aurangzeb became the Mughal Emperor! Under his rule, his territory and land expanded to 4 million square miles, and ruled over an estimated 158 million people. He even surprised China into the world's largest economy. The great orthodox Muslim leader Aurangzeb 'Ālamgīr was the last prominent Mughal emperor and ruled over the entire Indian subcontinent including present-day; Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Bengal as well as northern and southern India. His main goal and focus was to make Islām a dominant force in his reign. He was said to be both the richest and most powerful leader of his day as he showed tactical and strategic military skill, great powers of dissimulation, and ruthless determination. He also commissioned the compilation of Fatāwā 'Ālamgīrī on Ḥanafī Fiqh. The emperor was also a disciple of Khwājah Muḥammad Ma'sūm Fārūqī Sirhindī on the Naqshbandī Mujaddidī Sūfī path. May Allāh Subḥānahu wa Ta'āla elevate his rank!
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